Commit 1e1e08a9 by FritzFlorian

Add yielding to scheduler loop.

We yield after num_thread failed steals in a row. This parameter can be tuned for better performance, but we stick to a sensible default just to prevent massive spinning.
parent 15c71232
Pipeline #1414 failed with stages
in 37 seconds
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ void scheduler::work_thread_work_section() {
unsigned int failed_steals = 0;
while (!work_section_done_) {
PLS_ASSERT(my_task_manager.check_task_chain(), "Must start stealing with a clean task chain.");
......@@ -111,6 +112,12 @@ void scheduler::work_thread_work_section() {
stolen_task->is_synchronized_ = false;
// We will continue execution in this line when we finished the stolen work.
failed_steals = 0;
} else {
if (failed_steals >= num_threads) {
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