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# Notes on performance measures during development

3 4 5
#### Commit 52fcb51f - Add basic random stealing

Slight improvement, needs further measurement after removing more important bottlenecks.
6 7 8 9
Below are three individual measurements of the difference.
Overall the trend (sum of all numbers/last number),
go down (98.7%, 96.9% and 100.6%), but with the one measurement
above 100% we think the improvements are minor.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

| | | | | | | | | | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
old     |    1659.01 us|    967.19 us|    830.08 us|    682.69 us|    737.71 us|    747.92 us|    749.37 us|    829.75 us|   7203.73 us
new     |    1676.06 us|    981.56 us|    814.71 us|    698.72 us|    680.87 us|    737.68 us|    756.91 us|    764.71 us|   7111.22 us
change  |    101.03  %|    101.49  %|     98.15  %|    102.35  %|     92.30  %|     98.63  %|    101.01  %|     92.16  %|     98.72  %

| | | | | | | | | | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
old     |    1648.65 us|    973.33 us|    820.18 us|    678.80 us|    746.21 us|    767.63 us|    747.17 us|   1025.35 us|   7407.32 us
new     |    1655.09 us|    964.99 us|    807.57 us|    731.34 us|    747.47 us|    714.71 us|    794.35 us|    760.28 us|   7175.80 us
change  |    100.39  %|     99.14  %|     98.46  %|    107.74  %|    100.17  %|     93.11  %|    106.31  %|     74.15  %|     96.87  %

| | | | | | | | | | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
old     |    1654.26 us|    969.12 us|    832.13 us|    680.69 us|    718.70 us|    750.80 us|    744.12 us|    775.24 us|   7125.07 us
new     |    1637.04 us|    978.09 us|    799.93 us|    709.33 us|    746.42 us|    684.87 us|    822.30 us|    787.61 us|   7165.59 us
change  |     98.96  %|    100.93  %|     96.13  %|    104.21  %|    103.86  %|     91.22  %|    110.51  %|    101.60  %|    100.57  %
28 29 30 31 32 33

#### Commit 3535cbd8  - Cache Align scheduler_memory

Big improvements of about 6% in our test. This seems like a little,
but 6% from the scheduler is a lot, as the 'main work' is the tasks
itself, not the scheduler.
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

This change unsurprisingly yields the biggest improvement yet.

#### Commit b9bb90a4  - Try to figure out the 'high thread bottleneck'

We are currently seeing good performance on low core counts
(up to 1/2 of the machines cores), but after that performance

Bana-Pi Best-Case:

<img src="./media/b9bb90a4-banana-pi-best-case.png" width="400"/>

Bana-Pi Average-Case:

<img src="./media/b9bb90a4-banana-pi-average-case.png" width="400"/>

Laptop Best-Case:

<img src="./media/b9bb90a4-laptop-best-case.png" width="400"/>

Laptop Average-Case:

<img src="./media/b9bb90a4-laptop-average-case.png" width="400"/>

As we can see, in average the performance of PLS starts getting
way worse than TBB and EMBB after 4 cores. We suspect this is due
to contemption, but could not resolve it with any combination
of `tas_spinlock` vs `ttas_spinlock` and `lock` vs `try_lock`.

This issue clearly needs further investigation.

67 68
### Commit aa27064 - Performance with ttsa spinlocks (and 'full blocking' top level)

<img src="media/aa27064_fft_average.png" width="400"/>
70 71 72

### Commit d16ad3e - Performance with rw-lock and backoff

<img src="media/d16ad3e_fft_average.png" width="400"/>
74 75

### Commit 18b2d744 - Performance with lock-free deque
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

After much tinkering we still have performance problems with higher
thread counts in the FFT benchmark. Upward from 4/5 threads the
performance gains start to saturate (before removing the top level
locks we even saw a slight drop in performance).

Currently the FFT benchmark shows the following results (average):

<img src="media/18b2d744_fft_average.png" width="400"/>
85 86 87 88

We want to positively note that the overall trend of 'performance drops'
at the hyperthreading mark is not really bad anymore, it rather
seems similar to EMBB now (with backoff + lockfree deque + top level
89 90 91
reader-writers lock). This comes partly because the spike at 4 threads
is lower (less performance at 4 threads). We also see better times
on the multiprogramed system with the lock-free deque.
92 93 94 95 96

This is discouraging after many tests. To see where the overhead lies
we also implemented the unbalanced tree search benchmark,
resulting in the following, suprisingly good, results (average):

<img src="media/18b2d744_unbalanced_average.png" width="400"/>
98 99 100 101 102 103 104

The main difference between the two benchmarks is, that the second
one has more work and the work is relatively independent.
Additionaly, the first one uses our high level API (parallel invoke),
while the second one uses our low level API.
It is worth investigating if either or high level API or the structure
of the memory access in FFT are the problem.
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115

### Commit cf056856 - Remove two-level scheduler

In this test we replace the two level scheduler with ONLY fork_join
tasks. This removes the top level steal overhead and performs only
internal stealing. For this we set the fork_join task as the only
possible task type and removed the top level rw-lock, the digging
down to our level and solely use internal stealing.

Average results FFT:

<img src="media/cf056856_fft_average.png" width="400"/>
117 118 119

Average results Unbalanced:

<img src="media/cf056856_unbalanced_average.png" width="400"/>
121 122 123 124

There seems to be only a minor performance difference between the two,
suggesting tha our two-level approach is not the part causing our
weaker performance.
125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

### Commit afd0331b - Some notes on scaling problems

After tweaking individual values and parameters we can still not find
the main cause for our slowdown on multiple processors.
We also use intel's vtune amplifier to measure performance on our run
and find that we always spend way too much time 'waiting for work',
e.g. in the backoff mechanism when enabled or in the locks for stealing
work when backoff is disabled. This leads us to believe that our problems
might be connected to some issue with work distribution on the FFT case,
as the unbalanced tree search (with a lot 'local' work) performs good.

To get more data in we add benchmarks on matrix multiplication implemented
in two fashions: once with a 'native' array stealing task and once with
a fork-join task. Both implementations use the same minimum array
sub-size of 4 elements and we can hopefully see if they have any
performance differences.

Best case fork-join:

<img src="media/afd0331b_matrix_best_case_fork.png" width="400"/>

Average case fork-join:

<img src="media/afd0331b_matrix_average_case_fork.png" width="400"/>

Best case Native:

<img src="media/afd0331b_matrix_best_case_native.png" width="400"/>

Average case Native:

<img src="media/afd0331b_matrix_average_case_native.png" width="400"/>
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

What we find very interesting is, that the best case times of our
pls library are very fast (as good as TBB), but the average times
drop badly. We currently do not know why this is the case.

### Commit afd0331b - Intel VTune Amplifier

We did serval measurements with intel's VTune Amplifier profiling
tool. The main thing that we notice is, that the cycles per instruction
for our useful work blocks increase, thus requiring more CPU time
for the acutal useful work.

We also measured an implementation using TBB and found no significante
difference, e.g. TBB also has a higher CPI with 8 threads.
Our conclusion after this long hunting for performance is, that we
might just be bound by some general performance issues with our code.
The next step will therefore be to read the other frameworks and our
code carefully, trying to find potential issues.
176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244

### Commit 116cf4af - Removing Exponential Backoff

In the steal loop we first hade a backoff-mechanism as often seen in
locks (spin with relaxed CPU, then sleep/yield after too many backoffs).
The rationale behind this is to relax the memory bus by not busily
working on atomic variables. We introduced it first with the fear that
keeping the CPU busy with spinning would degregade performance of the
other working threads. However, the above examination with Intel VTune
showed that this seems to not be the main problem of our implementation
(TBB shows the same CPI increases with more threads, our implementation
seems fine in this regard).

To further reduce elements that could cause performance problems, we
therefore decided to perform one more measurement without this backoff.

#### Results of FFT

The first measurement is on the FFT. Here we tested two variants:
One with a 'yield/sleep' statement after a worker thread failed
to steal any work after the first try on every other thread and
one without this sleep. The rationale behind the sleep is that
it relaxes the CPU (it is also found in EMBB).

Average with sleep:

<img src="media/116cf4af_fft_average_sleep.png" width="400"/>

Average without sleep:

<img src="media/116cf4af_fft_average_no_sleep.png" width="400"/>

We clearly observe that the version without a sleep statement
is faster, and thus in future experiments/measurements
will exclude this statement. This also makes sense, as our
steal loop can fail, even thought there potentially is work
(because of our lock free deque implementation).

#### Results Matrix

We re-ran our benchmarks on the fork-join and native matrix
multiplication implementation to see how those change without
the backoff. We expect good results, as the matrix multiplication
mostly has enough work to keep all threads busy, thus having
workers less time spinning in the steal loop.

Average Fork-Join Matrix:

<img src="media/116cf4af_matrix_average_fork.png" width="400"/>

Average Native Matrix:

<img src="media/116cf4af_matrix_average_native.png" width="400"/>

The results are far better than the last ones, and indicate that
removing the backoff can drasticly improve performance.

#### Conclusion

We will exclude the backoff mechanisms for further tests, as this
seems to generally improve (or at least not harm performance in
case of FFT).

We also want to note that all these measurements are not very
controlled/scientific, but simply ran ot our notebook for
fast iterations over different, potential issues with our scheduler.
245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283

### Commit 116cf4af - VTune Amplifier and MRSW top level lock

When looking at why our code works quite well on problems with
mostly busy workers and not so well on code with spinning/waiting
workers (like in the FFT), we take a closer look at the FFT and
matrix multiplication in VTune.


<img src="media/116cf4af_fft_vtune.png" width="400"/>


<img src="media/116cf4af_matrix_vtune.png" width="400"/>

The sections highlighted in red represent parts of the code spent
on spinning in the work-stealing loop.
We can see that as long as our workers are mainly busy/find work
in the stealing loop the overhead spent on spinning is minimal.
We can also see that in the FFT considerable amounts of time are
spent spining.

A general observation are the high CPI rates for our spinning code.
This makes sense, as we are currently working on locks that share
atomic variables in order to work, thus leading to cache misses.

### Commit 116cf4af - 2D Heat Diffusion

As a last test for our current state on performance we implemented the
2D heat diffusion benchmark using our framework (using fork-join based
parallel_for, 512 heat array size):

<img src="media/116cf4af_heat_average.png" width="400"/>

We observe solid performance from our implementation.
(Again, not very scientific test environment, but good enough for
our general direction)