Commit a7a3dc9b by FritzFlorian

Add further notes on our findings on preformance issues.

parent 3ff10baa
Pipeline #1155 passed with stages
in 3 minutes 32 seconds
......@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
#### Commit 52fcb51f - Add basic random stealing
Slight improvement, needs further measurement after removing more important bottlenecks.
Below are three individual measurements of the difference.
Overall the trend (sum of all numbers/last number),
go down (98.7%, 96.9% and 100.6%), but with the one measurement
above 100% we think the improvements are minor.
| | | | | | | | | | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
......@@ -27,3 +31,35 @@ change | 98.96 %| 100.93 %| 96.13 %| 104.21 %| 103.86 %|
Big improvements of about 6% in our test. This seems like a little,
but 6% from the scheduler is a lot, as the 'main work' is the tasks
itself, not the scheduler.
This change unsurprisingly yields the biggest improvement yet.
#### Commit b9bb90a4 - Try to figure out the 'high thread bottleneck'
We are currently seeing good performance on low core counts
(up to 1/2 of the machines cores), but after that performance
Bana-Pi Best-Case:
<img src="./media/b9bb90a4-banana-pi-best-case.png" width="400"/>
Bana-Pi Average-Case:
<img src="./media/b9bb90a4-banana-pi-average-case.png" width="400"/>
Laptop Best-Case:
<img src="./media/b9bb90a4-laptop-best-case.png" width="400"/>
Laptop Average-Case:
<img src="./media/b9bb90a4-laptop-average-case.png" width="400"/>
As we can see, in average the performance of PLS starts getting
way worse than TBB and EMBB after 4 cores. We suspect this is due
to contemption, but could not resolve it with any combination
of `tas_spinlock` vs `ttas_spinlock` and `lock` vs `try_lock`.
This issue clearly needs further investigation.
......@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
This section will give a brief introduction on how to get a minimal
project setup that uses the PLS library.
Further notes on [performance]( and general
[notes]( on the development progress can be found in
the linked documents.
### Installation
Clone the repository and open a terminal session in its folder.
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