Pipeline.scala 5.87 KB
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package vexriscv

import vexriscv.plugin._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

trait PipelineConfig[T]

trait Pipeline {
  type T <: Pipeline
  val plugins = ArrayBuffer[Plugin[T]]()
  var stages = ArrayBuffer[Stage]()
  var unremovableStages = mutable.Set[Stage]()
  val configs = mutable.HashMap[PipelineConfig[_], Any]()
//  val services = ArrayBuffer[Any]()

  def indexOf(stage : Stage) = stages.indexOf(stage)

  def service[T](clazz : Class[T]) = {
    val filtered = plugins.filter(o => clazz.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass))
    assert(filtered.length == 1)

  def serviceExist[T](clazz : Class[T]) = {
    val filtered = plugins.filter(o => clazz.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass))
     filtered.length != 0

  def serviceElse[T](clazz : Class[T], default : => T) : T = {
    if(!serviceExist(clazz)) return default
    val filtered = plugins.filter(o => clazz.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass))
    assert(filtered.length == 1)

  def update[T](that : PipelineConfig[T], value : T) : Unit = configs(that) = value
  def apply[T](that : PipelineConfig[T]) : T = configs(that).asInstanceOf[T]

  def build(): Unit ={
    plugins.foreach(_.pipeline = this.asInstanceOf[T])

    //Build plugins

    //Interconnect stages
    class KeyInfo{
      var insertStageId = Int.MaxValue
      var lastInputStageId = Int.MinValue
      var lastOutputStageId = Int.MinValue

      def addInputStageIndex(stageId : Int): Unit = {
        require(stageId >= insertStageId)
        lastInputStageId = Math.max(lastInputStageId,stageId)
        lastOutputStageId = Math.max(lastOutputStageId,stageId-1)

      def addOutputStageIndex(stageId : Int): Unit = {
        require(stageId >= insertStageId)
        lastInputStageId = Math.max(lastInputStageId,stageId)
        lastOutputStageId = Math.max(lastOutputStageId,stageId)

      def setInsertStageId(stageId : Int) = insertStageId = stageId

    val inputOutputKeys = mutable.HashMap[Stageable[Data],KeyInfo]()
    val insertedStageable = mutable.Set[Stageable[Data]]()
    for(stageIndex <- 0 until stages.length; stage = stages(stageIndex)){
      stage.inserts.keysIterator.foreach(signal => inputOutputKeys.getOrElseUpdate(signal,new KeyInfo).setInsertStageId(stageIndex))
      stage.inserts.keysIterator.foreach(insertedStageable += _)

    val missingInserts = mutable.Set[Stageable[Data]]()
    for(stageIndex <- 0 until stages.length; stage = stages(stageIndex)){
      stage.inputs.keysIterator.foreach(key => if(!insertedStageable.contains(key)) missingInserts += key)
      stage.outputs.keysIterator.foreach(key => if(!insertedStageable.contains(key)) missingInserts += key)

      throw new Exception("Missing inserts : " + missingInserts.map(_.getName()).mkString(", "))

    for(stageIndex <- 0 until stages.length; stage = stages(stageIndex)){
      stage.inputs.keysIterator.foreach(key => inputOutputKeys.getOrElseUpdate(key,new KeyInfo).addInputStageIndex(stageIndex))
      stage.outputs.keysIterator.foreach(key => inputOutputKeys.getOrElseUpdate(key,new KeyInfo).addOutputStageIndex(stageIndex))

    for((key,info) <- inputOutputKeys) {
      //Interconnect inputs -> outputs
      for (stageIndex <- info.insertStageId to info.lastOutputStageId;
           stage = stages(stageIndex)) {
        val outputDefault = stage.outputsDefault.getOrElse(key, null)
        if (outputDefault != null) {
          outputDefault := stage.input(key)

      //Interconnect outputs -> inputs
      for (stageIndex <- info.insertStageId to info.lastInputStageId) {
        val stage = stages(stageIndex)
        val inputDefault = stage.inputsDefault.getOrElse(key, null)
        if (inputDefault != null) {
          if (stageIndex == info.insertStageId) {
            inputDefault := stage.inserts(key)
          } else {
            val stageBefore = stages(stageIndex - 1)
            inputDefault := RegNextWhen(stageBefore.output(key), !stage.arbitration.isStuck).setName(s"${stageBefore.getName()}_to_${stage.getName()}_${key.getName()}")

    for(stageIndex <- 0 until stages.length; stage = stages(stageIndex)) {
      stage.arbitration.isFlushed := stages.drop(stageIndex).map(_.arbitration.flushAll).orR
        stage.arbitration.removeIt setWhen stage.arbitration.isFlushed
        assert(stage.arbitration.removeIt === False,"removeIt should never be asserted on this stage")


    for(stageIndex <- 0 until stages.length; stage = stages(stageIndex)){
      stage.arbitration.isStuckByOthers := stage.arbitration.haltByOther || stages.takeRight(stages.length - stageIndex - 1).map(s => s.arbitration.isStuck/* && !s.arbitration.removeIt*/).foldLeft(False)(_ || _)
      stage.arbitration.isStuck := stage.arbitration.haltItself || stage.arbitration.isStuckByOthers
      stage.arbitration.isMoving := !stage.arbitration.isStuck && !stage.arbitration.removeIt
      stage.arbitration.isFiring := stage.arbitration.isValid && !stage.arbitration.isStuck && !stage.arbitration.removeIt

    for(stageIndex <- 1 until stages.length){
      val stageBefore = stages(stageIndex - 1)
      val stage = stages(stageIndex)
      stage.arbitration.isValid.setAsReg() init(False)
      when(!stage.arbitration.isStuck || stage.arbitration.removeIt) {
        stage.arbitration.isValid := False
      when(!stageBefore.arbitration.isStuck && !stageBefore.arbitration.removeIt) {
        stage.arbitration.isValid := stageBefore.arbitration.isValid

  Component.current.addPrePopTask(() => build())