Commit c7ae7ee4 by Michael Schmid

Added Odroid XU4 as another supported board

parent 51667d5c
Pipeline #2642 passed with stages
in 4 minutes 38 seconds
# Setup BananaPI for benchmarking
# Setup Hardware (Banana PI and Drdroid XU4) for benchmarking
The goal of this documentation is to get a linux image running on a
bananaPI board that allows for very isolated benchmarks showing full
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ time distributions of the measurement runs.
## Base Setup
First step is to get a linux image running on the banana PI. We choose to use the
First step is to get a linux image running on the hardware platforms. We choose to use the
[armbian]( project as it is the only one with support for the
bananaPI m3. For this we generally
both boards. For this we generally
[follow the instructions given](,
below are notes on what to do to get the rt kernel patch into it and to build.
......@@ -23,19 +23,21 @@ General Setup:
- `$ git clone --depth 1`
- `$ cd build`
- To verify the environment first go for a 'clean build' without patch: `# ./`
- Select the bananaPI m3 board and a minimal console build
- Select the bananaPI m3/odroid xu4 board and a minimal console build
- NOTE: To this date, the legacy kernel (4.14.y) has to be selected for the odroid xu4 board
Apply RT Pach:
- Find the current kernel version armbian is using, e.g. from the previous build logs
- Download and unpack the matching rt path from
- You should have a single .patch file, place it in build/userpatches/kernel/sunix-current/patch-5.4.28-rt19.patch
- Re-run the `# ./` script
- Select BananaPI M3, Command Line Minimal and SHOW KERNEL CONFIG
- Select BananaPI M3/Odroid XU4, Command Line Minimal and SHOW KERNEL CONFIG
- The build should pick up the patch (and show it in the logs)
- You will be ask to fill in some settings. Choose (4) fully preemptive at the first option
- Fill out the other asked settings to your liking. To avoid issues just leave them at default.
- You will then be in the kernel config window
- Here disable the file systems AUFS and NFS in the settings (they cause build issues and we do not need them)
- BananaPI: Here disable the file systems AUFS and NFS in the settings (they cause build issues and we do not need them)
- Odroid: Disable Heterogeneous Multi-Processing (HMP) in the settings (does not work with preempt_rt yet)
- Store the settings and build the image
- If successfull, the flashed image should show the preempt patch with `uname -a` and should have good latencies in cyclictest
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