Commit 237588ee by FritzFlorian

Add basic backoff to stealing mechanism.

parent 25d18c11
Pipeline #1161 passed with stages
in 3 minutes 40 seconds
......@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ namespace internal {
namespace base {
class backoff {
const unsigned long INITIAL_SPIN_ITERS = 2u << 2u;
const unsigned long MAX_SPIN_ITERS = 2u << 6u;
const unsigned long INITIAL_SPIN_ITERS = 2u << 4u;
const unsigned long MAX_SPIN_ITERS = 2u << 8u;
const unsigned long MAX_ITERS = 2u << 10u;
const unsigned long YELD_ITERS = 2u << 10u;
unsigned long current_ = INITIAL_SPIN_ITERS;
std::minstd_rand random_;
......@@ -32,10 +34,12 @@ class backoff {
spin(random_() % std::min(current_, MAX_SPIN_ITERS));
current_ = current_ * 2;
if (current_ > MAX_SPIN_ITERS) {
current_ = MAX_SPIN_ITERS;
if (current_ >= YELD_ITERS) {
current_ = std::min(current_ * 2, MAX_ITERS);
void reset() {
......@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
#include "aligned_stack.h"
namespace pls {
namespace internal {
namespace data_structures {
......@@ -87,10 +85,10 @@ class work_stealing_deque {
using state = aligned_stack::state;
explicit work_stealing_deque(aligned_stack *stack) : stack_{stack},
base_pointer_{0} {
previous_tail_{0} {
work_stealing_deque(const work_stealing_deque &other) : stack_{other.stack_},
......@@ -128,9 +126,6 @@ class work_stealing_deque {
template<typename T>
Item *push_tail(const T &new_item) {
cas_integer local_tail = tail_;
cas_integer local_head = head_;
PLS_ASSERT((local_tail >= get_offset(local_head)), "Tail MUST be in front of head!")
auto new_pair = allocate_item(new_item);
// Prepare current tail to point to correct next items
......@@ -143,13 +138,6 @@ class work_stealing_deque {
// Linearization point, item appears after this write
cas_integer new_tail = current_stack_offset();
tail_ = new_tail;
std::lock_guard<base::spin_lock> lock{lock_};
std::cout << base::this_thread::state<scheduling::thread_state>()->id_ << " - "
<< "Pushed Tail " << local_tail << "->" << new_tail << std::endl;
return &(new_pair->second);
......@@ -172,13 +160,6 @@ class work_stealing_deque {
local_head = head_; // Linearization point, outside knows list is empty
if (get_offset(local_head) < new_tail) {
std::lock_guard<base::spin_lock> lock{lock_};
std::cout << base::this_thread::state<scheduling::thread_state>()->id_ << " - "
<< "Poped Tail (distance) " << local_tail << "->" << new_tail << std::endl;
return previous_tail_item->data<Item>(); // Success, enough distance to other threads
......@@ -186,26 +167,10 @@ class work_stealing_deque {
cas_integer new_head = set_stamp(new_tail, get_stamp(local_head) + 1);
// Try competing with consumers by updating the head's stamp value
if (head_.compare_exchange_strong(local_head, new_head)) {
std::lock_guard<base::spin_lock> lock{lock_};
std::cout << base::this_thread::state<scheduling::thread_state>()->id_ << " - "
<< "Poped Tail (won competition 1) " << local_tail << "->" << new_tail << std::endl;
return previous_tail_item->data<Item>(); // SUCCESS, we won the competition with other threads
std::lock_guard<base::spin_lock> lock{lock_};
std::cout << base::this_thread::state<scheduling::thread_state>()->id_ << " - "
<< "FAILED to pop tail (lost competition) " << get_offset(local_head) << "; " << local_tail << "->"
<< new_tail << std::endl;
// Some other thread either won the competition or it already set the head further than we are
// before we even tried to compete with it.
// Reset the queue into an empty state => head_ = tail_
......@@ -236,22 +201,9 @@ class work_stealing_deque {
// 3) owning thread removed tail, we lose to this
cas_integer new_head = set_stamp(next_item_offset, get_stamp(local_head) + 1);
if (head_.compare_exchange_strong(local_head, new_head)) {
std::lock_guard<base::spin_lock> lock{lock_};
std::cout << base::this_thread::state<scheduling::thread_state>()->id_ << " - "
<< "Popped Head " << get_offset(local_head) << "->" << next_item_offset << std::endl;
return head_data_item; // SUCCESS, we won the competition
std::lock_guard<base::spin_lock> lock{lock_};
std::cout << base::this_thread::state<scheduling::thread_state>()->id_ << " - "
<< "Failed to pop head " << get_offset(local_head) << "->" << next_item_offset << std::endl;
return nullptr; // EMPTY, we lost the competition
......@@ -270,14 +222,6 @@ class work_stealing_deque {
head_ = set_stamp(item_offset, get_stamp(local_head) + 1);
std::lock_guard<base::spin_lock> lock{lock_};
std::cout << base::this_thread::state<scheduling::thread_state>()->id_ << " - "
<< "Release Memory " << item_offset << std::endl;
void release_memory_until(Item *item) {
#include <pls/internal/base/backoff.h>
#include "pls/internal/helpers/profiler.h"
#include "pls/internal/scheduling/thread_state.h"
......@@ -9,6 +10,8 @@ namespace internal {
namespace scheduling {
bool abstract_task::steal_work() {
thread_local static base::backoff backoff{};
const auto my_state = base::this_thread::state<thread_state>();
const auto my_scheduler = my_state->scheduler_;
......@@ -44,6 +47,7 @@ bool abstract_task::steal_work() {
if (internal_stealing(current_task)) {
// internal steal was a success, hand it back to the internal scheduler
return true;
......@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ bool abstract_task::steal_work() {
auto lock = &target_state->lock_;
if (current_task->split_task(lock)) {
// top level steal was a success (we did a top level task steal)
return false;
......@@ -71,6 +76,7 @@ bool abstract_task::steal_work() {
// internal steal was no success
return false;
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