Commit 0228aa92 by FritzFlorian

Allow to re-use main thread as worker.

parent 18cd7cf7
Pipeline #1259 failed with stages
in 60 minutes 47 seconds
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ using scheduler_thread = base::thread<decltype(&worker_routine), thread_state>;
class scheduler {
friend class task;
const unsigned int num_threads_;
const bool reuse_thread_;
scheduler_memory *memory_;
base::barrier sync_barrier_;
......@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ class scheduler {
* @param memory All memory is allocated statically, thus the user is required to provide the memory instance.
* @param num_threads The number of worker threads to be created.
explicit scheduler(scheduler_memory *memory, unsigned int num_threads);
explicit scheduler(scheduler_memory *memory, unsigned int num_threads, bool reuse_thread = true);
* The scheduler is implicitly terminated as soon as it leaves the scope.
......@@ -14,19 +14,30 @@ template<typename Function>
void scheduler::perform_work(Function work_section) {
// if (execute_main_thread) {
// work_section();
// sync_barrier_.wait(); // Trigger threads to wake up
// sync_barrier_.wait(); // Wait for threads to finish
// } else {
// Prepare main root task
lambda_task_by_reference<Function> root_task{work_section};
main_thread_root_task_ = &root_task;
work_section_done_ = false;
sync_barrier_.wait(); // Trigger threads to wake up
sync_barrier_.wait(); // Wait for threads to finish
// }
if (reuse_thread_) {
// TODO: See if we should change thread-states to not make our state override the current thread state
auto my_state = memory_->thread_state_for(0);
base::this_thread::set_state(my_state); // Make THIS THREAD become the main worker
sync_barrier_.wait(); // Trigger threads to wake up
// Do work (see if we can remove this duplicated code)
root_task.parent_ = nullptr;
root_task.deque_state_ = my_state->deque_.save_state();
work_section_done_ = true;
sync_barrier_.wait(); // Wait for threads to finish
} else {
// Simply trigger the others to do the work, this thread will sleep/wait for the time being
sync_barrier_.wait(); // Trigger threads to wake up
sync_barrier_.wait(); // Wait for threads to finish
template<typename T>
......@@ -62,12 +62,13 @@ void task::spawn_child(T &&sub_task) {
template<typename T>
void task::spawn_child_and_wait(T &&sub_task) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<task, typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::value, "Only pass task subclasses!");
// Assign forced values (for stack and parent management)
sub_task.parent_ = nullptr;
sub_task.deque_state_ = thread_state::get()->deque_.save_state();
......@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ namespace pls {
namespace internal {
namespace scheduling {
scheduler::scheduler(scheduler_memory *memory, const unsigned int num_threads) :
scheduler::scheduler(scheduler_memory *memory, const unsigned int num_threads, bool reuse_thread) :
sync_barrier_{num_threads + 1},
sync_barrier_{num_threads + 1 - reuse_thread},
terminated_{false} {
if (num_threads_ > memory_->max_threads()) {
PLS_ERROR("Tried to create scheduler with more OS threads than pre-allocated memory.");
......@@ -20,8 +21,13 @@ scheduler::scheduler(scheduler_memory *memory, const unsigned int num_threads) :
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_threads_; i++) {
// Placement new is required, as the memory of `memory_` is not required to be initialized.
new((void *) memory_->thread_state_for(i)) thread_state{this, memory_->task_stack_for(i), i};
if (reuse_thread && i == 0) {
continue; // Skip over first/main thread when re-using the users thread, as this one will replace the first one.
new((void *) memory_->thread_for(i))base::thread<void (*)(), thread_state>(&scheduler::worker_routine,
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