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# Notes

A collection of stuff that we noticed during development.
Useful later on two write a project report and to go back
in time to find out why certain decisions where made.

FritzFlorian committed
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## 26.06.2019 - Notes on Dataflow Implementation

### Dataflow in general

Dataflow based programming is nothing unique to task based
programming, it rather is a own programming paradigma and using
it inside a task scheduler is simply an adoption of the general
idea of organizing programs by flow of available data.

Therefore, we first look at the general domain of dataflow
programming, to understand the basic concepts.

The work in \[1] gives a good overview of dataflow programming
before 2000. It presents the basic execution concept
and the idea of data driving program execution.
Two main ways of execution can be distinguished: static and dynamic
execution. Static execution allows only one token per arc in the
execution graph, making it simple, but do not allow a lot of
parallel execution. Dynamic execution allows an unbounded number
of tokens per edge, making it harder to implment, but allowing
unlimited parallelism. There are also models allowing a maximum
of k tokens at an arch, which is probably where we are going as
we will try to keep memory allocation static once again.

Normally, dataflow programming is seen as on pure execution model,
meaning that everything is dataflow, even expressions like
`x = y + z` are executed with dataflow and the idea is to create
special hardware to execute such dependency graphs.
We are interested in tasks coupled by dataflow dependencies.
\[1] mentions this under names like threaded, hybrid or large-grain

Looking further into these groase-grained dataflow models we
discovered \[2] as an good overview of this area.
The paper focuses mainly no implementations that also rely on
special hardware, but the general principles hold for our implementation.
Our kind of dataflow falls under the flow/instruction category:
high-level coordination is achieved using dataflow,
individual work items are tasks in an imperative language.
We need to further see if ideas from these languages are helpful to us,
maybe individual papers can give some clues if we need them later.

For now we can conclude that we will probably implement some sort
of k-limited, dynamic system (using tokens with different ID's).

\[1] W. M. Johnston, J. R. P. Hanna, and R. J. Millar, “Advances in dataflow programming languages,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 1–34, Mar. 2004.

\[2] F. Yazdanpanah, C. Alvarez-Martinez, D. Jimenez-Gonzalez, and Y. Etsion, “Hybrid Dataflow/von-Neumann Architectures,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1489–1509, Jun. 2014.

### Dataflow in TBB and EMBB

TBB's dataflow implementation follows (to what we can see) no
general dataflow theory, and implements an own method.
It relies on explicit concepts of buffering, multiple arc's
ending in the same node, concepts of pullin gand pushing modes for
arcs, ...
We think this is overly complicated, and too far away from
the classic model.

EMBB seems to follow a token based models with id's distinguishing
tokens belonging to different parallel executions.
It uses arcs that can buffer a limited number of data items.
Overall this seems rather close to what we have in mind and we will
further look into it.

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## 24.06.2019 - Further Benchmark Settings and First Results

As a further option to reduce potential inference of our benchmark
process we add the `CPUAffinity` option to systemd, setting the
CPU affinity of all processes started by the startup procedure
to core 0, thus isolating cores 1 to 7 for our benchmarks.
For docs on this see [the systemd manual](
(Please note that this is not prefect, it seems that a kernel parameter
would perform even better, but our current measurements show this
working well enough to not go that deep a long as we do not see the
need in further testing).

We could potentially better our results further by using a preemtive
patch on a newer kernel, e.g. Arch linux with preemt patch.

Our first results look promising, and show that our measurement
methodology can indeed work (measured on the banana PI with the
above settings). Backgroud tasks are started from core 1 to 7
with 500us work, 5000us pause. Benchmarks are started pinned
to core 1 to 7:

FFT without background tasks:

<img src="./media/2ad04ce5_fft_boxplot_isolated.png" width="400"/>

FFT with background tasks:

<img src="./media/2ad04ce5_fft_boxplot_multiprogrammed.png" width="400"/>

Matrix without background tasks:

<img src="./media/2ad04ce5_matrix_boxplot_isolated.png" width="400"/>

Matrix with background tasks:

<img src="./media/2ad04ce5_matrix_boxplot_multiprogrammed.png" width="400"/>

The plot's include all outliers, showing that the workst case times can
be measured and compared under these circumstances.
One option we might change in the future is how/when the background
preempting workers are executed, to better 'produce' bad situations
for the scheduler, e.g. have a higher active time for the workers
(close to maybe 1/4 of the benchmark times), to actually fully
remove one worker from a few tasks (we would like to do that with
our tests on different queue types, to e.g. see if the locknig queue
actualy is worse than lock free implementations by blocking up other

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## 14.06.2019 - Benchmark Settings/Real Time Execution on Linux

Our set goal of this project is predictable execution times.
To ensure this it would be perfect to run our benchmark in perfect
isolation/in a perfectly predictable and controlled environment.
A truly predictable environment is only possible on e.g. a fully
real time os on a board that supports everything.
As this is a lot work, we look at real time linux components,
the preemt rt patch.

We already execute our program with `chrt -f 99` to run it as a real
time task. We still have seen quite big jumps in latency.
This can be due to interrupts or other processes preemting our
benchmark. We found [in this blog post](
about some more interesting details on real time processes.
There is a variable `/proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us` to set the
maximum time a real time process can run per second to ensure that
a system does not freeze when running a RT process.
When setting this to 1 second the RT processes are allowed to fully
take over the system (we will do this for further tests, as first
results show us that this drasticly improoves jitter).
Further information on RT groups can be [found here](
The RT patch of linux apparently allows the OS to preemt even
most parts of interrupts, thus providing even more isolation
(can be also found [in this blog post](

We will further investigate this by looking at a book on RT Liunx.

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## 14.06.2019 - Range Class

For iterating on integers (e.g. from 0 to 10) a translation from
integers to iterators on them is necessary.
Instead of rolling out our own implementation we found a
[standalone header file](
that we will use for now to not have the boilerplate work.

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## 11.06.2019 - Parallel Scan

Our parallel scan is oriented on the
['shared memory: two level algorithm'](
and our understanding is using [slides from a cs course](

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## 06.05.2019 - Relaxed Atomics

At the end of the atomic talk it is mentioned how the relaxed
atomics correspond to modern hardware, stating that starting with
ARMv8 and x86 there is no real need for relaxed atomics,
as the 'strict' ordering has no real performance impact.

We will therefore ignore this for now (taking some potential
performance hits on our banana pi m2 ARMv7 architecture),
as it adds a lot of complexity and introduces many possibilities
for subtle concurrency bugs.
TODO: find some papers on the topic in case we want to mention
it in our project report.

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## 06.05.2019 - Atomics

Atomics are a big part to get lock-free code running and are also
often useful for details like counters to spin on (e.g. is a task
finished). Resources to understand them are found in
[a talk online](
and in the book 'C++ concurrency in action, Anthony Williams'.

The key takeaway is that we need to be careful about ordering
possibilities of variable reads/writes. We will start of to
use strict ordering to begin with and will have to see if this
impacts performance and if we need to optimize it.

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## 12.04.2019 - Unique IDs

Assigning unique IDs to logical different tasks is key to the
current model of separating timing/memory guarantees for certain
parallel patterns.

We do want to assign these IDs automatic in most cases (a call to
some parallel API should not require the end user to specific a
unique ID for each different call, as this would be error prone).
Instead we want to make sure that each DIFFERENT API call is separated
automatic, while leaving the option for manual ID assignment for later
implementations of GPU offloading (tasks need to have identifiers for
this to work properly).

Our first approach was using the `__COUNTER__` macro,
but this only works in ONE COMPLIATION UNIT and is not
portable to all compilers.

As all our unique instances are copled to a class/type
we decided to implement the unique IDs using
typeid(tuple<T..>) in automatic cases (bound to a specific type)
and fully manual IDs in other types. All this is wrapped in a
helper::unique_id class.

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## 11.04.2019 - Lambda Pointer Abstraction

The question is if we could use a pointer to a lambda without
needing templating (for the type of the lambda) at the place that
we use it.

We looked into different techniques to achieve this:
- Using std::function<...>
- Using custom wrappers

std::function uses dynamic memory, thus ruling it out.
All methods that we can think of involve storing a pointer
to the lambda and then calling on it later on.
This works well enough with a simple wrapper, but has one
major downside: It involves virtual function calls,
making it impossible to inline the lambda.
This property broke the technique for us in most places,
as inlining is crucial, especially in small functions like loop
iterations. See `invoke_parallel_impl.h` for an example where we
did this (wrapper with virtual function call), but we only did it there,
as the generic `fork_join_sub_task` requires the virtual call anyway,
thus making us not loose ANY performance with this technique.

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## 11.04.2019 - Notes on C++ Templating

After working more with templating and talking to mike,
it seems like the common way to go is the following:
- If possible, add template arguments to
  data containers only (separate from logic).
- If logic and data are coupled (like often with lambdas),
  add the declaration of the interface into the normal header
  some_class.h and add it's implementation into an extra implementation
  file some_class_impl.h that is included at the end of the file.

## 09.04.2019 - Cache Alignment
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Aligning the cache needs all parts (both data types with correct alignment
and base memory with correct alignment).

Our first tests show that the initial alignment (Commit 3535cbd8),
boostet the performance in the fft_benchmark from our library to
Intel TBB's speedup when running on up to 4 threads.
When crossing the boundary to hyper-threading this falls of.
We therefore think that contemption/cache misses are the reason for
bad performance above 4 threads, but have to investigate further to
pin down the issue.

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## 08.04.2019 - Random Numbers

We decided to go for a simple linear random number generator
as [std::minstd_rand](,
as this requires less memory and is faster. The decreased quality
in random numbers is probably ok (read up if there is literature on this),
as work stealing does not rely on a mathematically perfect distribution.

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## 02.04.2019 - CMake Export

We built our project using CMake to make it portable and easy to setup.
To allow others to use our library we need to make it installable on
other systems. For this we use CMake's install feature and
a [tutorial](
on how to correctly configure a CMake library to be included by other

## 28.03.2019 - custom new operators
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When initializing sub_tasks we want to place them on our custom
'stack like' data structure per thread. We looked at TBB's API
and noticed them somehow implicitly setting parent relationships
in the new operator. After further investigation we see that the
initialization in this manner is a 'hack' to avoid passing
of references and counters.

It can be found at the bottom of the `task.h` file:

inline void *operator new( size_t bytes, const tbb::internal::allocate_child_proxy& p ) {
    return &p.allocate(bytes);

inline void operator delete( void* task, const tbb::internal::allocate_child_proxy& p ) { *static_cast<tbb::task*>(task) );

It simlpy constructs a temp 'allocator type' passed as the second
argument to new. This type then is called in new and
allocates the memory required.

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## 27.03.2019 - atomics

C++ 11 offers atomics, however these require careful usage
and are not always lock free. We plan on doing more research
for these operations when we try to transform our code form using
spin locks to using more fine grained locks.

Resources can be found [here](
and [here](

## 27.03.2019 - variable sized lambdas

When working with lambdas one faces the problem of them having not
a fixed size because they can capture variables from the surrounding

To 'fix' this in normal C++ one would use a std::function,
wrapping the lambda by moving it onto the heap. This is of course
a problem when trying to prevent dynamic memory allocation.

When we want static allocation we have two options:
1) keep the lambda on the stack and only call into it while it is valid
2) use templating to create variable sized classes for each lambda used

Option 1) is preferable, as it does not create extra templating code
(longer compile time, can not separate code into CPP files). However
we can encounter situations where the lambda is not on the stack when
used, especially when working with sub-tasks.

## 21.03.2019 - Allocation on stack/static memory
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We can use the [placement new](
operator for our tasks and other stuff to manage memory.
This can allow the pure 'stack based' approach without any memory
management suggested by mike.

## 20.03.2019 - Prohibit New
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We want to write this library without using any runtime memory
allocation to better fit the needs of the embedded marked.
To make sure we do not do so we add a trick:
we link an new implementation into the project (when testing) that
will cause an linker error if new is used somewhere.
If the linker reports such an error we can switch to debugging
by using a new implementation with a break point in it.

That way we for example ruled out std::thread, as we found the dynamic
memory allocation used in it.

## 20.03.2019 - callable objects and memory allocation / why we use no std::thread
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When working with any sort of functionality that can be passed
to an object or function it is usually passed as:
1. an function pointer and a list of parameter values
2. an lambda, capturing any surrounding parameters needed

When we want to pass ANY functionality (with any number of parameters
or captured variables) we can not determine the amount of memory before
the call is done, making the callable (function + parameters) dynamicly

This can be a problem when implementing e.g. a thread class,
as the callable has to be stored somewhere. The **std::thread**
implementation allocates memory at runtime using **new** when
called with any form of parameters for the started function.
Because of this (and because the implementation can differ from
system to system) we decided to not provide an **std::thread** backend
for our internal thread class (that does not use dynamic memory,
as it lives on the stack, knowing its size at compile time using

Lambdas can be used, as long as we are sure the outer scope still exists
while executing (lambda lies in the callers stack), or if we copy the
lambda manually to some memory that we know will persist during the call.
It is important to know that the lambda wont be freed while it is
used, as the captured variables used inside the body are held in the
lambda object.