Commit 14a5ddfb by FritzFlorian

Add further note on why we do not use relaxed atomics.

parent cf056856
......@@ -4,6 +4,20 @@ A collection of stuff that we noticed during development.
Useful later on two write a project report and to go back
in time to find out why certain decisions where made.
## 06.05.2019 - Relaxed Atomics
At the end of the atomic talk it is mentioned how the relaxed
atomics correspond to modern hardware, stating that starting with
ARMv8 and x86 there is no real need for relaxed atomics,
as the 'strict' ordering has no real performance impact.
We will therefore ignore this for now (taking some potential
performance hits on our banana pi m2 ARMv7 architecture),
as it adds a lot of complexity and introduces many possibilities
for subtle concurrency bugs.
TODO: find some papers on the topic in case we want to mention
it in our project report.
## 06.05.2019 - Atomics
Atomics are a big part to get lock-free code running and are also
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