Commit f33bf0f8 by Marcus Winter

base_c: embb_spin_lock documentation updated

parent 4ff0ef58
......@@ -98,9 +98,6 @@ int embb_mutex_init(
* Waits until the mutex can be locked and locks it.
* \note This method yields the current thread in regular,
* implementation-defined intervals.
* \pre \c mutex is initialized \n
* If the mutex type is plain, \c mutex must not be locked by the current
* thread.
......@@ -182,6 +179,9 @@ int embb_spin_init(
* Spins until the spinlock can be locked and locks it.
* \note This method yields the current thread in regular,
* implementation-defined intervals.
* \pre \c spinlock is initialized \n
* \post If successful, \c spinlock is locked.
* \return EMBB_SUCCESS if spinlock could be locked. \n
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