Commit 9f038e87 by Marcus Winter

tutorial: fixed mtapi_cpp tutorial

parent a65f0a66
......@@ -152,42 +152,49 @@ After everything is done, the action is deleted (\lstinline|mtapi_action_delete(
\section{C++ Interface}
\embb provides C++ wrappers for the MTAPI C interface. Using the example from the previous section, the signature of the action function for the C++ interface looks like this:
\embb provides C++ wrappers for the MTAPI C interface. The signature of the action function for the C++ interface is the same as in the C interface:
First, the node instance needs to be initialized.
Checking the arguments and the result buffer is not necessary, since everything is safely typed. However, the terminating condition of the recursion still needs to be checked:
Checking the arguments and the result buffer is not done this time for simplicity. However, the terminating condition of the recursion still needs to be checked:
After that, the first part of the computation is launched as an MTAPI task using \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Node::Spawn()| (registering an action function with a job is done automatically):
After that, the first part of the computation is launched as an MTAPI task using \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Node::Start()| (the action function is registered with the job \lstinline|FIBONACCI_JOB| in the \lstinline|fibonacci()| function and the resulting handle is stored in the global variable \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Job fibonacciJob|):
The second part can be executed directly:
Then, completion of the MTAPI task has to be waited for using \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Task::Wait()|:
Finally, the two parts can be added and written into the result buffer:
The \lstinline|fibonacci()| function also gets simpler compared to the C version. The MTAPI runtime is initialized automatically, only the node instance has to be fetched:
The \lstinline|fibonacci()| function is about the same as in the C version. The MTAPI runtime needs to be initialized first:
The root task can be started using \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Node::Start()| directly, registering with a job is done automatically:
Then the node instance can to be fetched:
Again, the started task has to be waited for (using \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Task::Wait()|) before the result can be returned. The runtime is shut down by calling \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Node::Finalize|.
After that, the action function needs to be associated to a job. By instancing an \lstinline|embb::mtap::Action| object, the action function is registered with the job \lstinline|FIBONACCI_JOB|. The job is stored in the global variable \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Job fibonacciJob| so that it can be accessed by the action function later on:
Not that the action is registered and the job is initialized, the root task can be started:
Again, the started task has to be waited for (using \lstinline|embb::mtapi::Task::Wait()|) before the result can be returned.
The registered action will be unregistered when it goes out of scope.
The runtime needs to be shut down by calling:
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