Commit 791943da by Tobias Schuele


parent 572d8d00
......@@ -92,13 +92,14 @@ contact us:
Directory Structure
EMB² is a technology stack consisting of various building blocks. For some of
them, there exist C and C++ versions, others are only implemented in C++. The
directory names are postfixed with either "_cpp" or "_c" for the C++ and C
versions, respectively. Currently, EMB² contains the following components:
EMB² consists of various building blocks. For some of them, there exist C and
C++ versions, others are only implemented in C++. The directory names are
postfixed with either "_cpp" or "_c" for the C++ and C versions, respectively.
Currently, EMB² contains the following components:
- base: base_c, base_cpp
- mtapi: mtapi_c, mtapi_cpp
- mtapi: mtapi_c, mtapi_network_c, mtapi_opencl_c, mtapi_cpp
- tasks: tasks_cpp
- algorithms: algorithms_cpp
- dataflow: dataflow_cpp
- containers: containers_cpp
......@@ -109,12 +110,14 @@ the header files, source files, and unit tests, respectively.
Component base_c contains abstractions for threading, synchronization, atomic
operations, and other functionalities. As the name indicates, the code is
implemented in C. Component base_cpp is mainly a C++ wrapper around the base_c
functionalities. Component mtapi_c is a task scheduler written in C and
mtapi_cpp a C++ wrapper for the scheduler. Component algorithms_cpp provides
high-level constructs for typical parallelization task in C++, and
dataflow_cpp generic skeletons for the development of parallel stream-based
applications. Finally, component containers_cpp provides containers, i.e.,
data structures for storing object in an organized and thread-safe way.
functions. Component mtapi_c is a task scheduler written in C and mtapi_cpp a
C++ wrapper for the scheduler (mtapi_network_c and mtapi_opencl_c are scheduler
plugins for distributed and OpenCL-based heterogeneous systems, respectively).
To simplify programming of homogeneous systems, tasks_cpp contains abstractions
to the MTAPI interfaces. Component algorithms_cpp provides high-level constructs
for typical parallelization tasks in C++, and dataflow_cpp generic skeletons for
the development of parallel stream-based applications. Finally, containers_cpp
provides data structures for storing object in an organized and thread-safe way.
Build and Installation
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