Commit 0c46b8bd by bernhard-gatzhammer

Adapted README to show the correct install command on Windows.

parent d109bd09
......@@ -249,11 +249,15 @@ If you want a different installation path, you can change it now by typing
The option "-DINSTALL_PREFIX=YourCustomPath" can also be given in Step 1.
To install the files, use the command
To install the files, on Linux use the command
cmake --build . --target install
which copies the contents of the "install" folder to the "bin", "lib", and
and on Windows, for a Release build, use
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
This copies the contents of the "install" folder to the "bin", "lib", and
"include" folders in the installation path. For the default paths, the
installation has to be run with administrator / root privileges.
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