#!/usr/bin/python3 -u import os import sys import time import struct import serial import subprocess DBG='1' ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200) def flash(): pipe = subprocess.PIPE p = subprocess.Popen(['stm32flash', 'build/f7.bin', '0x8000000'], stdout=sys.stderr, stdin=pipe) stdout, stderr = p.communicate("") def read(channel, l): if channel == 'ser': data = ser.read(l) elif channel == 'std': data = sys.stdin.buffer.read(l) else: raise Exception("read() complains: no sai channelino") if len(data) != l: raise Exception("could not read %d bytes of data (got %d)" % (l, len(data))) return data def write(channel, data): if channel == 'ser': l = ser.write(data) if DBG: print("Data sent to serial: " + str(data) + "\n", file=sys.stderr) elif channel == 'std': l = sys.stdout.buffer.write(data) else: raise Exception("write() complains: no sai channelino") if len(data) != l: raise Exception("could not write %d bytes of data (put %d)" % (len(data), l)) def obtain(channel): l = read(channel, 4) (l, ) = struct.unpack(" 0: os.chdir(script_dir) flash() print("Hello, World!") while(1): action = read('std', 1) if DBG: print("Read following action from stdin: %s\n" % action, file=sys.stderr) if action == b'c' or action == b'm' or action == b'a' or action == b'k' or action == b's' or action == b'p': data = obtain('std') submit('ser', action, data) elif action == b'e' or action == b'd': write('ser', action) elif action == b'C' or action == b'M' or action == b'A' or action == b'K' or action == b'S' or action == b'P': write('ser', action) data = obtain('ser') if DBG: print("Obtained following data from serial: %s\n" % data, file=sys.stderr) submit('std', action, data) if DBG: print("Submitted following data to stdout: %s\n" % data, file=sys.stderr) else: raise Exception("no capiche aczione %s" % (action)) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv))