## ## This file is part of the libopencm3 project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2009 Uwe Hermann ## ## This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## along with this library. If not, see . ## ############################################################################### # Source files SRCS := main.c uartp.c $(SRC_FILES) OBJS := $(SRCS:%.c=%.o) BINARY = firmware LDSCRIPT = stm32f103c8t6_128k.ld LIBNAME = opencm3_stm32f1 DEFS += -DSTM32F1 FP_FLAGS ?= -msoft-float ARCH_FLAGS = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 $(FP_FLAGS) -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd ################################################################################ # OpenOCD specific variables OOCD ?= openocd OOCD_INTERFACE ?= flossjtag OOCD_TARGET ?= stm32f1x ################################################################################ # Black Magic Probe specific variables # Set the BMP_PORT to a serial port and then BMP is used for flashing BMP_PORT ?= ################################################################################ # texane/stlink specific variables #STLINK_PORT ?= :4242 # Be silent per default, but 'make V=1' will show all compiler calls. ifneq ($(V),1) Q := @ NULL := 2>/dev/null endif ############################################################################### # Executables PREFIX ?= arm-none-eabi- CC := $(PREFIX)gcc CXX := $(PREFIX)g++ LD := $(PREFIX)gcc AR := $(PREFIX)ar AS := $(PREFIX)as OBJCOPY := $(PREFIX)objcopy OBJDUMP := $(PREFIX)objdump GDB := $(PREFIX)gdb STFLASH = $(shell which st-flash) STYLECHECK := /checkpatch.pl STYLECHECKFLAGS := --no-tree -f --terse --mailback STYLECHECKFILES := $(shell find . -name '*.[ch]') OPT := -O2 #DEBUG := -ggdb3 CSTD ?= -std=gnu99 ############################################################################### # Libraries ifeq ($(strip $(OPENCM3_DIR)),) # user has not specified the library path, so we try to detect it # where we search for the library LIBPATHS := ../../../libopencm3 OPENCM3_DIR := $(wildcard $(LIBPATHS:=/locm3.sublime-project)) OPENCM3_DIR := $(firstword $(dir $(OPENCM3_DIR))) ifeq ($(strip $(OPENCM3_DIR)),) $(warning Cannot find libopencm3 library in the standard search paths.) $(error Please specify it through OPENCM3_DIR variable!) endif endif ifeq ($(V),1) $(info Using $(OPENCM3_DIR) path to library) endif define ERR_DEVICE_LDSCRIPT_CONFLICT You can either specify DEVICE=blah, and have the LDSCRIPT generated, or you can provide LDSCRIPT, and ensure CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS and LDLIBS all contain the correct values for the target you wish to use. You cannot provide both! endef ifeq ($(strip $(DEVICE)),) # Old style, assume LDSCRIPT exists DEFS += -I$(OPENCM3_DIR)/include LDFLAGS += -L$(OPENCM3_DIR)/lib LDLIBS += -l$(LIBNAME) LDSCRIPT ?= $(BINARY).ld else # New style, assume device is provided, and we're generating the rest. ifneq ($(strip $(LDSCRIPT)),) $(error $(ERR_DEVICE_LDSCRIPT_CONFLICT)) endif include $(OPENCM3_DIR)/mk/genlink-config.mk endif OPENCM3_SCRIPT_DIR = $(OPENCM3_DIR)/scripts EXAMPLES_SCRIPT_DIR = $(OPENCM3_DIR)/../scripts ############################################################################### # C flags TGT_CFLAGS += $(OPT) $(CSTD) $(DEBUG) TGT_CFLAGS += $(ARCH_FLAGS) TGT_CFLAGS += -Wextra -Wshadow -Wimplicit-function-declaration TGT_CFLAGS += -Wredundant-decls -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes TGT_CFLAGS += -fno-common -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections ############################################################################### # C++ flags TGT_CXXFLAGS += $(OPT) $(CXXSTD) $(DEBUG) TGT_CXXFLAGS += $(ARCH_FLAGS) TGT_CXXFLAGS += -Wextra -Wshadow -Wredundant-decls -Weffc++ TGT_CXXFLAGS += -fno-common -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections ############################################################################### # C & C++ preprocessor common flags TGT_CPPFLAGS += -MD TGT_CPPFLAGS += -Wall -Wundef TGT_CPPFLAGS += $(DEFS) ############################################################################### # Linker flags TGT_LDFLAGS += --static -nostartfiles TGT_LDFLAGS += -T$(LDSCRIPT) TGT_LDFLAGS += $(ARCH_FLAGS) $(DEBUG) TGT_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-Map=$(*).map -Wl,--cref TGT_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections ifeq ($(V),99) TGT_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--print-gc-sections endif ############################################################################### # Used libraries LDLIBS += -Wl,--start-group -lc -lgcc -lnosys -Wl,--end-group ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### .SUFFIXES: .elf .bin .hex .srec .list .map .images .SECONDEXPANSION: .SECONDARY: all: elf bin elf: $(BINARY).elf bin: $(BINARY).bin hex: $(BINARY).hex srec: $(BINARY).srec list: $(BINARY).list GENERATED_BINARIES=$(BINARY).elf $(BINARY).bin $(BINARY).hex $(BINARY).srec $(BINARY).list $(BINARY).map images: $(BINARY).images flash: $(BINARY).flash # Either verify the user provided LDSCRIPT exists, or generate it. ifeq ($(strip $(DEVICE)),) $(LDSCRIPT): ifeq (,$(wildcard $(LDSCRIPT))) $(error Unable to find specified linker script: $(LDSCRIPT)) endif else include $(OPENCM3_DIR)/mk/genlink-rules.mk endif $(OPENCM3_DIR)/lib/lib$(LIBNAME).a: ifeq (,$(wildcard $@)) $(warning $(LIBNAME).a not found, attempting to rebuild in $(OPENCM3_DIR)) $(MAKE) -C $(OPENCM3_DIR) endif # Define a helper macro for debugging make errors online # you can type "make print-OPENCM3_DIR" and it will show you # how that ended up being resolved by all of the included # makefiles. print-%: @echo $*=$($*) %.images: %.bin %.hex %.srec %.list %.map @#printf "*** $* images generated ***\n" %.bin: %.elf @#printf " OBJCOPY $(*).bin\n" $(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -Obinary $(*).elf $(*).bin %.hex: %.elf @#printf " OBJCOPY $(*).hex\n" $(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -Oihex $(*).elf $(*).hex %.srec: %.elf @#printf " OBJCOPY $(*).srec\n" $(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -Osrec $(*).elf $(*).srec %.list: %.elf @#printf " OBJDUMP $(*).list\n" $(Q)$(OBJDUMP) -S $(*).elf > $(*).list %.elf %.map: $(OBJS) $(LDSCRIPT) $(OPENCM3_DIR)/lib/lib$(LIBNAME).a @#printf " LD $(*).elf\n" $(Q)$(LD) $(TGT_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS) -o $(*).elf %.o: %.c @#printf " CC $(*).c\n" $(Q)$(CC) $(TGT_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(TGT_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $(*).o -c $(*).c %.o: %.cxx @#printf " CXX $(*).cxx\n" $(Q)$(CXX) $(TGT_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(TGT_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $(*).o -c $(*).cxx %.o: %.cpp @#printf " CXX $(*).cpp\n" $(Q)$(CXX) $(TGT_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(TGT_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $(*).o -c $(*).cpp clean: @#printf " CLEAN\n" $(Q)$(RM) $(GENERATED_BINARIES) generated.* $(OBJS) $(OBJS:%.o=%.d) stylecheck: $(STYLECHECKFILES:=.stylecheck) styleclean: $(STYLECHECKFILES:=.styleclean) # the cat is due to multithreaded nature - we like to have consistent chunks of text on the output %.stylecheck: % $(Q)$(OPENCM3_SCRIPT_DIR)$(STYLECHECK) $(STYLECHECKFLAGS) $* > $*.stylecheck; \ if [ -s $*.stylecheck ]; then \ cat $*.stylecheck; \ else \ rm -f $*.stylecheck; \ fi; %.styleclean: $(Q)rm -f $*.stylecheck; %.stlink-flash: %.bin @printf " FLASH $<\n" $(STFLASH) write $(*).bin 0x8000000 ifeq ($(BMP_PORT),) ifeq ($(OOCD_FILE),) %.flash: %.elf @printf " FLASH $<\n" (echo "halt; program $(realpath $(*).elf) verify reset" | nc -4 localhost 4444 2>/dev/null) || \ $(OOCD) -f interface/$(OOCD_INTERFACE).cfg \ -f target/$(OOCD_TARGET).cfg \ -c "program $(*).elf verify reset exit" \ $(NULL) else %.flash: %.elf @printf " FLASH $<\n" (echo "halt; program $(realpath $(*).elf) verify reset" | nc -4 localhost 4444 2>/dev/null) || \ $(OOCD) -f $(OOCD_FILE) \ -c "program $(*).elf verify reset exit" \ $(NULL) endif else %.flash: %.elf @printf " GDB $(*).elf (flash)\n" $(GDB) --batch \ -ex 'target extended-remote $(BMP_PORT)' \ -x $(EXAMPLES_SCRIPT_DIR)/black_magic_probe_flash.scr \ $(*).elf endif .PHONY: images clean stylecheck styleclean elf bin hex srec list -include $(OBJS:.o=.d)