Commit bd967720 by Enrico Pozzobon

added possibility of testing longer payloads

parent 774b2054
......@@ -94,8 +94,6 @@ In this case, only the implementations named "rhys" and "armsrc_NEC" will be com
After the compilation is finished, you will see the results in the build directory specified in the -b argument. For each compiled implementation, a subdirectory will be present containing the firmware.elf file and the logs of the stdout and stderr of the make command.
The script will also include the test vectors text file for each compiled algorithm from the test_vectors directory - make sure you have the test vectors for every algorithm you want to compile.
## Running the tests
Once the algorithms you plan to test are compiled, you can start the benchmarks.
......@@ -106,7 +104,12 @@ Make sure your Logic Analyzer is capturing. If you plan on using sigrok-mux, sta
This will create a UNIX domain socket at `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/lwc-logic-socket` which the `LogicMultiplexerTimeMeasurements` class from `` will connect to.
Now, you can start the benchmark of an individual build algorithm by calling the `` script of the appropriate template:
Place a test vector file in the directory of the tested algorithm:
cp test_vectors/romulusn1/LWC_AEAD_KAT_*.txt build/romulus.romulusn1.armsrc_NEC/LWC_AEAD_KAT.txt
Now you can start a benchmark by calling the `` script of the appropriate template:
PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)" templates/f1-libopencm3/ build/romulus.romulusn1.armsrc_NEC/
......@@ -83,18 +83,6 @@ def build(algo_dir, template_dir, build_dir):
return True
# Find test vectors in the test_vectors directory
def find_test_vectors(variant):
kat = None
test_vectors_dir = os.path.join("test_vectors", variant)
for f in os.listdir(test_vectors_dir):
if f.startswith("LWC_AEAD_KAT_") and f.endswith(".txt"):
if kat is not None:
raise Exception("Multiple test vectors?")
kat = os.path.join(test_vectors_dir, f)
return kat
def main(argv):
include_list = None
......@@ -169,10 +157,6 @@ def main(argv):
assert os.path.isdir(d)
# Test vectors file t
t = find_test_vectors(variant)
# if include_list was provided, skip elements not in the list
if include_list is not None:
if n not in include_list:
......@@ -186,7 +170,7 @@ def main(argv):
st_mtime = max(st_mtime, os.stat(path).st_mtime)
# Put all in a tuple and count
files.append((t, d, n, st_mtime))
files.append((d, n, st_mtime))
# Uncomment next line for testing, if we only want to do 1
# files = files[:1]
......@@ -198,7 +182,7 @@ def main(argv):
# Build all found algorithms
for t, d, name, st_mtime in files:
for d, name, st_mtime in files:
......@@ -206,8 +190,6 @@ def main(argv):
build(d, template_dir, build_dir)
shutil.copyfile(t, os.path.join(build_dir, 'LWC_AEAD_KAT.txt'))
mdate_path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'cipher_mtime.txt')
with open(mdate_path, 'wt') as mdate_file:
print(int(st_mtime), file=mdate_file)
......@@ -50,7 +50,12 @@ function run() {
for cipher in $TMPDIR/*; do
if [[ ! -d $cipher ]]; then continue; fi
CIPHER_SLUG=$(basename $cipher)
CIPHER_SLUG=$(basename $cipher);
CIPHER_TIMESTAMP=$(cat "$cipher/cipher_mtime.txt")
......@@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ function run() {
TEST_PATH=$(realpath $TEST_PATH)
mv $cipher/*.log "$TEST_PATH"
mv "$cipher/LWC_AEAD_KAT.txt" "$TEST_PATH"
cp test_vectors/$VARIANT/LWC_AEAD_KAT_*.txt "$TEST_PATH/LWC_AEAD_KAT.txt" || exit 1
case $TEMPLATE in
f1-libopencm3) mv $cipher/firmware.{bin,elf} "$TEST_PATH"
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include "api.h"
#include "uartp.h"
#define MAX_BYTES 100
#define CMDBUF_LEN 72
#define MAX_BYTES 172
#define CMDBUF_LEN 200
static uint8_t cmdbuf[CMDBUF_LEN];
#define CRYPTO_BUSY A7
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include "api.h"
#include "uartp.h"
#define MAX_BYTES 100
#define CMDBUF_LEN 72
#define MAX_BYTES 172
#define CMDBUF_LEN 200
static uint8_t cmdbuf[CMDBUF_LEN];
#define CRYPTO_BUSY 12
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ uint8_t uart_rbyte(void);
static void loop(void);
static void my_assert(bool b);
#define MAX_BYTES 100
#define CMDBUF_LEN 72
#define MAX_BYTES 172
#define CMDBUF_LEN 200
static uint8_t cmdbuf[CMDBUF_LEN];
uint8_t npub[CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES];
......@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
#include "uartp.h"
#include "main.h"
#define MAX_BYTES 100
#define MAX_BYTES 172
#define CMDBUF_LEN 200
static uint8_t cmdbuf[CMDBUF_LEN];
uint8_t npub[CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES];
uint8_t nsec[CRYPTO_NSECBYTES];
......@@ -76,15 +78,14 @@ void test_setup() {
void test_loop() {
static uint8_t buf[256];
uint16_t len = uartp_recv(buf, 255);
uint8_t action = buf[0];
uint16_t len = uartp_recv(cmdbuf, 255);
uint8_t action = cmdbuf[0];
if (len == 0 || len > 255)
uint16_t l = len - 1;
uint16_t rl = 0;
uint8_t *var = buf+1;
uint8_t *var = cmdbuf+1;
switch (action) {
case 'm': my_assert(l <= MAX_BYTES); memcpy(m, var, l); mlen = l; break;
case 'c': my_assert(l <= MAX_BYTES); memcpy(c, var, l); clen = l; break;
......@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ void test_loop() {
buf[0] = action;
memcpy(buf+1, var, rl);
uartp_send(buf, rl+1);
cmdbuf[0] = action;
memcpy(cmdbuf+1, var, rl);
uartp_send(cmdbuf, rl+1);
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include "api.h"
#include "uartp.h"
#define MAX_BYTES 100
#define CMDBUF_LEN 72
#define MAX_BYTES 172
#define CMDBUF_LEN 200
static uint8_t cmdbuf[CMDBUF_LEN];
#define CRYPTO_BUSY 12
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include "api.h"
#include "uartp.h"
#define MAX_BYTES 100
#define CMDBUF_LEN 72
#define MAX_BYTES 172
#define CMDBUF_LEN 200
static uint8_t cmdbuf[CMDBUF_LEN];
#define CRYPTO_BUSY 12
......@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ def run_nist_aead_test_line(dut, i, m, ad, k, npub, c):
eprint(" ad = %s" % ad.hex())
eprint("npub = %s" % npub.hex())
eprint(" k = %s" % k.hex())
if c is not None:
eprint(" c = %s" % c.hex())
dut.send_var(ord('c'), b"\0" * (len(m) + 32))
......@@ -169,10 +170,13 @@ def run_nist_aead_test_line(dut, i, m, ad, k, npub, c):
output = dut.obtain_var(ord('C'))
print(" c = %s" % output.hex())
if c != output:
if c is not None and c != output:
raise Exception(
("output of encryption (%s) is different from " +
"expected ciphertext (%s)") % (output.hex(), c.hex()))
c = output
eprint(" c = %s" % c.hex())
dut.send_var(ord('m'), b"\0" * len(c))
dut.send_var(ord('s'), b"")
......@@ -196,23 +200,23 @@ def parse_nist_aead_test_vectors(test_file_path):
lineprog = re.compile(
m = b""
ad = b""
k = b""
npub = b""
c = b""
i = -1
m = None
ad = None
k = None
npub = None
c = None
for line in test_file.readlines():
line = line.strip()
res = lineprog.match(line)
if line == "":
yield i, m, ad, k, npub, c
i = -1
m = b""
ad = b""
k = b""
npub = b""
c = b""
m = None
ad = None
k = None
npub = None
c = None
elif res is not None:
if res[1].lower() == 'count':
i = int(res[2], 10)
......@@ -622,11 +626,32 @@ def identify_test_vector(kat_path):
return False
return True
def is_ae_128B(kat):
if len(kat) != 2:
return False
def genstr(length):
return bytes([b % 256 for b in range(length)])
expected_k = genstr(len(kat[0][3]))
expected_npub = genstr(len(kat[0][4]))
expected_i = 0
expected_ad = b""
for i, m, ad, k, npub, c in kat:
expected_m = genstr(0 if i == 1 else 128)
expected_i += 1
if not (expected_i == i and expected_m == m and
expected_k == k and expected_ad == ad and
expected_npub == npub):
return False
return True
if is_nist_aead_kat(kat):
return "NIST AEAD KAT"
if is_nist_aead_kat_no_ad(kat):
return None
if is_ae_128B(kat):
return "AE 128B"
raise Exception("Unknown test vector")
def run_nist_lws_aead_test(dut, vectors_file, build_dir,
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