;; sparkle384_arm.asm: ARM Asm implementation of the SPARKLE384 permutation. ;;
;; This file is part of the SPARKLE submission to NIST's LW Crypto Project. ;;
;; Version 1.0.1 (2019-06-29), see for updates. ;;
;; Authors: The SPARKLE Group (C. Beierle, A. Biryukov, L. Cardoso dos ;;
;; Santos, J. Groszschaedl, L. Perrin, A. Udovenko, V. Velichkov, Q. Wang). ;;
;; License: GPLv3 (see LICENSE file), other licenses available upon request. ;;
;; Copyright (C) 2019 University of Luxembourg . ;;
;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ;;
;; Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your ;;
;; option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that ;;
;; it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ;;
;; GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a ;;
;; copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, ;;
;; see . ;;
AREA sparkle_arm, CODE, READONLY
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; REGISTER NAMES AND CONSTANTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; register sta holds the start address of array
sta RN r0
;; register scnt holds the step counter (for loop termination)
scnt RN r0
;; register c0w holds a round constant (i.e. a word of array )
c0w RN r0
;; register ns holds the parameter , i.e. the number of steps
ns RN r1
;; register rca holds the start address of array
rca RN r1
;; register x0w holds the 1st word of the array
x0w RN r2
;; register y0w holds the 2nd word of the array
y0w RN r3
;; register x1w holds the 3rd word of the array
x1w RN r4
;; register y1w holds the 4th word of the array
y1w RN r5
;; register x2w holds the 5th word of the array
x2w RN r6
;; register y2w holds the 6th word of the array
y2w RN r7
;; register x3w holds the 7th word of the array
x3w RN r8
;; register y3w holds the 8th word of the array
y3w RN r9
;; register x4w holds the 9th word of the array
x4w RN r10
;; register y4w holds the 10th word of the array
y4w RN r11
;; register x5w holds the 11th word of the array
x5w RN r12
;; register y5w holds the 12th word of the array
y5w RN lr
;; register tmpx holds a temporary value
tmpx RN r0
;; register tmpy holds another temorary value
tmpy RN r1
;; round constants
RCON DCD 0xB7E15162, 0xBF715880, 0x38B4DA56, 0x324E7738, \
0xBB1185EB, 0x4F7C7B57, 0xCFBFA1C8, 0xC2B3293D
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MACROS FOR SPARKLE384 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
push {r4-r12,lr}
ldmia.w sta!, {x0w-x5w,y5w}
push {sta}
pop {sta}
stmdb.w sta!, {x0w-x5w,y5w}
pop {r4-r12,lr}
bx lr
ldr rca, =RCON
eor y1w, y1w, scnt
and scnt, scnt, #7
ldr.w c0w, [rca, scnt, lsl #2]
eor y0w, y0w, c0w
ARX_BOX $xi, $yi, $ci
add $xi, $xi, $yi, ror #31
eor $yi, $yi, $xi, ror #24
eor $xi, $xi, $ci
add $xi, $xi, $yi, ror #17
eor $yi, $yi, $xi, ror #17
eor $xi, $xi, $ci
add $xi, $xi, $yi
eor $yi, $yi, $xi, ror #31
eor $xi, $xi, $ci
add $xi, $xi, $yi, ror #24
eor $yi, $yi, $xi, ror #16
eor $xi, $xi, $ci
;; ARX-box computations for the three left-side branches (i.e. x[0]-y[2]).
;; ldr.w c0w, [rca, #0]
movw c0w, #0x5162
movt c0w, #0xB7E1
ARX_BOX x0w, y0w, c0w
;; ldr.w c0w, [rca, #4]
movw c0w, #0x5880
movt c0w, #0xBF71
ARX_BOX x1w, y1w, c0w
;; ldr.w c0w, [rca, #8]
movw c0w, #0xDA56
movt c0w, #0x38B4
ARX_BOX x2w, y2w, c0w
;; ARX-box computations for the three right-side branches (i.e. x[3]-y[5]).
;; ldr.w c0w, [rca, #12]
movw c0w, #0x7738
movt c0w, #0x324E
ARX_BOX x3w, y3w, c0w
;; ldr.w c0w, [rca, #16]
movw c0w, #0x85EB
movt c0w, #0xBB11
ARX_BOX x4w, y4w, c0w
;; ldr.w c0w, [rca, #20]
movw c0w, #0x7B57
movt c0w, #0x4F7C
ARX_BOX x5w, y5w, c0w
;; First part of Feistel round: tmpx and tmpy are computed and XORED to the
;; y-words and x-words of the right-side branches (i.e. to y[3], y[4], y[5]
;; and to x[3], x[4], x[5]). Note that y[5] and x[5] are stored in register
;; tmpx and tmpy (and not in register y5w and x5w) to reduce the execution
;; time of the subsequent branch permutation.
eor tmpx, x0w, x1w
eor tmpx, tmpx, x2w
eor tmpx, tmpx, tmpx, lsl #16
eor y3w, y3w, tmpx, ror #16
eor y4w, y4w, tmpx, ror #16
eor tmpx, y5w, tmpx, ror #16
eor tmpy, y0w, y1w
eor tmpy, tmpy, y2w
eor tmpy, tmpy, tmpy, lsl #16
eor x3w, x3w, tmpy, ror #16
eor x4w, x4w, tmpy, ror #16
eor tmpy, x5w, tmpy, ror #16
;; Branch permutation: 1-branch left-rotation of the right-side branches
;; along with a swap of the left and right branches (via register writes).
;; Also combined with the branch permutation is the second Feistel part,
;; in which the left-side branches are XORed with the result of the first
;; Feistel part.
mov y5w, y2w
eor y2w, y3w, y0w
mov y3w, y0w
eor y0w, y4w, y1w
mov y4w, y1w
eor y1w, tmpx, y5w
mov x5w, x2w
eor x2w, x3w, x0w
mov x3w, x0w
eor x0w, x4w, x1w
mov x4w, x1w
eor x1w, tmpy, x5w
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SPARKLE384 PERMUTATION (BRANCH-UNROLLED) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Function prototype:
;; -------------------
;; void sparkle384_arm(uint32_t *state, int ns)
;; Parameters:
;; -----------
;; state: pointer to an uint32_t-array containing the 12 state words
;; ns: number of steps
;; Return value:
;; -------------
;; None
EXPORT sparkle384_arm
sparkle384_arm FUNCTION
PROLOGUE_384 ;; push callee-saved registers
mov scnt, #0 ;; clear step-counter
push {scnt-ns} ;; push ns and step-counter (we need registers!)
ADD_STEP_CNT_384 ;; macro to add step-counter to state
ARXBOX_LAYER_384 ;; macro for the arxbox layer
LINEAR_LAYER_384 ;; macro for the linear layer
pop {scnt-ns} ;; restore ns and step-counter from stack
add scnt, #1 ;; increment step-counter
teq scnt, ns ;; test whether step-counter equals ns
bne loop_384 ;; if not then jump back to start of loop
EPILOGUE_384 ;; pop callee-saved registers