/* Pyjamask-96-OCB reference code Modified by: Siang Meng Sim Email: crypto.s.m.sim@gmail.com Date : 25/02/2019 */ /* // CAESAR OCB v1 reference code. Info: http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/ocb // // ** This version is slow and susceptible to side-channel attacks. ** // ** Do not use for any purpose other than to understand OCB. ** // // Written by Ted Krovetz (ted@krovetz.net). Last modified 13 May 2014. // // Phillip Rogaway holds patents relevant to OCB. See the following for // his free patent grant: http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/ocb/grant.htm // // This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. // // Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or // distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled // binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any // means. // // In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors // of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the // software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit // of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and // successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of // relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this // software under copyright law. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR // OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, // ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // For more information, please refer to */ #include #include "api.h" #include "crypto_aead.h" #define KEYBYTES CRYPTO_KEYBYTES #define NONCEBYTES CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES #define TAGBYTES CRYPTO_ABYTES #include "pyjamask.h" typedef unsigned char block[12]; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void xor_block(block d, block s1, block s2) { unsigned i; for (i=0; i<12; i++) d[i] = s1[i] ^ s2[i]; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void double_block(block d, block s) { /*irreducible polynomial = x^{96} + x^{10} + x^{9} + x^{6} + 1*/ unsigned i; unsigned char tmp = s[0]; for (i=0; i<11; i++) d[i] = (s[i] << 1) | (s[i+1] >> 7); d[11] = (s[11] << 1) ^ ((tmp >> 7) * 65); /*2^6 + 1*/ d[10] ^= ((tmp >> 7) * 6); /*2^{10-8} + 2^{9-8}*/ } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void calc_L_i(block l, block ldollar, unsigned i) { double_block(l, ldollar); /* l is now L_0 */ for ( ; (i&1)==0 ; i>>=1) double_block(l,l); /* double for each trailing 0 */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void hash(block result, unsigned char *k, unsigned char *a, unsigned abytes) { block lstar, ldollar, offset, sum, tmp; unsigned i; /* Key-dependent variables */ /* L_* = ENCIPHER(K, zeros(96)) */ // AES_set_encrypt_key(k, KEYBYTES*8, &aes_key); memset(tmp, 0, 12); pyjamask_96_enc(tmp, k, lstar); /* L_$ = double(L_*) */ double_block(ldollar, lstar); /* Process any whole blocks */ /* Sum_0 = zeros(96) */ memset(sum, 0, 12); /* Offset_0 = zeros(96) */ memset(offset, 0, 12); for (i=1; i<=abytes/12; i++, a = a + 12) { /* Offset_i = Offset_{i-1} xor L_{ntz(i)} */ calc_L_i(tmp, ldollar, i); xor_block(offset, offset, tmp); /* Sum_i = Sum_{i-1} xor ENCIPHER(K, A_i xor Offset_i) */ xor_block(tmp, offset, a); pyjamask_96_enc(tmp, k, tmp); xor_block(sum, sum, tmp); } /* Process any final partial block; compute final hash value */ abytes = abytes % 12; /* Bytes in final block */ if (abytes > 0) { /* Offset_* = Offset_m xor L_* */ xor_block(offset, offset, lstar); /* tmp = (A_* || 1 || zeros(95-bitlen(A_*))) xor Offset_* */ memset(tmp, 0, 12); memcpy(tmp, a, abytes); tmp[abytes] = 0x80; xor_block(tmp, offset, tmp); /* Sum = Sum_m xor ENCIPHER(K, tmp) */ pyjamask_96_enc(tmp, k, tmp); xor_block(sum, tmp, sum); } memcpy(result, sum, 12); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ocb_crypt(unsigned char *out, unsigned char *k, unsigned char *n, unsigned char *a, unsigned abytes, unsigned char *in, unsigned inbytes, int encrypting) { block lstar, ldollar, sum, offset, ktop, pad, nonce, tag, tmp, ad_hash; unsigned char stretch[20]; unsigned bottom, byteshift, bitshift, i; /* Setup AES and strip ciphertext of its tag */ if ( ! encrypting ) { if (inbytes < TAGBYTES) return -1; inbytes -= TAGBYTES; } /* Key-dependent variables */ /* L_* = ENCIPHER(K, zeros(128)) */ memset(tmp, 0, 12); pyjamask_96_enc(tmp, k, lstar); /* L_$ = double(L_*) */ double_block(ldollar, lstar); /* Nonce-dependent and per-encryption variables */ /* Nonce = zeros(127-bitlen(N)) || 1 || N */ memset(nonce,0,12); memcpy(&nonce[12-NONCEBYTES],n,NONCEBYTES); nonce[0] = (unsigned char)(((TAGBYTES * 8) % 128) << 1); nonce[12-NONCEBYTES-1] |= 0x01; /* bottom = str2num(Nonce[91..96]) */ bottom = nonce[11] & 0x3F; /* Ktop = ENCIPHER(K, Nonce[1..90] || zeros(6)) */ nonce[11] &= 0xC0; pyjamask_96_enc(nonce, k, ktop); /* Stretch = Ktop || (Ktop[1..64] xor Ktop[9..72]) */ memcpy(stretch, ktop, 12); for(i=0;i<8;i++){ tmp[i] = (ktop[i+1]<<1) | (ktop[i+2]>>7); /*OCB96: leftshift 9 bits*/ } xor_block(tmp, tmp, ktop); memcpy(&stretch[12],tmp,8); /* Offset_0 = Stretch[1+bottom..128+bottom] */ byteshift = bottom/8; bitshift = bottom%8; if (bitshift != 0) for (i=0; i<12; i++) offset[i] = (stretch[i+byteshift] << bitshift) | (stretch[i+byteshift+1] >> (8-bitshift)); else for (i=0; i<12; i++) offset[i] = stretch[i+byteshift]; /* Checksum_0 = zeros(96) */ memset(sum, 0, 12); /* Hash associated data */ hash(ad_hash, k, a, abytes); /* Process any whole blocks */ for (i=1; i<=inbytes/12; i++, in=in+12, out=out+12) { /* Offset_i = Offset_{i-1} xor L_{ntz(i)} */ calc_L_i(tmp, ldollar, i); xor_block(offset, offset, tmp); xor_block(tmp, offset, in); if (encrypting) { /* Checksum_i = Checksum_{i-1} xor P_i */ xor_block(sum, in, sum); /* C_i = Offset_i xor ENCIPHER(K, P_i xor Offset_i) */ pyjamask_96_enc(tmp, k, tmp); xor_block(out, offset, tmp); } else { /* P_i = Offset_i xor DECIPHER(K, C_i xor Offset_i) */ pyjamask_96_dec(tmp, k, tmp); xor_block(out, offset, tmp); /* Checksum_i = Checksum_{i-1} xor P_i */ xor_block(sum, out, sum); } } /* Process any final partial block and compute raw tag */ inbytes = inbytes % 12; /* Bytes in final block */ if (inbytes > 0) { /* Offset_* = Offset_m xor L_* */ xor_block(offset, offset, lstar); /* Pad = ENCIPHER(K, Offset_*) */ pyjamask_96_enc(offset, k, pad); if (encrypting) { /* Checksum_* = Checksum_m xor (P_* || 1 || zeros(127-bitlen(P_*))) */ memset(tmp, 0, 12); memcpy(tmp, in, inbytes); tmp[inbytes] = 0x80; xor_block(sum, tmp, sum); /* C_* = P_* xor Pad[1..bitlen(P_*)] */ xor_block(pad, tmp, pad); memcpy(out, pad, inbytes); out = out + inbytes; } else { /* P_* = C_* xor Pad[1..bitlen(C_*)] */ memcpy(tmp, pad, 12); memcpy(tmp, in, inbytes); xor_block(tmp, pad, tmp); tmp[inbytes] = 0x80; /* tmp == P_* || 1 || zeros(127-bitlen(P_*)) */ memcpy(out, tmp, inbytes); /* Checksum_* = Checksum_m xor (P_* || 1 || zeros(127-bitlen(P_*))) */ xor_block(sum, tmp, sum); in = in + inbytes; } } /* Tag = ENCIPHER(K, Checksum xor Offset xor L_$) xor HASH(K,A) */ xor_block(tmp, sum, offset); xor_block(tmp, tmp, ldollar); pyjamask_96_enc(tmp, k, tag); xor_block(tag, ad_hash, tag); if (encrypting) { memcpy(out, tag, TAGBYTES); return 0; } else return (memcmp(in,tag,TAGBYTES) ? -1 : 0); /* Check for validity */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define OCB_ENCRYPT 1 #define OCB_DECRYPT 0 void ocb_encrypt(unsigned char *c, unsigned char *k, unsigned char *n, unsigned char *a, unsigned abytes, unsigned char *p, unsigned pbytes) { ocb_crypt(c, k, n, a, abytes, p, pbytes, OCB_ENCRYPT); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int ocb_decrypt(unsigned char *p, unsigned char *k, unsigned char *n, unsigned char *a, unsigned abytes, unsigned char *c, unsigned cbytes) { return ocb_crypt(p, k, n, a, abytes, c, cbytes, OCB_DECRYPT); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int crypto_aead_encrypt( unsigned char *c,unsigned long long *clen, const unsigned char *m,unsigned long long mlen, const unsigned char *ad,unsigned long long adlen, const unsigned char *nsec, const unsigned char *npub, const unsigned char *k ) { (void) (nsec); // unused argument *clen = mlen + TAGBYTES; ocb_crypt(c, (unsigned char *)k, (unsigned char *)npub, (unsigned char *)ad, adlen, (unsigned char *)m, mlen, OCB_ENCRYPT); return 0; } int crypto_aead_decrypt( unsigned char *m,unsigned long long *mlen, unsigned char *nsec, const unsigned char *c,unsigned long long clen, const unsigned char *ad,unsigned long long adlen, const unsigned char *npub, const unsigned char *k ) { (void) (nsec); // unused argument *mlen = clen - TAGBYTES; return ocb_crypt(m, (unsigned char *)k, (unsigned char *)npub, (unsigned char *)ad, adlen, (unsigned char *)c, clen, OCB_DECRYPT); }