#include "api.h" #include "crypto_aead.h" #include #include "elephant_160.h" BYTE rotl3(BYTE b) { return (b << 3) | (b >> 5); } int constcmp(const BYTE* a, const BYTE* b, SIZE length) { BYTE r = 0; for (SIZE i = 0; i < length; ++i) r |= a[i] ^ b[i]; return r; } // State should be BLOCK_SIZE bytes long // Note: input may be equal to output void lfsr_step(BYTE* output, BYTE* input) { BYTE temp = rotl3(input[0]) ^ (input[3] << 7) ^ (input[13] >> 7); for(SIZE i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE - 1; ++i) output[i] = input[i + 1]; output[BLOCK_SIZE - 1] = temp; } void xor_block(BYTE* state, const BYTE* block, SIZE size) { for(SIZE i = 0; i < size; ++i) state[i] ^= block[i]; } // Write the ith assocated data block to "output". // The nonce is prepended and padding is added as required. // adlen is the length of the associated data in bytes void get_ad_block(BYTE* output, const BYTE* ad, SIZE adlen, const BYTE* npub, SIZE i) { SIZE len = 0; // First block contains nonce // Remark: nonce may not be longer then BLOCK_SIZE if(i == 0) { memcpy(output, npub, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES); len += CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES; } const SIZE block_offset = i * BLOCK_SIZE - (i != 0) * CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES; // If adlen is divisible by BLOCK_SIZE, add an additional padding block if(i != 0 && block_offset == adlen) { memset(output, 0x00, BLOCK_SIZE); output[0] = 0x01; return; } const SIZE r_outlen = BLOCK_SIZE - len; const SIZE r_adlen = adlen - block_offset; // Fill with associated data if available if(r_outlen <= r_adlen) { // enough AD memcpy(output + len, ad + block_offset, r_outlen); } else { // not enough AD, need to pad if(r_adlen > 0) // ad might be nullptr memcpy(output + len, ad + block_offset, r_adlen); memset(output + len + r_adlen, 0x00, r_outlen - r_adlen); output[len + r_adlen] = 0x01; } } // Return the ith assocated data block. // clen is the length of the ciphertext in bytes void get_c_block(BYTE* output, const BYTE* c, SIZE clen, SIZE i) { const SIZE block_offset = i * BLOCK_SIZE; // If clen is divisible by BLOCK_SIZE, add an additional padding block if(block_offset == clen) { memset(output, 0x00, BLOCK_SIZE); output[0] = 0x01; return; } const SIZE r_clen = clen - block_offset; // Fill with associated data if available if(BLOCK_SIZE <= r_clen) { // enough ciphertext memcpy(output, c + block_offset, BLOCK_SIZE); } else { // not enough ciphertext, need to pad if(r_clen > 0) // c might be nullptr memcpy(output, c + block_offset, r_clen); memset(output + r_clen, 0x00, BLOCK_SIZE - r_clen); output[r_clen] = 0x01; } } // It is assumed that c is sufficiently long // Also, tag and c should not overlap void crypto_aead_impl( BYTE* c, BYTE* tag, const BYTE* m, SIZE mlen, const BYTE* ad, SIZE adlen, const BYTE* npub, const BYTE* k, int encrypt) { // Compute number of blocks const SIZE nblocks_c = mlen ? 1 + mlen / BLOCK_SIZE : 0; const SIZE nblocks_m = (!mlen || mlen % BLOCK_SIZE) ? nblocks_c : nblocks_c - 1; const SIZE nblocks_ad = 1 + (CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES + adlen) / BLOCK_SIZE; const SIZE nb_it = (nblocks_m > nblocks_ad) ? nblocks_m : nblocks_ad + 1; // Storage for the expanded key L BYTE expanded_key[BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; memcpy(expanded_key, k, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES); permutation(expanded_key); // Buffers for storing previous, current and next mask BYTE mask_buffer_1[BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; BYTE mask_buffer_2[BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; BYTE mask_buffer_3[BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; memcpy(mask_buffer_2, expanded_key, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES); BYTE* previous_mask = mask_buffer_1; BYTE* current_mask = mask_buffer_2; BYTE* next_mask = mask_buffer_3; // Buffer to store current ciphertext block BYTE c_buffer[BLOCK_SIZE]; // Tag buffer and initialization of tag to zero BYTE tag_buffer[BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; memset(tag, 0, CRYPTO_ABYTES); SIZE offset = 0; for(SIZE i = 0; i < nb_it; ++i) { // Compute mask for the next message lfsr_step(next_mask, current_mask); if(i < nblocks_m) { // Compute ciphertext block memcpy(c_buffer, npub, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES); memset(c_buffer + CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, 0, BLOCK_SIZE - CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES); xor_block(c_buffer, current_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); permutation(c_buffer); xor_block(c_buffer, current_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); const SIZE r_size = (i == nblocks_m - 1) ? mlen - offset : BLOCK_SIZE; xor_block(c_buffer, m + offset, r_size); memcpy(c + offset, c_buffer, r_size); } if(i < nblocks_c) { // Compute tag for ciphertext block get_c_block(tag_buffer, encrypt ? c : m, mlen, i); xor_block(tag_buffer, current_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); xor_block(tag_buffer, next_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); permutation(tag_buffer); xor_block(tag_buffer, current_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); xor_block(tag_buffer, next_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); xor_block(tag, tag_buffer, CRYPTO_ABYTES); } // If there is any AD left and i > 0, compute tag for AD block if(i > 0 && i <= nblocks_ad) { get_ad_block(tag_buffer, ad, adlen, npub, i - 1); xor_block(tag_buffer, previous_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); xor_block(tag_buffer, next_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); permutation(tag_buffer); xor_block(tag_buffer, previous_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); xor_block(tag_buffer, next_mask, BLOCK_SIZE); xor_block(tag, tag_buffer, CRYPTO_ABYTES); } // Cyclically shift the mask buffers // Value of next_mask will be computed in the next iteration BYTE* const temp = previous_mask; previous_mask = current_mask; current_mask = next_mask; next_mask = temp; offset += BLOCK_SIZE; } } // Remark: c must be at least mlen + CRYPTO_ABYTES long int crypto_aead_encrypt( unsigned char *c, unsigned long long *clen, const unsigned char *m, unsigned long long mlen, const unsigned char *ad, unsigned long long adlen, const unsigned char *nsec, const unsigned char *npub, const unsigned char *k) { (void)nsec; *clen = mlen + CRYPTO_ABYTES; BYTE tag[CRYPTO_ABYTES]; crypto_aead_impl(c, tag, m, mlen, ad, adlen, npub, k, 1); memcpy(c + mlen, tag, CRYPTO_ABYTES); return 0; } int crypto_aead_decrypt( unsigned char *m, unsigned long long *mlen, unsigned char *nsec, const unsigned char *c, unsigned long long clen, const unsigned char *ad, unsigned long long adlen, const unsigned char *npub, const unsigned char *k) { (void)nsec; if(clen < CRYPTO_ABYTES) return -1; *mlen = clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES; BYTE tag[CRYPTO_ABYTES]; crypto_aead_impl(m, tag, c, *mlen, ad, adlen, npub, k, 0); return (constcmp(c + *mlen, tag, CRYPTO_ABYTES) == 0) ? 0 : -1; }