README 2019-02-24 Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen Copyright (C) 2019, PQShield Ltd. Please see LICENSE. This is the source code package for the SNEIKEN family of lightweight cryptographic algorithms. Root level files: sneik_spec.pdf Algorithm specification and supporting documentation. Verify "ref" and "opt" implementations against KAT. Generate KAT files (you don't need to do this). LICENSE License for this implementation. README This file. Source code and test vectors for SNEIKEN AEADs: crypto_aead/sneiken128/ ref opt arm avr LWC_AEAD_KAT_128_128.txt crypto_aead/sneiken192/ ref opt arm avr LWC_AEAD_KAT_192_128.txt crypto_aead/sneiken256/ ref opt arm avr LWC_AEAD_KAT_256_128.txt Source code and test vectors for SNEIKHA hash functions: crypto_hash/sneikha256/ ref opt arm avr LWC_HASH_KAT_256.txt crypto_hash/sneikha384/ ref opt arm avr LWC_HASH_KAT_384.txt Each directory has a "ref" portable reference implementation, somewhat smaller "opt" optimized version (which assumes that the platform is little-endian) and versions utilizing assembly-optimized permutations: "avr" for 8-bit Atmel AVR, and "arm" for 32-bit ARM Cortex M3/M4 platforms. Each directory furthermore contains test vectors generated with NIST's standard `genkat_aead.c` and `genkat_hash.c` programs. Most of the source code is usually symlinked from the "common" directory: common/sneik_f512 Implementations of the sneik_f512() permutation. common/ref_blnk Reference implementation, using BLNK2 code. common/opt Smaller implementations for the single-call API. common/nist NIST's headers and KAT generation code.