/* Implementation by Seth Hoffert, hereby denoted as "the implementer". For more information, feedback or questions, please refer to our websites: https://keccak.team/xoodoo.html To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ #include "Xoodyak.h" /* Xoodyak instantiation parameters */ namespace XoodyakParams { IterableTransformation f(384, 12); unsigned int param_Rhash = 16; unsigned int param_Rkin = 44; unsigned int param_Rkout = 24; unsigned int param_lratchet = 16; }; /* Xoodyak */ Xoodyak::Xoodyak(const BitString &K, const BitString &id, const BitString &counter) : Cyclist(XoodyakParams::f, XoodyakParams::param_Rhash, XoodyakParams::param_Rkin, XoodyakParams::param_Rkout, XoodyakParams::param_lratchet, K, id, counter) { }