Commit 341e6ca6 by Alexandre Adomnicai Committed by Enrico Pozzobon


parent 2a22d512
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ rearrange_rkey_3:
.global gift128_keyschedule
.type gift128_keyschedule,%function
push {r2-r12, r14}
push {r1-r12, r14}
ldm r0, {r4-r7} //load key words
rev r4, r4
rev r5, r5
......@@ -328,8 +328,7 @@ gift128_keyschedule:
bl rearrange_rkey_3
add.w r1, r1, #40
bl rearrange_rkey_3
sub.w r1, r1, #312
pop {r2-r12, r14}
pop {r1-r12, r14}
bx lr
.align 2
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