Commit 0c8665f9 by Tobias Langer

Adjusted for smaller hyperperiods.

parent 14aaeabd
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Generates real time tasksets according to the method described in 'A Comparison
of Global and Partitioned EDF Schedulability Tests for Multiprocessors'.
Therefore tasks with random periods within the range 1 to 1000 are generated.
Therefore tasks with random periods within the range 1 to 100 are generated.
Depending on the mode, the utilization of these tasks is either determined by
* uniform distribution between 1/period and 1
* bimodal distribution heavy tasks with uniform distribution between 0.5 / 1 and
......@@ -14,13 +14,47 @@ is 1/3
import datetime
import shutil
import sys
import os
import random
import argparse
import json
import math
from enum import Enum
def query_yes_no(question, default=None):
Queries the user for a decision.
if default is None:
prompt = ' [y/n]'
elif default.lower() == 'yes':
prompt = ' [Y/n]'
elif default.lower() == 'no':
prompt = ' [y/N]'
raise ValueError('Invalid default answer {}'.format(default))
while True:
print(question, prompt, end='')
choice = input().lower()
if 'yes'.find(choice) == 0:
return True
elif 'no'.find(choice) == 0:
return False
def lcm(a, b):
return (a * b) / math.gcd(a, b)
def hyperperiod(tasks):
periods = [x.period for task in tasks]
hyperperiod = periods[0]
for period in periods[1:]:
hyperperiod = lcm(hyperperiod, period)
return hyperperiod
class Timebase(Enum):
seconds = 1
milliseconds = 2
......@@ -59,7 +93,7 @@ def get_timebase_string(base):
return 'std::chrono::nanoseconds', 'embb::base::DurationNanoseconds'
def create_task(distribution):
period = random.uniform(1, 1000)
period = random.uniform(1, 30)
if distribution is Distribution.uniform:
util = random.uniform(1.0 / period, 1.0)
elif distribution is Distribution.bimodal:
......@@ -140,7 +174,8 @@ def main():
while len(tasksets) < args.tasksetcount:
taskset = []
while len(taskset) < args.cores + 1 or \
check_taskset(args.cores, taskset) <= 1:
check_taskset(args.cores, taskset) <= 1 and \
hyperperiod(taskset) < 300000: # Limit hyperperiod to 5 minutes
if len(taskset) >= args.cores + 1:
......@@ -149,6 +184,14 @@ def main():
cpp_base, embb_base = get_timebase_string(timebase)
except FileExistsError:
if not query_yes_no('Folder exists, remove?', default='yes'):
print('Writing tasks…', file=sys.stderr)
for taskset in tasksets:
task_out = []
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