""" Implementation of the BF algorithm. Authors: Maxime Chéramy and Stefan Junker """ from simso.core import Scheduler, Timer from fractions import Fraction class BF(Scheduler): def init(self): self.t_f = 0 self.waiting_schedule = False self.allocations = [] self.timers = {} self.rw = {t.identifier: 0 for t in self.task_list} self.pw = {} def reschedule(self, cpu=None): """ Ask for a scheduling decision. Don't call if not necessary. """ if not self.waiting_schedule: if cpu is None: cpu = self.processors[0] cpu.resched() self.waiting_schedule = True def on_activate(self, job): self.reschedule() def alpha_plus_one(self, job): deadlines = sorted([x.job.absolute_deadline for x in self.task_list]) bk2 = deadlines[1] bk1 = deadlines[0] ui = job.wcet / job.deadline val = bk2 * ui - int(bk1 * ui) - bk2 + bk1 if val == 0: return 0 if val > 0: return 1 return -1 def uf_plus_one(self, job): bk1 = min([x.job.absolute_deadline for x in self.task_list]) ui = job.wcet / job.deadline return (1. - (bk1 * ui - int(bk1 * ui))) / ui def nuf_plus_one(self, job): bk1 = min([x.job.absolute_deadline for x in self.task_list]) ui = 1 - (job.wcet / job.deadline) return (1. - (bk1 * ui - int(bk1 * ui))) / ui def compare(self, job_i, job_j): ai = self.alpha_plus_one(job_i) aj = self.alpha_plus_one(job_j) if ai > aj: return -1 elif ai < aj: return 1 elif ai == 0 == aj: return -1 elif ai == -1: if self.uf_plus_one(job_i) > self.uf_plus_one(job_j): return 1 else: return -1 else: if self.nuf_plus_one(job_i) >= self.nuf_plus_one(job_j): return -1 else: return 1 def init_interval(self): """ Determine the end of the interval and compute allocation of the jobs to the processors using the McNaughton algorithm. """ self.allocations = [[0, []] for _ in self.processors] self.t_f = int(min([x.job.absolute_deadline for x in self.task_list]) * self.sim.cycles_per_ms) # Duration that can be allocated for each processor. w = int(self.t_f - self.sim.now()) available = w * len(self.processors) p = 0 # Processor id. mand = {} eligible = [] print("{:#^60}".format( " Scheduling Interval [{},{}) ".format(self.sim.now()/self.sim.cycles_per_ms, self.t_f/self.sim.cycles_per_ms))) for task in self.task_list: if not task.job.is_active(): self.rw[task.identifier]=0 self.pw[task.identifier]=0 continue rw = self.rw[task.identifier] m_pure = ((Fraction(rw) + Fraction(w * task.job.wcet) / Fraction(task.job.period)) / Fraction(self.sim.cycles_per_ms)) m = int(m_pure) self.pw[task.identifier] = m_pure-m mand[task.identifier] = max(0, m*self.sim.cycles_per_ms) # print("rw: {:>4}".format(rw)) # print("{}:, w: {}, m_pure: {:>4}, m: {:>2}, pw: {:>4}, mand: {}".format( # task.name, w/self.sim.cycles_per_ms, m_pure, m, # self.pw[task.identifier], mand[task.identifier])) available -= mand[task.identifier] if mand[task.identifier] < w and self.pw[task.identifier] > 0: eligible.append(task) self.rw[task.identifier] = self.pw[task.identifier]*self.sim.cycles_per_ms print("{:#^60}".format(" Done ")) while available >= self.sim.cycles_per_ms and eligible: task_m = eligible[0] for task_e in eligible[1:]: result = self.compare(task_m.job, task_e.job) if result == -1: pass elif result == 1: task_m = task_e else: print("Warning: Couldn't find task for optional unit!") mand[task_m.identifier] += self.sim.cycles_per_ms available -= self.sim.cycles_per_ms self.rw[task_m.identifier] -= self.sim.cycles_per_ms eligible.remove(task_m) for task in self.task_list: # The "fair" duration for this job on that interval. Rounded to the # upper integer to avoid durations that are not multiples of # cycles. job = task.job if not job.is_active(): continue duration = mand[task.identifier] if self.allocations[p][0] + duration <= w: self.allocations[p][1].append((job, duration)) self.allocations[p][0] += duration else: # Add first part to the end of the current processor p: duration1 = w - self.allocations[p][0] if duration1 > 0: self.allocations[p][1].append((job, duration1)) self.allocations[p][0] = w if p + 1 < len(self.processors): # Add the second part: duration2 = duration - duration1 self.allocations[p + 1][1].append((job, duration2)) self.allocations[p + 1][0] += duration2 else: # Because every durations are rounded to the upper value, # the last job may have not enough space left. # This could probably be improved. print("Warning: didn't allowed enough time to %s (%d)." % (task.name, duration - duration1)) break p += 1 for allocation in self.allocations: if allocation[0] < w: allocation[1].append((None, w - allocation[0])) def end_event(self, z, job): """ Called when a job's budget has expired. """ del self.timers[job] l = self.allocations[z][1] if l and l[0][0] is job: l.pop(0) self.reschedule(self.processors[z]) def schedule(self, cpu): """ Schedule main method. """ self.waiting_schedule = False # At the end of the interval: if self.sim.now() >= self.t_f: self.init_interval() # Stop current timers. for job, timer in self.timers.items(): timer.stop() self.timers = {} # Set timers to stop the jobs that will run. for z, proc in enumerate(self.processors): l = self.allocations[z][1] if l and l[0][0] not in self.timers: timer = Timer(self.sim, BF.end_event, (self, z, l[0][0]), l[0][1], cpu=proc, in_ms=False) timer.start() self.timers[l[0][0]] = timer # Schedule the activated tasks on each processor. decisions = [] for z, proc in enumerate(self.processors): l = self.allocations[z][1] if not l[0][0] or l[0][0].is_active(): decisions.append((l[0][0] if l else None, proc)) return decisions