# coding=utf-8 # from SimPy.Simulation import Process, hold, passivate from simpy import Process, Interrupt from simso.core.JobEvent import JobEvent from math import ceil class Job(Process): """The Job class simulate the behavior of a real Job. This *should* only be instantiated by a Task.""" def __init__(self, task, name, pred, monitor, etm, sim): """ Args: - `task`: The parent :class:`task `. - `name`: The name for this job. - `pred`: If the task is not periodic, pred is the job that \ released this one. - `monitor`: A monitor is an object that log in time. - `etm`: The execution time model. - `sim`: :class:`Model ` instance. :type task: GenericTask :type name: str :type pred: bool :type monitor: Monitor :type etm: AbstractExecutionTimeModel :type sim: Model """ Process.__init__(self, env=sim,generator=self.activate_job()) self._task = task self._pred = pred self.instr_count = 0 # Updated by the cache model. self._computation_time = 0 self._last_exec = None self._n_instr = task.n_instr self._start_date = None self._end_date = None self._is_preempted = False self._aborted = False self._sim = sim self._activation_date = self._sim.now_ms() self._absolute_deadline = self._sim.now_ms() + task.deadline self._monitor = monitor self._etm = etm self._was_running_on = task.cpu self._wcet = task.wcet self.name = name self._on_activate() self.processor_ok = self._sim.event() self.context_ok = self._sim.event() self.context_ok.succeed() self.context_ready=True def is_active(self): """ Return True if the job is still active. """ return self._end_date is None def _on_activate(self): self._monitor.observe(JobEvent(self, JobEvent.ACTIVATE)) self._sim.logger.log(self.name + " Activated.", kernel=True) self._etm.on_activate(self) def _on_execute(self): self._last_exec = self._sim.now self._etm.on_execute(self) if self._is_preempted: self._is_preempted = False self.cpu.was_running = self self._monitor.observe(JobEvent(self, JobEvent.EXECUTE, self.cpu)) self._sim.logger.log("{} Executing on {}".format( self.name, self._task.cpu.name), kernel=True) def _on_stop_exec(self): if self._last_exec is not None: self._computation_time += self._sim.now - self._last_exec self._last_exec = None def _on_preempted(self): self._on_stop_exec() self._etm.on_preempted(self) self._is_preempted = True self._was_running_on = self.cpu self._monitor.observe(JobEvent(self, JobEvent.PREEMPTED)) self._sim.logger.log(self.name + " Preempted! ret: " + str("Don't know what to pass else?"), kernel=True) # TODO: what to pass as interrupted? def _on_terminated(self): self._on_stop_exec() self._etm.on_terminated(self) self._end_date = self._sim.now self._monitor.observe(JobEvent(self, JobEvent.TERMINATED)) self._task.end_job(self) self._task.cpu.terminate(self) self._sim.logger.log(self.name + " Terminated.", kernel=True) def _on_abort(self): self._on_stop_exec() self._etm.on_abort(self) self._end_date = self._sim.now self._aborted = True self._monitor.observe(JobEvent(self, JobEvent.ABORTED)) self._task.end_job(self) self._task.cpu.terminate(self) self._sim.logger.log("Job " + str(self.name) + " aborted! ret:" + str(self.ret)) def is_running(self): """ Return True if the job is currently running on a processor. Equivalent to ``self.cpu.running == self``. :rtype: bool """ return self.cpu.running == self def abort(self): """ Abort this job. Warning, this is currently only used by the Task when the job exceeds its deadline. It has not be tested from outside, such as from the scheduler. """ self._on_abort() @property def aborted(self): """ True if the job has been aborted. :rtype: bool """ return self._aborted @property def exceeded_deadline(self): """ True if the end_date is greater than the deadline or if the job was aborted. """ return (self._absolute_deadline * self._sim.cycles_per_ms < self._end_date or self._aborted) @property def start_date(self): """ Date (in ms) when this job started executing (different than the activation). """ return self._start_date @property def end_date(self): """ Date (in ms) when this job finished its execution. """ return self._end_date @property def response_time(self): if self._end_date: return (float(self._end_date) / self._sim.cycles_per_ms - self._activation_date) else: return None @property def ret(self): """ Remaining execution time in ms. """ return self.wcet - self.actual_computation_time @property def laxity(self): """ Dynamic laxity of the job in ms. """ return (self.absolute_deadline - self.ret ) * self._sim.cycles_per_ms - self._sim.now @property def computation_time(self): """ Time spent executing the job in ms. """ return float(self.computation_time_cycles) / self._sim.cycles_per_ms @property def computation_time_cycles(self): """ Time spent executing the job. """ if self._last_exec is None: return int(self._computation_time) else: return (int(self._computation_time) + self._sim.now - self._last_exec) @property def actual_computation_time(self): """ Computation time in ms as if the processor speed was 1.0 during the whole execution. """ return float( self.actual_computation_time_cycles) / self._sim.cycles_per_ms @property def actual_computation_time_cycles(self): """ Computation time as if the processor speed was 1.0 during the whole execution. """ return self._etm.get_executed(self) @property def cpu(self): """ The :class:`processor ` on which the job is attached. Equivalent to ``self.task.cpu``. """ return self._task.cpu @property def task(self): """The :class:`task ` for this job.""" return self._task @property def data(self): """ The extra data specified for the task. Equivalent to ``self.task.data``. """ return self._task.data @property def wcet(self): """ Worst-Case Execution Time in milliseconds. Equivalent to ``self.task.wcet``. """ return self._wcet @wcet.setter def wcet(self, value): self._wcet = value @property def activation_date(self): """ Activation date in milliseconds for this job. """ return self._activation_date @property def absolute_deadline(self): """ Absolute deadline in milliseconds for this job. This is the activation date + the relative deadline. """ return self._absolute_deadline @property def absolute_deadline_cycles(self): return self._absolute_deadline * self._sim.cycles_per_ms @property def period(self): """Period in milliseconds. Equivalent to ``self.task.period``.""" return self._task.period @property def deadline(self): """ Relative deadline in milliseconds. Equivalent to ``self.task.deadline``. """ return self._task.deadline @property def pred(self): return self._pred def activate_job(self): self._start_date = self._sim.now # Notify the OS. self._task.cpu.activate(self) # While the job's execution is not finished. while self._end_date is None: # Wait an execute order. try: yield self.processor_ok self.processor_ok = self._sim.event() except Interrupt: pass else: self._on_execute() # ret is a duration lower than the remaining execution time. ret = self._etm.get_ret(self) while ret > 0: try: yield self._sim.timeout(int(ceil(ret))) except Interrupt: self._on_preempted() break else: ret = self._etm.get_ret(self) if ret <= 0: # End of job. self._on_terminated() class SequentialJob(Job): pass class ParallelJob(Job): pass