""" Implementation of the LLREF scheduler as presented by Cho et al. in "An Optimal Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessors". """ from simso.core import Scheduler, Timer from math import ceil class LLREF2(Scheduler): def init(self): self.selected_jobs = [] # Jobs currently running. self.budget = {} # Budgets for the active jobs. self.next_deadline = 0 self.waiting_schedule = False self.last_update = 0 # Used to update the budget. def reschedule(self, cpu=None): """ Ask for a scheduling decision. Don't call if not necessary. """ if not self.waiting_schedule: if cpu is None: cpu = self.processors[0] cpu.resched() self.waiting_schedule = True def on_activate(self, job): """ Deal with a job activation. The budget for this job is computed. """ if job.wcet == 0: return # Compute budget for this newly activated job window = self.next_deadline - self.sim.now() self.budget[job] = window * job.wcet / job.period # Find the next absolute deadline among the ready jobs. m_dl = min([rjob.absolute_deadline for rjob in self.budget.keys()]) \ * self.sim.cycles_per_ms # Refill the budgets if we change the interval if m_dl != self.next_deadline: window = m_dl - self.next_deadline self.next_deadline = m_dl for j in self.budget.keys(): self.budget[j] += window * j.wcet / j.period # There's a new job, the system should be rescheduled. self.reschedule() def on_terminated(self, job): if job in self.budget: del self.budget[job] def update_budget(self): """ Remove budget from the currently executing jobs. """ time_since_last_update = self.sim.now() - self.last_update for job in self.selected_jobs: if job in self.budget: if job.is_active(): self.budget[job] -= time_since_last_update else: del self.budget[job] self.last_update = self.sim.now() def date_next_event(self, selected, not_selected): next_event = None if selected: next_bottom_hitting = min(ceil(y) for _, y in selected) next_event = next_bottom_hitting if not_selected: next_ceiling_hitting = self.next_deadline - self.sim.now() \ - ceil(max(y for _, y in not_selected)) if next_event is None or next_ceiling_hitting < next_event: next_event = next_ceiling_hitting return next_event if next_event else 0 def select_jobs(self): window = self.next_deadline - self.sim.now() res = [(job, b) for job, b in self.budget.items() if window <= ceil(b) and job.is_active()] for job, b in sorted(self.budget.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1]): if b > 0 and (job, b) not in res and job.is_active(): res.append((job, b)) return (res[:len(self.processors)], res[len(self.processors):]) def schedule(self, cpu): self.waiting_schedule = False self.update_budget() # Sort the jobs by budgets. selected, not_selected = self.select_jobs() # Compute the (relative) date of the next event. next_event = self.date_next_event(selected, not_selected) if next_event > 0: # Set a timer to reschedule the system at that date. self.timer_a = Timer(self.sim, LLREF2.reschedule, (self,), next_event, cpu=cpu, in_ms=False) self.timer_a.start() # Allocate the selected jobs to the processors. # The processors already running selected jobs are not changed. available_procs = [] self.selected_jobs = [s[0] for s in selected] remaining_jobs = self.selected_jobs[:] for proc in self.processors: if proc.running in self.selected_jobs: # This processor keeps running the same job. remaining_jobs.remove(proc.running) else: # This processor is not running a selected job. available_procs.append(proc) # The remaining processors are running the remaining jobs or None. padded_remaining_jobs = remaining_jobs + \ [None] * (len(available_procs) - len(remaining_jobs)) # zip create a list of couples (job, proc) using the list of remaining # jobs and the list of available processors. decisions = list(zip(padded_remaining_jobs, available_procs)) return decisions