Commit 6a71b5bc by Maxime Chéramy

Add a laxity property to the Job objects.

parent a3663753
......@@ -169,16 +169,30 @@ class Job(Process):
def ret(self):
Remaining execution time.
Remaining execution time in ms.
return self.wcet - self.actual_computation_time
def laxity(self):
Dynamic laxity of the job in ms.
return (self.absolute_deadline - self.ret
) * self.sim.cycles_per_ms -
def computation_time(self):
Time spent executing the job in ms.
return float(self.computation_time_cycles) / self._sim.cycles_per_ms
def computation_time_cycles(self):
Time spent executing the job.
if self._last_exec is None:
return int(self._computation_time)
......@@ -187,6 +201,10 @@ class Job(Process):
def actual_computation_time(self):
Computation time in ms as if the processor speed was 1.0 during the
whole execution.
return float(
self.actual_computation_time_cycles) / self._sim.cycles_per_ms
......@@ -21,14 +21,12 @@ class EDCL(Scheduler):
def update_laxity(self):
for t in self.task_list:
if t.is_active():
job = t.job
laxity = (job.absolute_deadline - job.ret
) * self.sim.cycles_per_ms -
for task in self.task_list:
if task.is_active():
job = task.job
# if laxity is less than 0, the job will never respect its deadline,
# so we do not consider this job as critical
if laxity == 0:
if job.laxity == 0:['priority'] = 0
else:['priority'] = job.absolute_deadline
......@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ class EDZL(Scheduler):
# Recherche du prochain event ZeroLaxity pour configurer le timer.
minimum = None
for job in self.ready_list:
zl_date = int((job.absolute_deadline - job.ret
) * self.sim.cycles_per_ms -
zl_date = job.laxity
if (minimum is None or minimum[0] > zl_date) and zl_date > 0:
minimum = (zl_date, job)
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