Commit 5e3ed0dc by Maxime Chéramy

Fix the PriD scheduler.

Now gives the highest priority to the k-1 first tasks
instead of the k first. Thanks Joeri Biermans.
parent ca5e37c3
......@@ -10,23 +10,24 @@ class PriD(Scheduler):
"""EDF(k) scheduler"""
def init(self):
self.ready_list = []
self.kfirst = []
self.km1first = []
tasks = sorted(self.task_list, key=lambda x: -x.wcet / x.period)
kmin = 1
mmin = None
u = sum(x.wcet / x.period for x in tasks)
for k, task in enumerate(tasks):
for km1, task in enumerate(tasks):
u -= task.wcet / task.period
m = k + ceil(u / (1 - task.wcet / task.period))
m = km1 + ceil(u / (1 - task.wcet / task.period))
if mmin is None or mmin > m:
kmin = k + 1
kmin = km1 + 1
mmin = m
self.kfirst = tasks[:kmin]
# The k-1 first tasks are given the highest priority.
self.km1first = tasks[:kmin - 1]
def on_activate(self, job):
if job.task in self.kfirst:
if job.task in self.km1first:
job.priority = 0
job.priority = job.absolute_deadline
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