# Notes on performance measures during development #### Commit 52fcb51f - Add basic random stealing Slight improvement, needs further measurement after removing more important bottlenecks. Below are three individual measurements of the difference. Overall the trend (sum of all numbers/last number), go down (98.7%, 96.9% and 100.6%), but with the one measurement above 100% we think the improvements are minor. | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | old | 1659.01 us| 967.19 us| 830.08 us| 682.69 us| 737.71 us| 747.92 us| 749.37 us| 829.75 us| 7203.73 us new | 1676.06 us| 981.56 us| 814.71 us| 698.72 us| 680.87 us| 737.68 us| 756.91 us| 764.71 us| 7111.22 us change | 101.03 %| 101.49 %| 98.15 %| 102.35 %| 92.30 %| 98.63 %| 101.01 %| 92.16 %| 98.72 % | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | old | 1648.65 us| 973.33 us| 820.18 us| 678.80 us| 746.21 us| 767.63 us| 747.17 us| 1025.35 us| 7407.32 us new | 1655.09 us| 964.99 us| 807.57 us| 731.34 us| 747.47 us| 714.71 us| 794.35 us| 760.28 us| 7175.80 us change | 100.39 %| 99.14 %| 98.46 %| 107.74 %| 100.17 %| 93.11 %| 106.31 %| 74.15 %| 96.87 % | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | old | 1654.26 us| 969.12 us| 832.13 us| 680.69 us| 718.70 us| 750.80 us| 744.12 us| 775.24 us| 7125.07 us new | 1637.04 us| 978.09 us| 799.93 us| 709.33 us| 746.42 us| 684.87 us| 822.30 us| 787.61 us| 7165.59 us change | 98.96 %| 100.93 %| 96.13 %| 104.21 %| 103.86 %| 91.22 %| 110.51 %| 101.60 %| 100.57 % #### Commit 3535cbd8 - Cache Align scheduler_memory Big improvements of about 6% in our test. This seems like a little, but 6% from the scheduler is a lot, as the 'main work' is the tasks itself, not the scheduler. This change unsurprisingly yields the biggest improvement yet. #### Commit b9bb90a4 - Try to figure out the 'high thread bottleneck' We are currently seeing good performance on low core counts (up to 1/2 of the machines cores), but after that performance plumishes: Bana-Pi Best-Case: Bana-Pi Average-Case: Laptop Best-Case: Laptop Average-Case: As we can see, in average the performance of PLS starts getting way worse than TBB and EMBB after 4 cores. We suspect this is due to contemption, but could not resolve it with any combination of `tas_spinlock` vs `ttas_spinlock` and `lock` vs `try_lock`. This issue clearly needs further investigation. ### Commit aa27064 - Performance with ttsa spinlocks (and 'full blocking' top level) ### Commit d16ad3e - Performance with rw-lock and backoff ### Commit 18b2d744 - Performance with lock-free deque After much tinkering we still have performance problems with higher thread counts in the FFT benchmark. Upward from 4/5 threads the performance gains start to saturate (before removing the top level locks we even saw a slight drop in performance). Currently the FFT benchmark shows the following results (average): We want to positively note that the overall trend of 'performance drops' at the hyperthreading mark is not really bad anymore, it rather seems similar to EMBB now (with backoff + lockfree deque + top level reader-writers lock). This comes partly because the spike at 4 threads is lower (less performance at 4 threads). We also see better times on the multiprogramed system with the lock-free deque. This is discouraging after many tests. To see where the overhead lies we also implemented the unbalanced tree search benchmark, resulting in the following, suprisingly good, results (average): The main difference between the two benchmarks is, that the second one has more work and the work is relatively independent. Additionaly, the first one uses our high level API (parallel invoke), while the second one uses our low level API. It is worth investigating if either or high level API or the structure of the memory access in FFT are the problem. ### Commit cf056856 - Remove two-level scheduler In this test we replace the two level scheduler with ONLY fork_join tasks. This removes the top level steal overhead and performs only internal stealing. For this we set the fork_join task as the only possible task type and removed the top level rw-lock, the digging down to our level and solely use internal stealing. Average results FFT: Average results Unbalanced: There seems to be only a minor performance difference between the two, suggesting tha our two-level approach is not the part causing our weaker performance. ### Commit afd0331b - Some notes on scaling problems After tweaking individual values and parameters we can still not find the main cause for our slowdown on multiple processors. We also use intel's vtune amplifier to measure performance on our run and find that we always spend way too much time 'waiting for work', e.g. in the backoff mechanism when enabled or in the locks for stealing work when backoff is disabled. This leads us to believe that our problems might be connected to some issue with work distribution on the FFT case, as the unbalanced tree search (with a lot 'local' work) performs good. To get more data in we add benchmarks on matrix multiplication implemented in two fashions: once with a 'native' array stealing task and once with a fork-join task. Both implementations use the same minimum array sub-size of 4 elements and we can hopefully see if they have any performance differences. Best case fork-join: Average case fork-join: Best case Native: Average case Native: What we find very interesting is, that the best case times of our pls library are very fast (as good as TBB), but the average times drop badly. We currently do not know why this is the case. ### Commit afd0331b - Intel VTune Amplifier We did serval measurements with intel's VTune Amplifier profiling tool. The main thing that we notice is, that the cycles per instruction for our useful work blocks increase, thus requiring more CPU time for the acutal useful work. We also measured an implementation using TBB and found no significante difference, e.g. TBB also has a higher CPI with 8 threads. Our conclusion after this long hunting for performance is, that we might just be bound by some general performance issues with our code. The next step will therefore be to read the other frameworks and our code carefully, trying to find potential issues. ### Commit 116cf4af - Removing Exponential Backoff In the steal loop we first hade a backoff-mechanism as often seen in locks (spin with relaxed CPU, then sleep/yield after too many backoffs). The rationale behind this is to relax the memory bus by not busily working on atomic variables. We introduced it first with the fear that keeping the CPU busy with spinning would degregade performance of the other working threads. However, the above examination with Intel VTune showed that this seems to not be the main problem of our implementation (TBB shows the same CPI increases with more threads, our implementation seems fine in this regard). To further reduce elements that could cause performance problems, we therefore decided to perform one more measurement without this backoff. #### Results of FFT The first measurement is on the FFT. Here we tested two variants: One with a 'yield/sleep' statement after a worker thread failed to steal any work after the first try on every other thread and one without this sleep. The rationale behind the sleep is that it relaxes the CPU (it is also found in EMBB). Average with sleep: Average without sleep: We clearly observe that the version without a sleep statement is faster, and thus in future experiments/measurements will exclude this statement. This also makes sense, as our steal loop can fail, even thought there potentially is work (because of our lock free deque implementation). #### Results Matrix We re-ran our benchmarks on the fork-join and native matrix multiplication implementation to see how those change without the backoff. We expect good results, as the matrix multiplication mostly has enough work to keep all threads busy, thus having workers less time spinning in the steal loop. Average Fork-Join Matrix: Average Native Matrix: The results are far better than the last ones, and indicate that removing the backoff can drasticly improve performance. #### Conclusion We will exclude the backoff mechanisms for further tests, as this seems to generally improve (or at least not harm performance in case of FFT). We also want to note that all these measurements are not very controlled/scientific, but simply ran ot our notebook for fast iterations over different, potential issues with our scheduler.