Commit f7f3bcfc by FritzFlorian

Add basic deque implementation.

This implementation allows one to add the deque_item property to any class and then manage pointers to these items in a deque. We currently use a spinlock for concurrent access.
parent e44c76df
# List all required files here (cmake best practice to NOT automate this step!)
add_library(pls STATIC
src/library.cpp include/pls/library.h
src/pls.cpp include/pls/pls.h
src/internal/base/spin_lock.cpp include/pls/internal/base/spin_lock.h
src/internal/base/thread.cpp include/pls/internal/base/thread.h
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ add_library(pls STATIC
src/internal/scheduling/run_on_n_threads_task.cpp include/pls/internal/scheduling/run_on_n_threads_task.h
src/internal/scheduling/tbb_task.cpp include/pls/internal/scheduling/tbb_task.h
src/internal/base/deque.cpp include/pls/internal/base/deque.h)
# Add everything in `./include` to be in the include path of this project
#ifndef PLS_DEQUE_H
#define PLS_DEQUE_H
#include "spin_lock.h"
namespace pls {
namespace internal {
namespace base {
class deque_item {
friend class deque_internal;
deque_item* prev_;
deque_item* next_;
class deque_internal {
deque_item* head_;
deque_item* tail_;
spin_lock lock_;
deque_item* pop_head_internal();
deque_item* pop_tail_internal();
void push_tail_internal(deque_item *new_item);
template<typename Item>
class deque: deque_internal {
explicit deque(): deque_internal{} {}
inline Item* pop_head() {
return static_cast<Item*>(pop_head_internal());
inline Item* pop_tail() {
return static_cast<Item*>(pop_tail_internal());
inline void push_tail(Item* new_item) {
#endif //PLS_DEQUE_H
#include <mutex>
#include "pls/internal/base/deque.h"
namespace pls {
namespace internal {
namespace base {
deque_item* deque_internal::pop_head_internal() {
std::lock_guard<spin_lock> lock{lock_};
if (head_ == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
deque_item* result = head_;
head_ = head_->prev_;
if (head_ == nullptr) {
tail_ = nullptr;
} else {
head_->next_ = nullptr;
return result;
deque_item* deque_internal::pop_tail_internal() {
std::lock_guard<spin_lock> lock{lock_};
if (tail_ == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
deque_item* result = tail_;
tail_ = tail_->next_;
if (tail_ == nullptr) {
head_ = nullptr;
} else {
tail_->prev_ = nullptr;
return result;
void deque_internal::push_tail_internal(deque_item *new_item) {
std::lock_guard<spin_lock> lock{lock_};
if (tail_ != nullptr) {
tail_->prev_ = new_item;
} else {
head_ = new_item;
new_item->next_ = tail_;
new_item->prev_ = nullptr;
tail_ = new_item;
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