Commit 73550b12 by FritzFlorian

Notes on RT scheduling policy.

parent 449a89ef
......@@ -4,6 +4,35 @@ A collection of stuff that we noticed during development.
Useful later on two write a project report and to go back
in time to find out why certain decisions where made.
## 14.06.2019 - Benchmark Settings/Real Time Execution on Linux
Our set goal of this project is predictable execution times.
To ensure this it would be perfect to run our benchmark in perfect
isolation/in a perfectly predictable and controlled environment.
A truly predictable environment is only possible on e.g. a fully
real time os on a board that supports everything.
As this is a lot work, we look at real time linux components,
the preemt rt patch.
We already execute our program with `chrt -f 99` to run it as a real
time task. We still have seen quite big jumps in latency.
This can be due to interrupts or other processes preemting our
benchmark. We found [in this blog post](
about some more interesting details on real time processes.
There is a variable `/proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us` to set the
maximum time a real time process can run per second to ensure that
a system does not freeze when running a RT process.
When setting this to 1 second the RT processes are allowed to fully
take over the system (we will do this for further tests, as first
results show us that this drasticly improoves jitter).
Further information on RT groups can be [found here](
The RT patch of linux apparently allows the OS to preemt even
most parts of interrupts, thus providing even more isolation
(can be also found [in this blog post](
We will further investigate this by looking at a book on RT Liunx.
## 14.06.2019 - Range Class
For iterating on integers (e.g. from 0 to 10) a translation from
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