Commit 6333222f by FritzFlorian

Add wrapper for class member function references.

parent 7e388ea8
namespace pls {
namespace internal {
namespace helpers {
template<class C, typename R, typename ...ARGS>
class member_function {
using type = member_function<C, R, ARGS...>;
member_function(C *object, R (C::*function_pointer)(ARGS...)) : object_{object},
function_pointer_{function_pointer} {}
R operator()(ARGS... args) {
C *object_;
R (C::*function_pointer_)(ARGS...);
template<typename C, typename R, typename ...ARGS>
static constexpr member_function<C, R, ARGS...> bind(C *object, R (C::*function_pointer)(ARGS...)) {
return {object, function_pointer};
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