external_trading_deque.cpp 5.17 KB
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#include "pls/internal/scheduling/lock_free/external_trading_deque.h"
#include "pls/internal/scheduling/lock_free/traded_cas_field.h"

namespace pls::internal::scheduling::lock_free {
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optional<task *> external_trading_deque::peek_traded_object(task *target_task) {
  traded_cas_field current_cas = target_task->external_trading_deque_cas_.load();
  if (current_cas.is_filled_with_object()) {
    return optional<task *>{current_cas.get_trade_object()};
  } else {
    return optional<task *>{};

optional<task *> external_trading_deque::get_trade_object(task *target_task) {
  traded_cas_field current_cas = target_task->external_trading_deque_cas_.load();
  if (current_cas.is_filled_with_object()) {
    task *result = current_cas.get_trade_object();
    traded_cas_field empty_cas;
    if (target_task->external_trading_deque_cas_.compare_exchange_strong(current_cas, empty_cas)) {
      return optional<task *>{result};

  return optional<task *>{};

void external_trading_deque::push_bot(task *published_task) {
  auto expected_stamp = bot_internal_.stamp;
  auto &current_entry = entries_[bot_internal_.value];

  // Publish the prepared task in the deque.
  current_entry.forwarding_stamp_.store(expected_stamp, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  current_entry.traded_task_.store(published_task, std::memory_order_relaxed);

  // Field that all threads synchronize on.
  // This happens not in the deque itself, but in the published task.
  traded_cas_field sync_cas_field;
  sync_cas_field.fill_with_stamp(expected_stamp, thread_id_);
  published_task->external_trading_deque_cas_.store(sync_cas_field, std::memory_order_release);

  // Advance the bot pointer. Linearization point for making the task public.
  bot_.store(bot_internal_.value, std::memory_order_release);

void external_trading_deque::reset_bot_and_top() {
  bot_internal_.value = 0;

  top_.store({bot_internal_.stamp, 0});

void external_trading_deque::decrease_bot() {
  bot_.store(bot_internal_.value, std::memory_order_relaxed);

optional<task *> external_trading_deque::pop_bot() {
  if (bot_internal_.value == 0) {
    return optional<task *>{};

  auto &current_entry = entries_[bot_internal_.value];
  auto *popped_task = current_entry.traded_task_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  auto expected_stamp = current_entry.forwarding_stamp_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);

  // We know what value must be in the cas field if no other thread stole it.
  traded_cas_field expected_sync_cas_field;
  expected_sync_cas_field.fill_with_stamp(expected_stamp, thread_id_);
  traded_cas_field empty_cas_field;

  if (popped_task->external_trading_deque_cas_.compare_exchange_strong(expected_sync_cas_field,
                                                                       std::memory_order_acq_rel)) {
    return optional<task *>{popped_task};
  } else {
    return optional<task *>{};

external_trading_deque::peek_result external_trading_deque::peek_top() {
  auto local_top = top_.load();
  auto local_bot = bot_.load();

  if (local_top.value < local_bot) {
    return peek_result{optional<task *>{entries_[local_top.value].traded_task_}, local_top};
  } else {
    return peek_result{optional<task *>{}, local_top};

optional<task *> external_trading_deque::pop_top(task *offered_task, peek_result peek_result) {
  stamped_integer expected_top = peek_result.top_pointer_;
  auto local_bot = bot_.load();
  if (expected_top.value >= local_bot) {
    return data_structures::optional<task *>{};

  auto &target_entry = entries_[expected_top.value];

  // Read our potential result
  task *result = target_entry.traded_task_.load();
  unsigned long forwarding_stamp = target_entry.forwarding_stamp_.load();

  // Try to get it by CAS with the expected field entry, giving up our offered_task for it
  traded_cas_field expected_sync_cas_field;
  expected_sync_cas_field.fill_with_stamp(expected_top.stamp, thread_id_);

  traded_cas_field offered_field;

  if (result->external_trading_deque_cas_.compare_exchange_strong(expected_sync_cas_field, offered_field)) {
    // We got it, for sure move the top pointer forward.
    top_.compare_exchange_strong(expected_top, {expected_top.stamp + 1, expected_top.value + 1});
    // Return the stolen task
    return data_structures::optional<task *>{result};
  } else {
    // We did not get it...help forwarding the top pointer anyway.
    if (expected_top.stamp == forwarding_stamp) {
      // ...move the pointer forward if someone else put a valid trade object in there.
      top_.compare_exchange_strong(expected_top, {expected_top.stamp + 1, expected_top.value + 1});
    } else {
      // ...we failed because the top tag lags behind...try to fix it.
      // This means only updating the tag, as this location can still hold data we need.
      top_.compare_exchange_strong(expected_top, {forwarding_stamp, expected_top.value});
    return data_structures::optional<task *>{};
