make_x86_64_ms_pe_masm.asm 8.92 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163

;           Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
;  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
;     (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |     0   |     1   |     2    |     3   |     4   |     5   |     6   |     7   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    0x0  |    0x4  |    0x8   |    0xc  |   0x10  |   0x14  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |                          SEE registers (XMM6-XMM15)                            |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |     8   |    9    |    10    |    11   |    12   |    13   |    14   |    15   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0x20  |  0x24   |   0x28   |   0x2c  |   0x30  |   0x34  |   0x38  |   0x3c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |                          SEE registers (XMM6-XMM15)                            |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    16   |    17   |    18   |    19    |    20   |    21   |    22   |    23   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0xe40  |   0x44 |   0x48  |   0x4c   |   0x50  |   0x54  |   0x58  |   0x5c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |                          SEE registers (XMM6-XMM15)                            |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    24   |   25    |    26    |   27    |    28   |    29   |    30   |    31   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0x60  |   0x64  |   0x68   |   0x6c  |   0x70  |   0x74  |   0x78  |   0x7c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |                          SEE registers (XMM6-XMM15)                            |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    32   |   32    |    33    |   34    |    35   |    36   |    37   |    38   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0x80  |   0x84  |   0x88   |   0x8c  |   0x90  |   0x94  |   0x98  |   0x9c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |                          SEE registers (XMM6-XMM15)                            |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    39   |   40    |    41    |   42    |    43   |    44   |    45   |    46   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0xa0  |   0xa4  |   0xa8   |   0xac  |   0xb0  |   0xb4  |   0xb8  |   0xbc  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  | fc_mxcsr|fc_x87_cw|     <alignment>    |       fbr_strg    |      fc_dealloc   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    47   |   48    |    49    |   50    |    51   |    52   |    53   |    54   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0xc0  |   0xc4  |   0xc8   |   0xcc  |   0xd0  |   0xd4  |   0xd8  |   0xdc  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |        limit      |         base       |         R12       |         R13       |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    55   |   56    |    57    |   58    |    59   |    60   |    61   |    62   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0xe0  |   0xe4  |   0xe8   |   0xec  |   0xf0  |   0xf4  |   0xf8  |   0xfc  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |        R14        |         R15        |         RDI       |        RSI        |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    63   |   64    |    65    |   66    |    67   |    68   |    69   |    70   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |  0x100  |  0x104  |  0x108   |  0x10c  |  0x110  |  0x114  |  0x118  |  0x11c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |        RBX        |         RBP        |       hidden      |        RIP        |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    71   |   72    |    73    |   74    |    75   |    76   |    77   |    78   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |  0x120  |  0x124  |  0x128   |  0x12c  |  0x130  |  0x134  |  0x138  |  0x13c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |                                   parameter area                               |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    79   |   80    |    81    |   82    |    83   |    84   |    85   |    86   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |  0x140  |  0x144  |  0x148   |  0x14c  |  0x150  |  0x154  |  0x158  |  0x15c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |       FCTX        |        DATA        |                                       |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; standard C library function

; generate function table entry in .pdata and unwind information in
    ; .xdata for a function's structured exception handling unwind behavior

    ; first arg of make_fcontext() == top of context-stack
    mov  rax, rcx

    ; shift address in RAX to lower 16 byte boundary
    ; == pointer to fcontext_t and address of context stack
    and  rax, -16

    ; reserve space for context-data on context-stack
    ; on context-function entry: (RSP -0x8) % 16 == 0
    sub  rax, 0150h

    ; third arg of make_fcontext() == address of context-function
    ; stored in RBX
    mov  [rax+0100h], r8

    ; first arg of make_fcontext() == top of context-stack
    ; save top address of context stack as 'base'
    mov  [rax+0c8h], rcx
    ; second arg of make_fcontext() == size of context-stack
    ; negate stack size for LEA instruction (== substraction)
    neg  rdx
    ; compute bottom address of context stack (limit)
    lea  rcx, [rcx+rdx]
    ; save bottom address of context stack as 'limit'
    mov  [rax+0c0h], rcx
    ; save address of context stack limit as 'dealloction stack'
    mov  [rax+0b8h], rcx
	; set fiber-storage to zero
	xor  rcx, rcx
    mov  [rax+0b0h], rcx

	; save MMX control- and status-word
    stmxcsr  [rax+0a0h]
    ; save x87 control-word
    fnstcw  [rax+0a4h]

    ; compute address of transport_t
    lea rcx, [rax+0140h]
    ; store address of transport_t in hidden field
    mov [rax+0110h], rcx

    ; compute abs address of label trampoline
    lea  rcx, trampoline
    ; save address of trampoline as return-address for context-function
    ; will be entered after calling jump_fcontext() first time
    mov  [rax+0118h], rcx

    ; compute abs address of label finish
    lea  rcx, finish
    ; save address of finish as return-address for context-function in RBP
    ; will be entered after context-function returns 
    mov  [rax+0108h], rcx

    ret ; return pointer to context-data

    ; store return address on stack
    ; fix stack alignment
    push rbp
    ; jump to context-function
    jmp rbx

    ; exit code is zero
    xor  rcx, rcx
    ; exit application
    call  _exit
make_fcontext ENDP