ontop_x86_64_ms_pe_masm.asm 5.52 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130

;           Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
;  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
;     (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
;           http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |     0   |     1   |     2    |     3   |     4   |     5   |     6   |     7   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    0x0  |    0x4  |    0x8   |    0xc  |   0x10  |   0x14  |   0x18  |   0x1c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |      fbr_strg     |      fc_dealloc    |       limit       |        base       |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |     8   |    9    |    10    |    11   |    12   |    13   |    14   |    15   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0x20  |  0x24   |   0x28   |   0x2c  |   0x30  |   0x34  |   0x38  |   0x3c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |        R12        |         R13        |        R14        |        R15        |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    16   |    17   |    18   |    19    |    20   |    21   |    22   |    23   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0xe40  |   0x44 |   0x48  |   0x4c   |   0x50  |   0x54  |   0x58  |   0x5c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |        RDI         |       RSI         |        RBX        |        RBP        |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    24   |   25    |    26    |   27    |    28   |    29   |    30   |    31   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0x60  |   0x64  |   0x68   |   0x6c  |   0x70  |   0x74  |   0x78  |   0x7c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |        hidden     |         RIP        |       EXIT        |   parameter area  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    32   |   32    |    33    |   34    |    35   |    36   |    37   |    38   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0x80  |   0x84  |   0x88   |   0x8c  |   0x90  |   0x94  |   0x98  |   0x9c  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |                       parameter area                       |        FCTX       |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |    39   |   40    |    41    |   42    |    43   |    44   |    45   |    46   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |   0xa0  |   0xa4  |   0xa8   |   0xac  |   0xb0  |   0xb4  |   0xb8  |   0xbc  |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  |       DATA        |                    |                   |                   |
;  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    push  rcx  ; save hidden address of transport_t

    push  rbp  ; save RBP
    push  rbx  ; save RBX
    push  rsi  ; save RSI
    push  rdi  ; save RDI
    push  r15  ; save R15
    push  r14  ; save R14
    push  r13  ; save R13
    push  r12  ; save R12

    ; load NT_TIB
    mov  r10,  gs:[030h]
    ; save current stack base
    mov  rax,  [r10+08h]
    push  rax
    ; save current stack limit
    mov  rax, [r10+010h]
    push  rax
    ; save current deallocation stack
    mov  rax, [r10+01478h]
    push  rax
    ; save fiber local storage
    mov  rax, [r10+018h]
    push  rax

    ; preserve RSP (pointing to context-data) in RCX
    mov  rcx, rsp

    ; restore RSP (pointing to context-data) from RDX
    mov  rsp, rdx

    ; load NT_TIB
    mov  r10, gs:[030h]
    ; restore fiber local storage
    pop  rax
    mov  [r10+018h], rax
    ; restore deallocation stack
    pop  rax
    mov  [r10+01478h], rax
    ; restore stack limit
    pop  rax
    mov  [r10+010h], rax
    ; restore stack base
    pop  rax
    mov  [r10+08h], rax

    pop  r12  ; restore R12
    pop  r13  ; restore R13
    pop  r14  ; restore R14
    pop  r15  ; restore R15
    pop  rdi  ; restore RDI
    pop  rsi  ; restore RSI
    pop  rbx  ; restore RBX
    pop  rbp  ; restore RBP

    pop  rax  ; restore hidden address of transport_t

    ; keep return-address on stack

    ; transport_t returned in RAX
    ; return parent fcontext_t
    mov  [rax], rcx
    ; return data
    mov  [rax+08h], r8

    ; transport_t as 1.arg of context-function
    ; RCX contains address of returned (hidden) transfer_t
    mov rcx,  rax  
    ; RDX contains address of passed transfer_t
    mov rdx,  rax

    ; indirect jump to context
    jmp  r9
ontop_fcontext ENDP