Commit 51c3f50f by Alexander Bazo

Update Readme

parent 51bd5294
# GazeClient
A javascript library to subscribe to local gaze data streams in the OTH/UR Eyetracking Classroom.
A Javascript library to subscribe to local gaze data streams in the OTH/UR Eye-Tracking Classroom. Packed and compressed library files can be found in `/build`.
GazeClient connects to a running [GazeServer]( instance on the local machine and publishes gaze data from the currently tracked user. Websockets are used to connect client and server.
## Usage
**Add the library:**
**Add the library to your application:**
<script type="application/javascript" src="gazeclient.js"></script>
......@@ -19,12 +21,19 @@ gclient.addEventListener("gazeDataAvailable", function onGazeDataAvailable(event
**Connect to a running gaze data server:**
**Connect to a running gaze data server by providing a valid URL:**
### Events
| Event | Type | Description | Data |
| ConnectionOpenedEvent | connectionclosed | Invoked when client successfully connected to server. | - |
| ConnectionClosedEvent | connectionclosed | Invoked when client lost connection to server. | - |
| DataEvent | dataavailable | Invoked when new gaze data from eye-tracker is available. | On-display (x,y) coordinates for both eyes |
## Build
......@@ -32,4 +41,4 @@ gclient.connect("ws://localhost:8001/gaze");
- node.js
To build a current version of this library run `npm install` and `npm run build`. The client library is packed with [rollup]( and copied to `build/` and `demo/`.
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To build a current version of this library run `npm install` and `npm run build`. The client library is packed with [rollup](, compress with [uglify-es]( and copied to `build/` and `demo/`.
\ No newline at end of file
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