Embedded Multicore Building Blocks (EMB²) ========================================= Version 0.2.2 ------------- ### Bug fixes: - Fixed 64bit problem in atomics - Fixed bug in dataflow_cpp causing network to hang - Fixed bug in conversion of core_set - Fixed fetch-and-add implementation to support armv7-a - Fixed missing freeing of mutex attributes in case of error - Fixed bug where closure was allocated with Allocation::New but deleted with operator delete - Fixed inconsistent naming of unit test cases - Fixed memory allocation in hazard pointer implementation by replacing calls to new and delete with EMB²-specific functions - Fixed memory leak in tests for containers - Fixed affinity implementation for FreeBSD ### Changes and improvements: - Added checks for memory leaks in tests - Added block size support in MergeSort - Renamed all platform specific defines to EMBB_PLATFORM_* - Changed all checks for platform specific defines to checks for EMBB_* defines - Replaced C++11 initializer lists in examples with C++03 compliant statements - Extended unit tests for MPMC queue with checks for relative order - Added check for result of pthread_attr_destroy - Added assert in embb_tss_get - Moved ExecutionPolicy from algorithms to mtapi_cpp, removed Affinity ### Features: - None ### Build system: - Removed cppcheck warnings - Removed cpplint warnings ### Documentation: - Improved documentation of default values and priorities - Revised template argument names in base_cpp and containers_cpp - Moved ExecutionPolicy and Identity to CPP_ALGORITHMS Doxygen group - Fixed description of token limit in tutorial - Added Clang support to README - Mentioned the ability to cross compile in README - Added link to release files in README - Minor corrections in README - Updated copyright notice - Changed year in tutorial.tex to 2015 Version 0.2.1 ------------- ### Bug fixes: - Fixed implementation of atomic operations on ARM. - Fixed bug in HelpScan routine of hazard pointer implementation. - Replaced inclusion of non-standard header malloc.h with stdlib.h. ### Features: - Added embb_core_count_available() implementation for FreeBSD. ### Build system: - Added initial support for Clang. - Added initial support for Travis. - Fixed "Policy CMP0026 is not set" warning of CMake >= 3.0.2. - Made build independent of build-dir / source-dir location. - Fixed remaining GCC, Clang, MSVC, and cpplint warnings. - Replaced /bin/bash with /usr/bin/env bash in scripts. - Added executable flag to shell scripts. - Omitted Doxygen "Makefiles" from tarball. - Included patchlevel in name of installation directory on Linux. - Added LaTeX .bbl and .blg files to ignore list. ### Documentation: - Updated README file, created CHANGELOG file, and added markdown support. - Corrected license in COPYING.md (BSD 2-clause). - Changed default Doxygen level for API to two. - Added check for Doxyfile.in (if not present, do not add Doxygen target). - Added PDF image of building blocks and updated tutorial.tex. - Fixed typos and wording. Version 0.2.0 ------------- - Initial version of open source release