#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Siemens AG. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #function for printing usage usage() { echo "Create a tarball of the project. Specify the project root with the"; echo "-d parameter. Optionally, specify the -v switch to get verbose output"; echo "and/or the -q switch, for non-interactive (without user inputs)"; echo "processing."; echo ""; echo "Version number and project name is automatically derived from CMakeLists.txt"; echo "in the project's root."; echo "Tarball name: [PROJECT_NAME]_[VERSION_NUMBER].tar.gz"; echo "Example call (from the scripts directory as working directory):"; echo "$0 -d ../"; echo ""; echo "Usage: $0 [-d ] [-v] [-q]" 1>&2; exit 1; } #check if all dependencies are fulfilled for DEPENDENCY in rsync pdflatex bibtex cp tar mktemp cd grep cmake find file echo python realpath sed do command -v $DEPENDENCY >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "This script requires $DEPENDENCY but it's not installed. Exiting."; exit 1; } done #get command line options while getopts "d:vq" o; do case "${o}" in d) d=${OPTARG} ;; v) v=1 ;; q) q=1 ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) #used as wrapper, for switching between verbose and normal mode redirect_cmd() { if [ -z "${v}" ]; then "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 else "$@" fi } #user has to specify directory if [ -z "${d}" ]; then usage fi #the specified directory has to exist if [ ! -d "$d" ]; then echo "--> ! Error, directory $d does not exist or is not a directory!" echo "" usage fi CMAKEFILE="$d/CMakeLists.txt" if [ ! -f "$CMAKEFILE" ]; then echo "--> ! Error, could no locate CMakeLists.txt" echo "" usage fi #derive version number from cmake script VERSION_MAJOR=`cat $CMAKEFILE | grep EMBB_BASE_VERSION_MAJOR | sed "s/^[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\)[^0-9]*$/\1/g"` VERSION_MINOR=`cat $CMAKEFILE | grep EMBB_BASE_VERSION_MINOR | sed "s/^[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\)[^0-9]*$/\1/g"` VERSION_PATCH=`cat $CMAKEFILE | grep EMBB_BASE_VERSION_PATCH | sed "s/^[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\)[^0-9]*$/\1/g"` VERSION_NUMBER="${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}" #generate tarball name PROJECT_NAME=`cat $CMAKEFILE | grep project.*\(.*\) | sed "s/^[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*$/\1/g" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` n="${PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION_NUMBER}" TARBALL_NAME="${n}.tar.gz" #verify that tarball doesn't allow forbidden characters if ! [[ $TARBALL_NAME =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9|\.|\_|-]+$ ]]; then echo "--> Want to create tarball with name $TARBALL_NAME." >&2 echo '--> ! Filename not valid, only a-z, A-Z, .,- and _ characters are allowed' >&2 # write to stderr exit 1 fi if [ -z "${q}" ]; then #in interactive mode, ask the user if the tarball shall be created with this filename echo "--> Do you wish to create a tarball with the name $TARBALL_NAME in the current directory?" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) break;; No ) echo Leaving tarball creation; exit 1;; esac done else echo "--> Tarball with name $TARBALL_NAME will be created." fi #check if file with the tarball_name already exists. In interactive mode, ask the user if this file shall be deleted. Otherwise just exit. if [ -f "$TARBALL_NAME" ]; then if [ -z "${q}" ]; then echo "--> File $TARBALL_NAME exists. Delete file?" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) break;; No ) echo Leaving tarball creation; exit 1;; esac done rm $TARBALL_NAME if [ -f "$TARBALL_NAME" ]; then echo "Could not delete $TARBALL_NAME" exit 1 fi else echo "--> ! File $TARBALL_NAME exists. Delete first. Exiting." exit 1; fi fi #temporary directory for doxygen MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD=`mktemp -d` #temporary directory for building other things (e.g. Latex or integrating snippets into examples) MYTMPDIR_BUILD=`mktemp -d` #temporary target directory, from this the tarball will be created MYTMPDIR=`mktemp -d` echo "--> Creating temporary directories $MYTMPDIR $MYTMPDIR_BUILD $MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD" #install traps, deleting the temporary directories when exiting function finish { rm -rf $MYTMPDIR rm -rf $MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD rm -rf $MYTMPDIR_BUILD } trap finish EXIT PROJECT_DIR_FULLPATH=`realpath ${d}` echo "--> Generating Doxygen" REMEMBER_CUR_DIR=$(pwd) cd $MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD echo "---> Initialize CMake" redirect_cmd cmake $PROJECT_DIR_FULLPATH echo "---> Call CMake with target Doxygen" redirect_cmd cmake --build . --target doxygen REFMAN_TEXFILE="$MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD/latex/refman.tex" DO_CREATE_LATEXDOC=true if [ ! -f "$REFMAN_TEXFILE" ]; then echo "---> ! Could not find doxygen tex source $REFMAN_TEXFILE. Leaving tarball creation." exit 1; fi #to resolve all references, pdf and bibtex have to be run more than once. With 4 runs, we should get everything right. PDFRUNS=4 echo "---> Build Doxygen PDF reference" if [ "$DO_CREATE_LATEXDOC" = true ] ; then cd "$MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD/latex" for ((i=1; i<=$PDFRUNS; i++)); do echo "----> LaTeX Run ($i/$PDFRUNS)" redirect_cmd pdflatex refman.tex redirect_cmd bibtex refman done fi cd $REMEMBER_CUR_DIR echo "--> Calling rsync to temporary folder 1/2 ($MYTMPDIR)" #this is the rsync, to the folder from which the tarball will be created later. Exclude everything, that should not be in the tarball. Also exclude things, that are generated somewhere else, like examples. redirect_cmd rsync \ --exclude ".git" \ --exclude ".gitignore" \ --exclude ".gitattributes" \ --exclude "build*/" \ --exclude "scripts/*.tar.gz" \ --exclude "scripts/cpplint.py" \ --exclude "scripts/create_tarball.sh" \ --exclude "scripts/insert_license.sh" \ --exclude "scripts/license.*" \ --exclude "scripts/license_*" \ --exclude "scripts/remove_license.sh" \ --exclude "mtapi/MTAPI.mm" \ --exclude ".cproject" \ --exclude ".gitattributes" \ --exclude ".project" \ --exclude "*.blg" \ --exclude "*.fls" \ --exclude "*.bbl" \ --exclude "*.fdb_latexmk" \ --exclude "*.log" \ --exclude "*.out" \ --exclude "*.toc" \ --exclude "*.aux" \ --exclude "doc/tutorial/sty" \ --exclude "doc/tutorial/pics" \ --exclude "doc/tutorial/content" \ --exclude "doc/tutorial/*.tex" \ --exclude "doc/tutorial/*.bib" \ --exclude "doc/reference/*.xml" \ --exclude "doc/reference/*.dox" \ --exclude "doc/reference/*.in" \ --exclude "doc/reference/header.html" \ --exclude "doc/reference/*.css" \ --exclude "doc/examples" \ --exclude "doc/examples/insert_snippets.py" \ --exclude ".travis.yml" \ --archive --recursive ${d} $MYTMPDIR/${n} echo "--> Replace version number in README" README_FILE="$MYTMPDIR/${n}/README.md" #replace version number in readme if [ -f $README_FILE ]; then sed -i "s/\[VERSION_NUMBER_TEMPLATE\]/$VERSION_NUMBER/g" $README_FILE fi echo "--> Calling rsync to temporary folder 2/2 ($MYTMPDIR_BUILD)" #doing a rsync to another temporary folder, which will be used to build things, like e.g. the tutorial pdf. redirect_cmd rsync \ --archive --recursive ${d} $MYTMPDIR_BUILD echo "--> Generating Tutorial PDF" TUTORIAL_TEX_DIR="$MYTMPDIR_BUILD/doc/tutorial" REMEMBER_CUR_DIR=$(pwd) TUTORIAL_PDF_SOURCE="$TUTORIAL_TEX_DIR/tutorial.pdf" TUTORIAL_PDF_TARGET="$MYTMPDIR/${n}/doc/tutorial/tutorial.pdf" if [ -f "$TUTORIAL_TEX_DIR/tutorial.tex" ]; then cd $TUTORIAL_TEX_DIR for ((i=1; i<=$PDFRUNS; i++)); do echo "---> LaTeX Run ($i/$PDFRUNS)" redirect_cmd pdflatex tutorial.tex redirect_cmd bibtex tutorial done if [ -f "$TUTORIAL_PDF_SOURCE" ]; then cp $TUTORIAL_PDF_SOURCE $TUTORIAL_PDF_TARGET fi fi cd $REMEMBER_CUR_DIR REFMAN_TARGET="$MYTMPDIR/${n}/doc/reference/reference.pdf" REFMAN_SOURCE="$MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD/latex/refman.pdf" echo "--> Integrating Example Snippets" REMEMBER_CUR_DIR=$(pwd) EXAMPLES_DIR="$MYTMPDIR_BUILD/doc/examples" INTEGRATE_SNIPPETS_SCRIPT="insert_snippets.py" EXAMPLES_TARGET_DIR="$MYTMPDIR/${n}/doc/" if [ -f $EXAMPLES_DIR/$INTEGRATE_SNIPPETS_SCRIPT ]; then cd $EXAMPLES_DIR echo "---> Calling integrate script" redirect_cmd python insert_snippets.py if [ -d $EXAMPLES_TARGET_DIR ]; then echo "---> Copy integrated examples back" #The examples have been integrated. Copy the integrated source files. redirect_cmd rsync --archive --recursive $EXAMPLES_DIR $EXAMPLES_TARGET_DIR \ --exclude=*snippet.h \ --exclude=*fragmented.h \ --exclude=*snippet.cc \ --exclude=*fragmented.cc \ --exclude=*$INTEGRATE_SNIPPETS_SCRIPT fi fi cd $REMEMBER_CUR_DIR echo "--> Copy reference manual" if [ -f $REFMAN_SOURCE ]; then cp $REFMAN_SOURCE $REFMAN_TARGET else echo "--> ! Could not find doxygen pdf document $REFMAN_SOURCE. Exiting" exit 1; fi if [ -d $MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD/html ]; then redirect_cmd rsync --archive --recursive $MYTMPDIR_DOXY_BUILD/html/ $MYTMPDIR/${n}/doc/reference/doxygen_html_generated else echo "Doxygen HTML was not generated. Tarball will not contain HTML reference documentation. Exiting." exit 1; fi echo "--> Checking line endings" #check for files, that have windows file endings. Those are forbidden. WINLINES=`find $MYTMPDIR/${n} -not -type d -exec file "{}" ";" | grep CRLF` if [ -n "$WINLINES" ]; then echo "Detected Dos line endings in following files:" echo "$WINLINES" echo "Error: The project guidelines forbid Dos line endings. Exiting." exit 1; fi #sanity check... verify, that expected targets are there, otherwise abort... if ! [ -f $MYTMPDIR/${n}/doc/examples/main.cc ]; then echo "--> ! Examples missing. Exiting." exit 1; fi if ! [ -f $MYTMPDIR/${n}/doc/tutorial/tutorial.pdf ]; then echo "--> ! Tutorial PDF missing. Exiting." exit 1; fi if ! [ -f $MYTMPDIR/${n}/doc/reference/reference.pdf ]; then echo "--> ! Reference PDF documentation missing. Exiting." exit 1; fi if ! [ -f $MYTMPDIR/${n}/doc/reference/doxygen_html_generated/index.html ]; then echo "--> ! Reference HTML documentation missing. Exiting." exit 1; fi #finally, build the tarball. echo "--> Calling tar" tar -czf $TARBALL_NAME -C $MYTMPDIR ${n} echo "--> Done. Created $TARBALL_NAME."