/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Siemens AG. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin_struct { cl_platform_id platform_id; cl_device_id device_id; cl_context context; cl_command_queue command_queue; cl_uint work_group_size; cl_uint work_item_sizes[3]; }; typedef struct embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin_struct embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin_t; static embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin_t embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin; struct embb_mtapi_opencl_action_struct { cl_program program; cl_kernel kernel; cl_mem node_local_data; int node_local_data_size; size_t local_work_size; size_t element_size; }; typedef struct embb_mtapi_opencl_action_struct embb_mtapi_opencl_action_t; struct embb_mtapi_opencl_task_struct { cl_mem arguments; int arguments_size; cl_mem result_buffer; int result_buffer_size; cl_event kernel_finish_event; mtapi_task_hndl_t task; }; typedef struct embb_mtapi_opencl_task_struct embb_mtapi_opencl_task_t; static int round_up(int group_size, int global_size) { int r = global_size % group_size; if (r == 0) { return global_size; } else { return global_size + group_size - r; } } static void CL_API_CALL opencl_task_complete( cl_event ev, cl_int status, void * data) { EMBB_UNUSED(ev); EMBB_UNUSED(status); cl_int err; EMBB_UNUSED_IN_RELEASE(err); embb_mtapi_opencl_task_t * opencl_task = (embb_mtapi_opencl_task_t*)data; if (embb_mtapi_node_is_initialized()) { embb_mtapi_node_t * node = embb_mtapi_node_get_instance(); if (embb_mtapi_task_pool_is_handle_valid( node->task_pool, opencl_task->task)) { embb_mtapi_task_t * local_task = embb_mtapi_task_pool_get_storage_for_handle( node->task_pool, opencl_task->task); err = clWaitForEvents(1, &opencl_task->kernel_finish_event); assert(CL_SUCCESS == err); if (NULL != opencl_task->result_buffer) { err = clReleaseMemObject(opencl_task->result_buffer); assert(CL_SUCCESS == err); } if (NULL != opencl_task->arguments) { err = clReleaseMemObject(opencl_task->arguments); assert(CL_SUCCESS == err); } embb_mtapi_task_set_state(local_task, MTAPI_TASK_COMPLETED); } } } static void opencl_task_start( MTAPI_IN mtapi_task_hndl_t task, MTAPI_OUT mtapi_status_t* status) { mtapi_status_t local_status = MTAPI_ERR_UNKNOWN; cl_int err; if (embb_mtapi_node_is_initialized()) { embb_mtapi_node_t * node = embb_mtapi_node_get_instance(); if (embb_mtapi_task_pool_is_handle_valid(node->task_pool, task)) { embb_mtapi_task_t * local_task = embb_mtapi_task_pool_get_storage_for_handle(node->task_pool, task); if (embb_mtapi_action_pool_is_handle_valid( node->action_pool, local_task->action)) { embb_mtapi_action_t * local_action = embb_mtapi_action_pool_get_storage_for_handle( node->action_pool, local_task->action); embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin_t * plugin = &embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin; embb_mtapi_opencl_action_t * opencl_action = (embb_mtapi_opencl_action_t*)local_action->plugin_data; embb_mtapi_opencl_task_t * opencl_task = (embb_mtapi_opencl_task_t*)embb_alloc( sizeof(embb_mtapi_opencl_task_t)); size_t elements = local_task->result_size / opencl_action->element_size; size_t global_work_size; if (0 == elements) elements = 1; global_work_size = round_up((int)opencl_action->local_work_size, (int)elements); opencl_task->task = task; opencl_task->arguments_size = local_task->arguments_size; if (0 < local_task->arguments_size) { opencl_task->arguments = clCreateBuffer(plugin->context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, local_task->arguments_size, NULL, &err); } else { opencl_task->arguments = NULL; } opencl_task->result_buffer_size = local_task->result_size; if (0 < local_task->result_size) { opencl_task->result_buffer = clCreateBuffer(plugin->context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, local_task->result_size, NULL, &err); } else { opencl_task->result_buffer = NULL; } err = clSetKernelArg(opencl_action->kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (const void*)&opencl_task->arguments); err = clSetKernelArg(opencl_action->kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_int), (const void*)&opencl_task->arguments_size); err = clSetKernelArg(opencl_action->kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (const void*)&opencl_task->result_buffer); err = clSetKernelArg(opencl_action->kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_int), (const void*)&opencl_task->result_buffer_size); err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(plugin->command_queue, opencl_task->arguments, CL_FALSE, 0, opencl_task->arguments_size, local_task->arguments, 0, NULL, NULL); err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(plugin->command_queue, opencl_action->kernel, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &opencl_action->local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL); err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(plugin->command_queue, opencl_task->result_buffer, CL_FALSE, 0, opencl_task->result_buffer_size, local_task->result_buffer, 0, NULL, &opencl_task->kernel_finish_event); err = clSetEventCallback(opencl_task->kernel_finish_event, CL_COMPLETE, opencl_task_complete, opencl_task); err = clFlush(plugin->command_queue); embb_mtapi_task_set_state(local_task, MTAPI_TASK_RUNNING); local_status = MTAPI_SUCCESS; } } } mtapi_status_set(status, local_status); } static void opencl_task_cancel( MTAPI_IN mtapi_task_hndl_t task, MTAPI_OUT mtapi_status_t* status ) { mtapi_status_t local_status = MTAPI_ERR_UNKNOWN; EMBB_UNUSED(task); mtapi_status_set(status, local_status); } static void opencl_action_finalize( MTAPI_IN mtapi_action_hndl_t action, MTAPI_OUT mtapi_status_t* status ) { mtapi_status_t local_status = MTAPI_ERR_UNKNOWN; cl_int err; EMBB_UNUSED_IN_RELEASE(err); if (embb_mtapi_node_is_initialized()) { embb_mtapi_node_t * node = embb_mtapi_node_get_instance(); if (embb_mtapi_action_pool_is_handle_valid(node->action_pool, action)) { embb_mtapi_action_t * local_action = embb_mtapi_action_pool_get_storage_for_handle( node->action_pool, action); embb_mtapi_opencl_action_t * opencl_action = (embb_mtapi_opencl_action_t *)local_action->plugin_data; if (NULL != opencl_action->node_local_data) { err = clReleaseMemObject(opencl_action->node_local_data); assert(CL_SUCCESS == err); } err = clReleaseKernel(opencl_action->kernel); assert(CL_SUCCESS == err); err = clReleaseProgram(opencl_action->program); assert(CL_SUCCESS == err); embb_free(opencl_action); local_status = MTAPI_SUCCESS; } } mtapi_status_set(status, local_status); } char buffer[1024]; void mtapi_opencl_plugin_initialize( MTAPI_OUT mtapi_status_t* status) { mtapi_status_t local_status = MTAPI_ERR_UNKNOWN; cl_int err; embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin_t * plugin = &embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin; embb_mtapi_opencl_link_at_runtime(); err = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &plugin->platform_id, NULL); if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { err = clGetDeviceIDs(plugin->platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT, 1, &plugin->device_id, NULL); } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { plugin->context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, &plugin->device_id, NULL, NULL, &err); } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { err = clGetDeviceInfo(plugin->device_id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(cl_uint), &plugin->work_group_size, NULL); } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { err = clGetDeviceInfo(plugin->device_id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES, 3 * sizeof(cl_uint), &plugin->work_item_sizes[0], NULL); } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { plugin->command_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(plugin->context, plugin->device_id, 0, &err); } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { local_status = MTAPI_SUCCESS; } mtapi_status_set(status, local_status); } void mtapi_opencl_plugin_finalize( MTAPI_OUT mtapi_status_t* status) { mtapi_status_t local_status = MTAPI_ERR_UNKNOWN; cl_int err; EMBB_UNUSED_IN_RELEASE(err); embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin_t * plugin = &embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin; /* finalization */ err = clReleaseCommandQueue(plugin->command_queue); assert(CL_SUCCESS == err); err = clReleaseContext(plugin->context); assert(CL_SUCCESS == err); local_status = MTAPI_SUCCESS; mtapi_status_set(status, local_status); } mtapi_action_hndl_t mtapi_opencl_action_create( MTAPI_IN mtapi_job_id_t job_id, MTAPI_IN char* kernel_source, MTAPI_IN char* kernel_name, MTAPI_IN mtapi_size_t local_work_size, MTAPI_IN mtapi_size_t element_size, MTAPI_IN void* node_local_data, MTAPI_IN mtapi_size_t node_local_data_size, MTAPI_OUT mtapi_status_t* status) { mtapi_status_t local_status = MTAPI_ERR_UNKNOWN; cl_int err; embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin_t * plugin = &embb_mtapi_opencl_plugin; embb_mtapi_opencl_action_t * action = (embb_mtapi_opencl_action_t*)embb_alloc( sizeof(embb_mtapi_opencl_action_t)); mtapi_action_hndl_t action_hndl = { 0, 0 }; // invalid handle size_t kernel_length = strlen(kernel_source); mtapi_boolean_t free_program_on_error = MTAPI_FALSE; mtapi_boolean_t free_kernel_on_error = MTAPI_FALSE; mtapi_boolean_t free_node_local_data_on_error = MTAPI_FALSE; action->local_work_size = local_work_size; action->element_size = element_size; /* initialization */ action->program = clCreateProgramWithSource(plugin->context, 1, &kernel_source, &kernel_length, &err); if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { free_program_on_error = MTAPI_TRUE; err = clBuildProgram(action->program, 1, &plugin->device_id, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { err = clGetProgramBuildInfo(action->program, plugin->device_id, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 1024, buffer, NULL); } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { action->kernel = clCreateKernel(action->program, kernel_name, &err); if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { free_kernel_on_error = MTAPI_TRUE; } } if (0 < node_local_data_size) { action->node_local_data = clCreateBuffer(plugin->context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, node_local_data_size, NULL, &err); if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { free_node_local_data_on_error = MTAPI_TRUE; } action->node_local_data_size = node_local_data_size; if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(plugin->command_queue, action->node_local_data, CL_TRUE, 0, action->node_local_data_size, node_local_data, 0, NULL, NULL); } } else { action->node_local_data = NULL; action->node_local_data_size = 0; } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { err = clSetKernelArg(action->kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (const void*)&action->node_local_data); } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { err = clSetKernelArg(action->kernel, 5, sizeof(cl_int), (const void*)&action->node_local_data_size); } if (CL_SUCCESS == err) { action_hndl = mtapi_ext_plugin_action_create( job_id, opencl_task_start, opencl_task_cancel, opencl_action_finalize, action, node_local_data, node_local_data_size, MTAPI_NULL, &local_status); } else { if (free_node_local_data_on_error) { clReleaseMemObject(action->node_local_data); } if (free_kernel_on_error) { clReleaseKernel(action->kernel); } if (free_program_on_error) { clReleaseProgram(action->program); } embb_free(action); } mtapi_status_set(status, local_status); return action_hndl; }