Commit ebdd3c18 by Tobias Schuele

Minor changes to documentation.

parent a5182aa5
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ class Network {
* Constructs an empty network.
* \note The number of concurrent tokens will be derived from the structure
* of the network automatically on the first call to operator () and the
* \note The number of concurrent tokens will automatically be derived from
* the structure of the network on the first call to operator(), and the
* corresponding resources will be allocated then.
Network() {}
......@@ -681,9 +681,9 @@ class Network {
* Executes the network until one of the the sources returns \c false.
* \note If the network was default constructed the number of concurrent
* tokens will be derived from the structure of the network automatically
* on the first call of the operator and the corresponding resources will
* \note If the network was default constructed, the number of concurrent
* tokens will automatically be derived from the structure of the network
* on the first call of the operator, and the corresponding resources will
* be allocated then.
void operator () ();
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