Commit d6b292eb by lucapegolotti

Fix style of sequential_data_structures.h

parent d6a1458a
......@@ -8,961 +8,945 @@
namespace lt{
namespace state{
class Set
typedef char Value;
typedef bool Ret;
static constexpr char s_empty_op_name[6] = "empty";
static constexpr char s_contains_op_name[9] = "contains";
static constexpr char s_insert_op_name[7] = "insert";
static constexpr char s_erase_op_name[6] = "erase";
struct RetOp : public internal::RetOp<Set, Ret>
RetOp(Ret r) : Base(r) {}
struct EmptyCallOp : public internal::ZeroArgOp<Set, s_empty_op_name>
EmptyCallOp() : Base() {}
std::pair<bool, Set> internal_apply(const Set& set, const Op<Set>& op) override
const RetOp& empty_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
bool ret = set.is_empty();
return{ ret == empty_ret.ret, set };
struct ContainsCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Set, Value, s_contains_op_name>
ContainsCallOp(Value v) : Base(v) {}
std::pair<bool, Set> internal_apply(const Set& set, const Op<Set>& op) override
const RetOp& contains_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
bool ret = set.contains(value);
return{ ret == contains_ret.ret, set };
struct InsertCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Set, Value, s_insert_op_name>
InsertCallOp(Value v) : Base(v) {}
std::pair<bool, Set> internal_apply(const Set& set, const Op<Set>& op) override
bool ret;
Set new_set;
const RetOp& insert_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
std::tie(ret, new_set) = set.insert(value);
return{ ret == insert_ret.ret, std::move(new_set) };
struct EraseCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Set, Value, s_erase_op_name>
EraseCallOp(Value v) : Base(v) {}
std::pair<bool, Set> internal_apply(const Set& set, const Op<Set>& op) override
bool ret;
Set new_set;
const RetOp& erase_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
std::tie(ret, new_set) = set.erase(value);
return{ ret == erase_ret.ret, std::move(new_set) };
typedef std::unique_ptr<Op<Set>> SetOpPtr;
FlexibleBitset m_bitset;
Set(FlexibleBitset&& bitset)
: m_bitset(std::move(bitset)) {}
static SetOpPtr make_empty_call()
return make_unique<EmptyCallOp>();
static SetOpPtr make_contains_call(Value value)
return make_unique<ContainsCallOp>(value);
static SetOpPtr make_insert_call(Value value)
return make_unique<InsertCallOp>(value);
static SetOpPtr make_erase_call(Value value)
return make_unique<EraseCallOp>(value);
static SetOpPtr make_ret(Ret ret)
return make_unique<RetOp>(ret);
: m_bitset{} {}
const FlexibleBitset& bitset() const
return m_bitset;
bool is_empty() const
return m_bitset.is_empty();
bool contains(const Value& value) const
return m_bitset.is_set(value);
std::pair<bool, Set> insert(const Value& value) const
FlexibleBitset copy_bitset{ m_bitset };
bool ok = copy_bitset.set(value);
return{ ok, Set(std::move(copy_bitset)) };
std::pair<bool, Set> erase(const Value& value) const
FlexibleBitset copy_bitset{ m_bitset };
bool ok = copy_bitset.reset(value);
return{ ok, Set(std::move(copy_bitset)) };
bool operator==(const Set& set) const
return m_bitset == set.m_bitset;
bool operator!=(const Set& set) const
return m_bitset != set.m_bitset;
constexpr char Set::s_empty_op_name[];
constexpr char Set::s_contains_op_name[];
constexpr char Set::s_insert_op_name[];
constexpr char Set::s_erase_op_name[];
struct Hash<Set>
std::size_t operator()(const Set& set) const noexcept
return set.bitset().hash_code();
/// Bounded stack
/// N - stack capacity
template<std::size_t N>
class Stack
typedef char Value;
static constexpr char s_try_push_op_name[9] = "try_push";
static constexpr char s_try_pop_op_name[8] = "try_pop";
struct TryPushCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Stack<N>, Value, s_try_push_op_name>
typedef internal::ArgOp<Stack<N>, Value, s_try_push_op_name> Base;
TryPushCallOp(Value v) : Base(false, v) {}
std::pair<bool, Stack<N>> internal_apply(const Stack<N>& stack, const Op<Stack<N>>& op) override
typedef internal::RetOp<Stack<N>, bool> RetOp;
const RetOp& try_push_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
if (!stack.is_full())
return{ try_push_ret.ret, stack.push(Base::value) };
return{ !try_push_ret.ret, stack };
struct TryPopRetOp : public Op<Stack<N>>
const bool m_ok;
const Value m_value;
TryPopRetOp(bool ok, Value value)
: Op<Stack<N>>(),
m_ok{ ok },
m_value{ value } {}
TryPopRetOp(bool ok, std::size_t height, Value value)
: Op<Stack<N>>(height),
m_ok{ ok },
m_value{ value } {}
bool ok() const
return m_ok;
/// \pre: ok()
Value value() const
return m_value;
typedef char Value;
typedef bool Ret;
static constexpr char s_empty_op_name[6] = "empty";
static constexpr char s_contains_op_name[9] = "contains";
static constexpr char s_insert_op_name[7] = "insert";
static constexpr char s_erase_op_name[6] = "erase";
struct RetOp : public internal::RetOp<Set, Ret>
RetOp(Ret r) : Base(r) {}
struct EmptyCallOp : public internal::ZeroArgOp<Set, s_empty_op_name>
EmptyCallOp() : Base() {}
std::pair<bool, Set> internal_apply(const Set& set, const Op<Set>& op) override
const RetOp& empty_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
bool ret = set.is_empty();
return{ ret == empty_ret.ret, set };
struct ContainsCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Set, Value, s_contains_op_name>
ContainsCallOp(Value v) : Base(v) {}
std::pair<bool, Set> internal_apply(const Set& set, const Op<Set>& op) override
const RetOp& contains_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
bool ret = set.contains(value);
return{ ret == contains_ret.ret, set };
struct InsertCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Set, Value, s_insert_op_name>
InsertCallOp(Value v) : Base(v) {}
std::pair<bool, Set> internal_apply(const Set& set, const Op<Set>& op) override
bool ret;
Set new_set;
const RetOp& insert_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
std::tie(ret, new_set) = set.insert(value);
return{ ret == insert_ret.ret, std::move(new_set) };
struct EraseCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Set, Value, s_erase_op_name>
EraseCallOp(Value v) : Base(v) {}
std::pair<bool, Set> internal_apply(const Set& set, const Op<Set>& op) override
bool ret;
Set new_set;
const RetOp& erase_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
std::tie(ret, new_set) = set.erase(value);
return{ ret == erase_ret.ret, std::move(new_set) };
typedef std::unique_ptr<Op<Set>> SetOpPtr;
FlexibleBitset m_bitset;
Set(FlexibleBitset&& bitset)
: m_bitset(std::move(bitset)) {}
static SetOpPtr make_empty_call()
return make_unique<EmptyCallOp>();
static SetOpPtr make_contains_call(Value value)
return make_unique<ContainsCallOp>(value);
static SetOpPtr make_insert_call(Value value)
return make_unique<InsertCallOp>(value);
static SetOpPtr make_erase_call(Value value)
return make_unique<EraseCallOp>(value);
static SetOpPtr make_ret(Ret ret)
return make_unique<RetOp>(ret);
: m_bitset{} {}
const FlexibleBitset& bitset() const
return m_bitset;
bool is_empty() const
return m_bitset.is_empty();
bool contains(const Value& value) const
return m_bitset.is_set(value);
std::pair<bool, Set> insert(const Value& value) const
FlexibleBitset copy_bitset{ m_bitset };
bool ok = copy_bitset.set(value);
return{ ok, Set(std::move(copy_bitset)) };
std::pair<bool, Set> erase(const Value& value) const
FlexibleBitset copy_bitset{ m_bitset };
bool ok = copy_bitset.reset(value);
return{ ok, Set(std::move(copy_bitset)) };
bool operator==(const Set& set) const
return m_bitset == set.m_bitset;
bool operator!=(const Set& set) const
return m_bitset != set.m_bitset;
constexpr char Set::s_empty_op_name[];
constexpr char Set::s_contains_op_name[];
constexpr char Set::s_insert_op_name[];
constexpr char Set::s_erase_op_name[];
struct Hash<Set>
std::size_t operator()(const Set& set) const noexcept
return set.bitset().hash_code();
/// Bounded stack
/// N - stack capacity
template<std::size_t N>
class Stack
typedef char Value;
static constexpr char s_try_push_op_name[9] = "try_push";
static constexpr char s_try_pop_op_name[8] = "try_pop";
struct TryPushCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Stack<N>, Value, s_try_push_op_name>
typedef internal::ArgOp<Stack<N>, Value, s_try_push_op_name> Base;
TryPushCallOp(Value v) : Base(false, v) {}
std::pair<bool, Stack<N>> internal_apply(const Stack<N>& stack, const Op<Stack<N>>& op) override
typedef internal::RetOp<Stack<N>, bool> RetOp;
const RetOp& try_push_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
if (!stack.is_full())
return{ try_push_ret.ret, stack.push(Base::value) };
return{ !try_push_ret.ret, stack };
struct TryPopRetOp : public Op<Stack<N>>
const bool m_ok;
const Value m_value;
TryPopRetOp(bool ok, Value value)
: Op<Stack<N>>(),
m_ok{ ok },
m_value{ value } {}
TryPopRetOp(bool ok, std::size_t height, Value value)
: Op<Stack<N>>(height),
m_ok{ ok },
m_value{ value } {}
bool ok() const
return m_ok;
/// \pre: ok()
Value value() const
return m_value;
#ifdef _LT_DEBUG_
std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os) const override
return os << "ret: [ok: " << ok() << ", value: " << (ok() ? std::to_string(value()) : "undefined") << "]";
std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os) const override
return os << "ret: [ok: " << ok() << ", value: " << (ok() ? std::to_string(value()) : "undefined") << "]";
struct TryPopCallOp : public internal::ZeroArgOp<Stack<N>, s_try_pop_op_name>
typedef internal::ZeroArgOp<Stack<N>, s_try_pop_op_name> Base;
TryPopCallOp() : Base() {}
std::pair<bool, Stack<N>> internal_apply(const Stack<N>& stack, const Op<Stack<N>>& op) override
const TryPopRetOp& try_pop_ret = dynamic_cast<const TryPopRetOp&>(op);
if (stack.is_empty())
return{ !try_pop_ret.ok(), stack };
Value value{ };
return{ try_pop_ret.ok() && value == try_pop_ret.value(), stack.pop() };
typedef std::unique_ptr<Op<Stack<N>>> StackOpPtr;
class Node;
typedef Node* NodePtr;
/// Version tree of stacks
class Node
friend class Stack<N>;
// if m_prev is null, then m_size is zero
const std::size_t m_size;
// top of stack is defined if m_prev != nullptr
const Value m_top;
const NodePtr m_prev;
unsigned m_ref_counter;
std::vector<NodePtr> m_vector;
if (m_prev == nullptr)
m_prev->m_vector[m_top] = nullptr;
if (--m_prev->m_ref_counter == 0)
delete m_prev;
Node(const Node&) = delete;
Node& operator=(const Node&) = delete;
: m_size{ 0 },
m_prev{ nullptr },
m_ref_counter{ 0U },
m_vector{} {}
/// \pre: prev != nullptr
Node(std::size_t size, Value value, const NodePtr& prev)
: m_size{ size },
m_top{ value },
m_prev{ prev },
m_ref_counter{ 0U },
assert(prev != nullptr);
/// Returns non-null pointer
/// \pre: prev != nullptr
NodePtr get_or_update_next(Value value, NodePtr& prev)
assert(prev != nullptr);
if (m_vector.size() < value + 1U)
m_vector.resize(value + 1U);
assert(value < m_vector.size());
NodePtr& node_ptr = m_vector[value];
if (node_ptr == nullptr)
node_ptr = new Node(prev->size() + 1U, value, prev);
assert(node_ptr != nullptr);
assert(node_ptr->m_top == value);
return node_ptr;
std::size_t size() const
assert(m_prev != nullptr || m_size == 0);
return m_size;
const NodePtr& prev() const
return m_prev;
/// Defined if prev() != nullptr
Value top() const noexcept
return m_top;
static StackOpPtr make_try_push_call(Value value)
return make_unique<TryPushCallOp>(value);
static StackOpPtr make_try_push_ret(bool ok)
typedef internal::RetOp<Stack<N>, bool> RetOp;
return make_unique<RetOp>(ok);
static StackOpPtr make_try_push_ret(bool ok, std::size_t height)
typedef internal::RetOp<Stack<N>, bool> RetOp;
return make_unique<RetOp>(ok, height);
static StackOpPtr make_try_pop_call()
return make_unique<TryPopCallOp>();
static StackOpPtr make_try_pop_ret(bool ok, Value v)
return make_unique<TryPopRetOp>(ok, v);
static StackOpPtr make_try_pop_ret(bool ok, std::size_t height, Value v)
return make_unique<TryPopRetOp>(ok, height, v);
// never null, m_curr->size() <= N
mutable NodePtr m_curr;
void inc_ref_counter() const noexcept
if (m_curr != nullptr)
void dec_ref_counter() const
assert(m_curr == nullptr || 0 < m_curr->m_ref_counter);
if (m_curr != nullptr && --m_curr->m_ref_counter == 0)
delete m_curr;
Stack(NodePtr curr)
: m_curr{ curr }
Stack(const Stack& other)
: m_curr{ other.m_curr }
Stack(Stack&& other)
: m_curr{ other.m_curr }
other.m_curr = nullptr;
Stack& operator=(const Stack& other)
m_curr = other.m_curr;
return *this;
Stack& operator=(Stack&& other)
m_curr = other.m_curr;
other.m_curr = nullptr;
return *this;
: m_curr{ new Node() }
bool is_empty() const
return m_curr->prev() == nullptr;
bool is_full() const
return m_curr->size() == N;
Stack<N> push(const Value& value) const
return{ m_curr->get_or_update_next(value, m_curr) };
/// \pre: !is_empty()
Stack<N> pop() const
return{ m_curr->prev() };
Value top() const
return m_curr->top();
bool operator==(const Stack<N>& stack) const
return stack.m_curr == m_curr;
bool operator!=(const Stack<N>& stack) const
return stack.m_curr != m_curr;
std::size_t hash_code() const
// On many platforms (except systems with segmented addressing)
// std::size_t is synonymous with std::uintptr_t.
// \see_also
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(m_curr);
/// Bounded queue
/// N - queue capacity
template<std::size_t N>
class Queue
typedef char Value;
static constexpr char s_try_enqueue_op_name[12] = "try_enqueue";
static constexpr char s_try_dequeue_op_name[12] = "try_dequeue";
struct TryEnqueueCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Queue<N>, Value, s_try_enqueue_op_name>
typedef internal::ArgOp<Queue<N>, Value, s_try_enqueue_op_name> Base;
TryEnqueueCallOp(Value v) : Base(false, v) {}
std::pair<bool, Queue<N>> internal_apply(const Queue<N>& queue, const Op<Queue<N>>& op) override
typedef internal::RetOp<Queue<N>, bool> RetOp;
const RetOp& try_enqueue_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
if (!queue.is_full())
return{ try_enqueue_ret.ret, queue.enqueue(Base::value) };
return{ !try_enqueue_ret.ret, queue };
struct TryDequeueRetOp : public Op<Queue<N>>
const bool m_ok;
const Value m_value;
TryDequeueRetOp(bool ok, Value value)
: Op<Queue<N>>(),
m_ok{ ok },
m_value{ value } {}
TryDequeueRetOp(bool ok, std::size_t height, Value value)
: Op<Queue<N>>(height),
m_ok{ ok },
m_value{ value } {}
bool ok() const
return m_ok;
/// \pre: ok()
Value value() const
return m_value;
#ifdef _LT_DEBUG_
std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os) const override
return os << "ret: [ok: " << ok() << ", value: " << (ok() ? std::to_string(value()) : "undefined") << "]";
struct TryDequeueCallOp : public internal::ZeroArgOp<Queue<N>, s_try_dequeue_op_name>
typedef internal::ZeroArgOp<Queue<N>, s_try_dequeue_op_name> Base;
TryDequeueCallOp() : Base() {}
std::pair<bool, Queue<N>> internal_apply(const Queue<N>& queue, const Op<Queue<N>>& op) override
const TryDequeueRetOp& try_dequeue_ret = dynamic_cast<const TryDequeueRetOp&>(op);
if (queue.is_empty())
return{ !try_dequeue_ret.ok(), queue };
Value value{ queue.get_value() };
return{ try_dequeue_ret.ok() && value == try_dequeue_ret.value(), queue.dequeue() };
typedef std::unique_ptr<Op<Queue<N>>> QueueOpPtr;
class Node;
typedef Node* NodePtr;
class Node
friend class Queue<N>;
// value of current node
const Value m_value;
// pointers to next and prev objects in the queue, possibly null
NodePtr m_next;
NodePtr m_prev;
// number of next elements from the current node. The pointer m_next
// points only at the last successor added. When m_nexts_num != 0, it
// is necessary to traverse the queue starting from the tail to find the
// corresponding successor at the given node.
// Example:
// a <--> b <--> c <-- d <--> e
// <--> f <--> g
// In the example c.m_nexts points to f. In order to find the successor of
// c for the queue with head = a and tail = e the queue must be traversed
// from e until the point with multiple successors.
unsigned m_nexts_num;
// number of references to the current node (necessary for garbage collection)
unsigned m_ref_counter;
if (m_prev != nullptr) {
if (m_prev->m_next == this)
m_prev->m_next = nullptr;
if (m_next != nullptr) {
m_next->m_prev = nullptr;
Node(const Node&) = delete;
Node& operator=(const Node&) = delete;
: m_value{},
m_next{ nullptr },
m_prev{ nullptr },
m_ref_counter{ 0U },
m_nexts_num{ 0U } {}
/// \pre: prev != nullptr
Node(Value value, const NodePtr& prev, const NodePtr& next)
: m_value{ value },
m_prev{ prev },
m_next{ next },
m_ref_counter{ 0U },
m_nexts_num{ 0U } {
if (prev != nullptr) {
if (next != nullptr) {
NodePtr update_next(Value value)
if (m_nexts_num > 0 && m_next != nullptr) {
NodePtr node_ptr = new Node(value, this, nullptr);
m_next = node_ptr;
return node_ptr;
const NodePtr& next() const
return m_next;
const NodePtr& prev() const
return m_prev;
Value value() const noexcept
return m_value;
static QueueOpPtr make_try_enqueue_call(Value value)
return make_unique<TryEnqueueCallOp>(value);
static QueueOpPtr make_try_enqueue_ret(bool ok)
typedef internal::RetOp<Queue<N>, bool> RetOp;
return make_unique<RetOp>(ok);
static QueueOpPtr make_try_enqueue_ret(bool ok, std::size_t height)
typedef internal::RetOp<Queue<N>, bool> RetOp;
return make_unique<RetOp>(ok, height);
static QueueOpPtr make_try_dequeue_call()
return make_unique<TryDequeueCallOp>();
static QueueOpPtr make_try_dequeue_ret(bool ok, Value v)
return make_unique<TryDequeueRetOp>(ok, v);
static QueueOpPtr make_try_dequeue_ret(bool ok, std::size_t height, Value v)
return make_unique<TryDequeueRetOp>(ok, height, v);
// m_head points to the element BEFORE the actual head
NodePtr m_head;
NodePtr m_tail;
size_t m_size;
Queue(NodePtr head, NodePtr tail, size_t size)
: m_head{ head },
m_tail{ tail },
m_size{ size }
// Decrement reference counter of head and tail, delete them if necessary
void dec_ref_counter() const
NodePtr curNode = m_head;
NodePtr aux = nullptr;
if (m_head != nullptr && m_tail != nullptr) {
while (curNode != nullptr && curNode->prev() != m_tail && curNode->m_ref_counter <= 1){
aux = curNode;
if (curNode->m_nexts_num <= 1)
curNode = curNode->next();
curNode = find_next(curNode);
if (curNode != nullptr && curNode == aux->next())
delete aux;
if (aux == m_tail) {
curNode = m_tail;
while (curNode != nullptr && curNode->next() != m_head && curNode->m_ref_counter <= 1){
aux = curNode;
curNode = curNode->prev();
if (curNode != nullptr) {
/*if (curNode->next() != aux) {
if (aux->m_ref_counter == 1) {
delete aux;
// Find the successor of a specific node
NodePtr find_next(NodePtr node) const {
if (node == m_tail) {
return nullptr;
NodePtr curr = m_tail;
while (curr != nullptr && curr->prev() != node) {
curr = curr->prev();
return curr;
// Increment reference counter of head and tail
void inc_ref_counter() const
if (m_head != nullptr)
if (m_tail != nullptr)
// Used when m_head has more than one successor to recover the direction in which to
// dequeue
NodePtr find_next() const {
return find_next(m_head);
Queue(const Queue& other)
: m_head{ other.m_head },
m_tail{ other.m_tail },
m_size{ other.m_size }
Queue(Queue&& other)
: m_head{ other.m_head },
m_tail{ other.m_tail },
m_size{ other.m_size }
other.m_head = nullptr;
other.m_tail = nullptr;
other.m_size = 0U;
Queue& operator=(const Queue& other)
m_head = other.m_head;
m_tail = other.m_tail;
m_size = other.m_size;
return *this;
Queue& operator=(Queue&& other)
m_size = other.m_size;
m_head = other.m_head;
m_tail = other.m_tail;
other.m_head = nullptr;
other.m_tail = nullptr;
other.m_size = 0U;
return *this;
NodePtr newNode = new Node();
m_head = newNode;
m_tail = newNode;
m_size = 0U;
bool is_empty() const
return m_size == 0U;
bool is_full() const
return m_size == N;
// If enqueing is possible returns the updated stack, otherwise returns current stack.
Queue<N> enqueue(const Value& value) const
if (!is_full()) {
return{ m_head, m_tail->update_next(value), m_size + 1 };
return *this;
// If dequeing is possible returns the updated stack, otherwise returns current stack.
// In case of multiple successors we have to check which is the right one starting
// from the tail.
Queue<N> dequeue() const
if (!is_empty()) {
if (m_head->m_nexts_num <= 1) {
return{ m_head->next(), m_tail, m_size - 1 };
else {
return{ find_next(), m_tail, m_size - 1 };
return *this;
// Returns the first value of the queue i.e. the value stored in the successor of m_head.
// If head has more than one successor the correct one must be retrieved
Value get_value() const
assert(m_head != nullptr);
if (m_head->m_nexts_num != 1)
return find_next()->value();
return m_head->m_next->value();
bool operator==(const Queue<N>& queue) const
return (queue.m_head == m_head && queue.m_tail == m_tail && queue.m_size == m_size);
bool operator!=(const Queue<N>& queue) const
return !(*this == queue);
std::size_t hash_code() const
// On many platforms (except systems with segmented addressing)
// std::size_t is synonymous with std::uintptr_t.
// \see_also
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(m_head);
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr char Stack<N>::s_try_push_op_name[];
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr char Stack<N>::s_try_pop_op_name[];
template<std::size_t N>
struct Hash<Stack<N>>
std::size_t operator()(const Stack<N>& stack) const noexcept
return stack.hash_code();
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr char Queue<N>::s_try_enqueue_op_name[];
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr char Queue<N>::s_try_dequeue_op_name[];
template<std::size_t N>
struct Hash<Queue<N>>
std::size_t operator()(const Queue<N>& queue) const noexcept
return queue.hash_code();
struct TryPopCallOp : public internal::ZeroArgOp<Stack<N>, s_try_pop_op_name>
typedef internal::ZeroArgOp<Stack<N>, s_try_pop_op_name> Base;
TryPopCallOp() : Base() {}
std::pair<bool, Stack<N>> internal_apply(const Stack<N>& stack, const Op<Stack<N>>& op) override
const TryPopRetOp& try_pop_ret = dynamic_cast<const TryPopRetOp&>(op);
if (stack.is_empty())
return{ !try_pop_ret.ok(), stack };
Value value{ };
return{ try_pop_ret.ok() && value == try_pop_ret.value(), stack.pop() };
typedef std::unique_ptr<Op<Stack<N>>> StackOpPtr;
class Node;
typedef Node* NodePtr;
/// Version tree of stacks
class Node
friend class Stack<N>;
// if m_prev is null, then m_size is zero
const std::size_t m_size;
// top of stack is defined if m_prev != nullptr
const Value m_top;
const NodePtr m_prev;
unsigned m_ref_counter;
std::vector<NodePtr> m_vector;
if (m_prev == nullptr)
m_prev->m_vector[m_top] = nullptr;
if (--m_prev->m_ref_counter == 0)
delete m_prev;
Node(const Node&) = delete;
Node& operator=(const Node&) = delete;
: m_size{ 0 },
m_prev{ nullptr },
m_ref_counter{ 0U },
m_vector{} {}
/// \pre: prev != nullptr
Node(std::size_t size, Value value, const NodePtr& prev)
: m_size{ size },
m_top{ value },
m_prev{ prev },
m_ref_counter{ 0U },
assert(prev != nullptr);
/// Returns non-null pointer
/// \pre: prev != nullptr
NodePtr get_or_update_next(Value value, NodePtr& prev)
assert(prev != nullptr);
if (m_vector.size() < value + 1U)
m_vector.resize(value + 1U);
assert(value < m_vector.size());
NodePtr& node_ptr = m_vector[value];
if (node_ptr == nullptr)
node_ptr = new Node(prev->size() + 1U, value, prev);
assert(node_ptr != nullptr);
assert(node_ptr->m_top == value);
return node_ptr;
std::size_t size() const
assert(m_prev != nullptr || m_size == 0);
return m_size;
const NodePtr& prev() const
return m_prev;
/// Defined if prev() != nullptr
Value top() const noexcept
return m_top;
static StackOpPtr make_try_push_call(Value value)
return make_unique<TryPushCallOp>(value);
static StackOpPtr make_try_push_ret(bool ok)
typedef internal::RetOp<Stack<N>, bool> RetOp;
return make_unique<RetOp>(ok);
static StackOpPtr make_try_push_ret(bool ok, std::size_t height)
typedef internal::RetOp<Stack<N>, bool> RetOp;
return make_unique<RetOp>(ok, height);
static StackOpPtr make_try_pop_call()
return make_unique<TryPopCallOp>();
static StackOpPtr make_try_pop_ret(bool ok, Value v)
return make_unique<TryPopRetOp>(ok, v);
static StackOpPtr make_try_pop_ret(bool ok, std::size_t height, Value v)
return make_unique<TryPopRetOp>(ok, height, v);
// never null, m_curr->size() <= N
mutable NodePtr m_curr;
void inc_ref_counter() const noexcept
if (m_curr != nullptr)
void dec_ref_counter() const
assert(m_curr == nullptr || 0 < m_curr->m_ref_counter);
if (m_curr != nullptr && --m_curr->m_ref_counter == 0)
delete m_curr;
Stack(NodePtr curr)
: m_curr{ curr }
Stack(const Stack& other)
: m_curr{ other.m_curr }
Stack(Stack&& other)
: m_curr{ other.m_curr }
other.m_curr = nullptr;
Stack& operator=(const Stack& other)
m_curr = other.m_curr;
return *this;
Stack& operator=(Stack&& other)
m_curr = other.m_curr;
other.m_curr = nullptr;
return *this;
: m_curr{ new Node() }
bool is_empty() const
return m_curr->prev() == nullptr;
bool is_full() const
return m_curr->size() == N;
Stack<N> push(const Value& value) const
return{ m_curr->get_or_update_next(value, m_curr) };
/// \pre: !is_empty()
Stack<N> pop() const
return{ m_curr->prev() };
Value top() const
return m_curr->top();
bool operator==(const Stack<N>& stack) const
return stack.m_curr == m_curr;
bool operator!=(const Stack<N>& stack) const
return stack.m_curr != m_curr;
std::size_t hash_code() const
// On many platforms (except systems with segmented addressing)
// std::size_t is synonymous with std::uintptr_t.
// \see_also
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(m_curr);
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr char Stack<N>::s_try_push_op_name[];
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr char Stack<N>::s_try_pop_op_name[];
template<std::size_t N>
struct Hash<Stack<N>>
std::size_t operator()(const Stack<N>& stack) const noexcept
return stack.hash_code();
/// Bounded queue
/// N - queue capacity
template<std::size_t N>
class Queue
typedef char Value;
static constexpr char s_try_enqueue_op_name[12] = "try_enqueue";
static constexpr char s_try_dequeue_op_name[12] = "try_dequeue";
struct TryEnqueueCallOp : public internal::ArgOp<Queue<N>, Value, s_try_enqueue_op_name>
typedef internal::ArgOp<Queue<N>, Value, s_try_enqueue_op_name> Base;
TryEnqueueCallOp(Value v) : Base(false, v) {}
std::pair<bool, Queue<N>> internal_apply(const Queue<N>& queue, const Op<Queue<N>>& op) override
typedef internal::RetOp<Queue<N>, bool> RetOp;
const RetOp& try_enqueue_ret = dynamic_cast<const RetOp&>(op);
if (!queue.is_full())
return{ try_enqueue_ret.ret, queue.enqueue(Base::value) };
return{ !try_enqueue_ret.ret, queue };
struct TryDequeueRetOp : public Op<Queue<N>>
const bool m_ok;
const Value m_value;
TryDequeueRetOp(bool ok, Value value)
: Op<Queue<N>>(),
m_ok{ ok },
m_value{ value } {}
TryDequeueRetOp(bool ok, std::size_t height, Value value)
: Op<Queue<N>>(height),
m_ok{ ok },
m_value{ value } {}
bool ok() const
return m_ok;
/// \pre: ok()
Value value() const
return m_value;
#ifdef _LT_DEBUG_
std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os) const override
return os << "ret: [ok: " << ok() << ", value: " << (ok() ? std::to_string(value()) : "undefined") << "]";
struct TryDequeueCallOp : public internal::ZeroArgOp<Queue<N>, s_try_dequeue_op_name>
typedef internal::ZeroArgOp<Queue<N>, s_try_dequeue_op_name> Base;
TryDequeueCallOp() : Base() {}
std::pair<bool, Queue<N>> internal_apply(const Queue<N>& queue, const Op<Queue<N>>& op) override
const TryDequeueRetOp& try_dequeue_ret = dynamic_cast<const TryDequeueRetOp&>(op);
if (queue.is_empty())
return{ !try_dequeue_ret.ok(), queue };
Value value{ queue.get_value() };
return{ try_dequeue_ret.ok() && value == try_dequeue_ret.value(), queue.dequeue() };
typedef std::unique_ptr<Op<Queue<N>>> QueueOpPtr;
class Node;
typedef Node* NodePtr;
class Node
friend class Queue<N>;
// value of current node
const Value m_value;
// pointers to next and prev objects in the queue, possibly null
NodePtr m_next;
NodePtr m_prev;
// number of next elements from the current node. The pointer m_next
// points only at the last successor added. When m_nexts_num != 0, it
// is necessary to traverse the queue starting from the tail to find the
// corresponding successor at the given node.
// Example:
// a <--> b <--> c <-- d <--> e
// <--> f <--> g
// In the example c.m_nexts points to f. In order to find the successor of
// c for the queue with head = a and tail = e the queue must be traversed
// from e until the point with multiple successors.
unsigned m_nexts_num;
// number of references to the current node (necessary for garbage collection)
unsigned m_ref_counter;
if (m_prev != nullptr) {
if (m_prev->m_next == this)
m_prev->m_next = nullptr;
if (m_next != nullptr) {
m_next->m_prev = nullptr;
Node(const Node&) = delete;
Node& operator=(const Node&) = delete;
: m_value{},
m_next{ nullptr },
m_prev{ nullptr },
m_ref_counter{ 0U },
m_nexts_num{ 0U } {}
/// \pre: prev != nullptr
Node(Value value, const NodePtr& prev, const NodePtr& next)
: m_value{ value },
m_prev{ prev },
m_next{ next },
m_ref_counter{ 0U },
m_nexts_num{ 0U } {
if (prev != nullptr) {
if (next != nullptr) {
NodePtr update_next(Value value)
NodePtr node_ptr = new Node(value, this, nullptr);
m_next = node_ptr;
return node_ptr;
const NodePtr& next() const
return m_next;
const NodePtr& prev() const
return m_prev;
Value value() const noexcept
return m_value;
static QueueOpPtr make_try_enqueue_call(Value value)
return make_unique<TryEnqueueCallOp>(value);
static QueueOpPtr make_try_enqueue_ret(bool ok)
typedef internal::RetOp<Queue<N>, bool> RetOp;
return make_unique<RetOp>(ok);
static QueueOpPtr make_try_enqueue_ret(bool ok, std::size_t height)
typedef internal::RetOp<Queue<N>, bool> RetOp;
return make_unique<RetOp>(ok, height);
static QueueOpPtr make_try_dequeue_call()
return make_unique<TryDequeueCallOp>();
static QueueOpPtr make_try_dequeue_ret(bool ok, Value v)
return make_unique<TryDequeueRetOp>(ok, v);
static QueueOpPtr make_try_dequeue_ret(bool ok, std::size_t height, Value v)
return make_unique<TryDequeueRetOp>(ok, height, v);
// m_head points to the element BEFORE the actual head
NodePtr m_head;
NodePtr m_tail;
size_t m_size;
Queue(NodePtr head, NodePtr tail, size_t size)
: m_head{ head },
m_tail{ tail },
m_size{ size }
// Decrement reference counter of head and tail, delete them if necessary
void dec_ref_counter() const
NodePtr curNode = m_head;
NodePtr aux = nullptr;
if (m_head != nullptr && m_tail != nullptr) {
while (curNode != nullptr && curNode->prev() != m_tail && curNode->m_ref_counter <= 1){
aux = curNode;
if (curNode->m_nexts_num <= 1)
curNode = curNode->next();
curNode = find_next(curNode);
if (curNode != nullptr && curNode == aux->next())
delete aux;
if (aux == m_tail) {
curNode = m_tail;
while (curNode != nullptr && curNode->next() != m_head && curNode->m_ref_counter <= 1){
aux = curNode;
curNode = curNode->prev();
if (curNode != nullptr) {
delete aux;
// Find the successor of a specific node
NodePtr find_next(NodePtr node) const {
if (node == m_tail) {
return nullptr;
NodePtr curr = m_tail;
while (curr != nullptr && curr->prev() != node) {
curr = curr->prev();
return curr;
// Increment reference counter of head and tail
void inc_ref_counter() const
if (m_head != nullptr)
if (m_tail != nullptr)
// Used when m_head has more than one successor to recover the direction in which to
// dequeue
NodePtr find_next() const {
return find_next(m_head);
Queue(const Queue& other)
: m_head{ other.m_head },
m_tail{ other.m_tail },
m_size{ other.m_size }
Queue(Queue&& other)
: m_head{ other.m_head },
m_tail{ other.m_tail },
m_size{ other.m_size }
other.m_head = nullptr;
other.m_tail = nullptr;
other.m_size = 0U;
Queue& operator=(const Queue& other)
m_head = other.m_head;
m_tail = other.m_tail;
m_size = other.m_size;
return *this;
Queue& operator=(Queue&& other)
m_size = other.m_size;
m_head = other.m_head;
m_tail = other.m_tail;
other.m_head = nullptr;
other.m_tail = nullptr;
other.m_size = 0U;
return *this;
NodePtr newNode = new Node();
m_head = newNode;
m_tail = newNode;
m_size = 0U;
bool is_empty() const
return m_size == 0U;
bool is_full() const
return m_size == N;
// If enqueing is possible returns the updated stack, otherwise returns current stack.
Queue<N> enqueue(const Value& value) const
if (!is_full()) {
return{ m_head, m_tail->update_next(value), m_size + 1 };
return *this;
// If dequeing is possible returns the updated stack, otherwise returns current stack.
// In case of multiple successors we have to check which is the right one starting
// from the tail.
Queue<N> dequeue() const
if (!is_empty()) {
if (m_head->m_nexts_num <= 1) {
return{ m_head->next(), m_tail, m_size - 1 };
else {
return{ find_next(), m_tail, m_size - 1 };
return *this;
// Returns the first value of the queue i.e. the value stored in the successor of m_head.
// If head has more than one successor the correct one must be retrieved
Value get_value() const
assert(m_head != nullptr);
if (m_head->m_nexts_num != 1)
return find_next()->value();
return m_head->m_next->value();
bool operator==(const Queue<N>& queue) const
return (queue.m_head == m_head && queue.m_tail == m_tail && queue.m_size == m_size);
bool operator!=(const Queue<N>& queue) const
return !(*this == queue);
std::size_t hash_code() const
// On many platforms (except systems with segmented addressing)
// std::size_t is synonymous with std::uintptr_t.
// \see_also
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(m_head);
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr char Queue<N>::s_try_enqueue_op_name[];
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr char Queue<N>::s_try_dequeue_op_name[];
template<std::size_t N>
struct Hash<Queue<N>>
std::size_t operator()(const Queue<N>& queue) const noexcept
return queue.hash_code();
} // state
} // lt
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