Commit d405a2af by Marcus Winter

base_cpp: removed redundant assignment in test

parent 0456ebc8
......@@ -173,10 +173,6 @@ AtomicTest::TestStressSwap::TestStressSwap(
size_t number_threads, size_t number_iterations)
: TestUnit("Swap Stress test for Atomics"), swap1_counter(1)
, swap2_counter(2) {
bitsets[0] = std::bitset<ATOMIC_TESTS_ITERATIONS * 2 + 1>();
bitsets[1] = std::bitset<ATOMIC_TESTS_ITERATIONS * 2 + 1>();
bitsets[2] = std::bitset<ATOMIC_TESTS_ITERATIONS * 2 + 1>();
PT_ASSERT(number_threads == 1);
Pre(&TestStressSwap::Init, this);
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