Commit d3a090c3 by Tobias Fuchs

containers_cpp: reactivated reclamation condition, adjusted node pool size in WaitFreeMPMCQueue

parent a0d83966
......@@ -163,9 +163,12 @@ WaitFreeMPMCQueue(size_t capacity)
// Node pool size, with respect to the maximum number of
// retired nodes not eligible for reuse due to hazard pointers:
// numThreads caused trouble here
// Nodes in hazard pointers' retired lists
(hp.GetRetiredListMaxSize() *
embb::base::Thread::GetThreadsMaxCount()) +
// Nodes guarded in operation descriptions
embb::base::Thread::GetThreadsMaxCount() +
// Actual capacity + 1 sentinel node
max_size_ + 1),
nodePool(node_pool_size, nullNode) {
// Assert width of binary representation of operation description
......@@ -504,17 +507,19 @@ HelpFinishDequeue() {
hp.GuardPointer(0, firstIdx);
Node_t & first = nodePool[firstIdx];
index_t nextIdx = first.NextPoolIdx();
// Guard and head->next:
// Guard and head->next
// Actually not necessary, as head->next will only change from Undefined
// to a node index value, but not back to Undefined.
hp.GuardPointer(1, nextIdx);
if (nextIdx != nodePool[firstIdx].NextPoolIdx()) {
index_t accessorId = first.DequeueAID().Load();
if (accessorId != Node_t::UndefinedIndex) {
// head.DeqeueueAID is set to the accessor id that won the last CAS
// in HelpDequeue
OperationDesc curOp(operationDescriptions[accessorId].Load());
if (firstIdx == headIdx.Load() &&
// This check is missing in the original publication but required
// to validate head->next:
nextIdx == first.NextPoolIdx() &&
nextIdx != Node_t::UndefinedIndex) {
// Set state of helped operation to NONPENDING:
OperationDesc newOp(
......@@ -570,7 +575,9 @@ template<
typename Type, class NodeAllocator, class OpAllocator, class ValuePool >
void WaitFreeMPMCQueue<Type, NodeAllocator, OpAllocator, ValuePool>::
DeleteNodeCallback(index_t releasedNodeIndex) {
if (!NodeIsPending(releasedNodeIndex)) {
......@@ -580,6 +587,20 @@ GetCapacity() {
return max_size_;
typename Type, class NodeAllocator, class OpAllocator, class ValuePool >
inline bool WaitFreeMPMCQueue<Type, NodeAllocator, OpAllocator, ValuePool>::
NodeIsPending(index_t nodeIdx) {
for (unsigned int accessorId = 0; accessorId < num_states; ++accessorId) {
if (OperationDesc(operationDescriptions[accessorId].Load()).NodeIndex ==
nodeIdx) {
return true;
return false;
typename Type, class NodeAllocator, class OpAllocator, class ValuePool >
inline bool WaitFreeMPMCQueue<Type, NodeAllocator, OpAllocator, ValuePool>::
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