Commit c752b972 by Marcus Winter

mtapi_c: fixed documentation

parent f2aabde6
......@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@ extern "C" {
* \ingroup C_MTAPI
* Provides extensions to the standard MTAPI API.
* There is a single extension function defined here to support user defined
* behavior of an action to allow for actions that are not implemented locally
* in software but e.g. on a remote node in a network or on an accelerator
* device like a GPU or FPGA.
......@@ -48,6 +53,8 @@ extern "C" {
* to start a plugin task.
* This function should return MTAPI_SUCCESS if the task could be started and
* the appropriate MTAPI_ERR_* if not.
* \ingroup C_MTAPI_EXT
typedef void(*mtapi_ext_plugin_task_start_function_t)(
MTAPI_IN mtapi_task_hndl_t task,
......@@ -59,6 +66,8 @@ typedef void(*mtapi_ext_plugin_task_start_function_t)(
* to be canceled.
* This function should return MTAPI_SUCCESS if the task could be canceled and
* the appropriate MTAPI_ERR_* if not.
* \ingroup C_MTAPI_EXT
typedef void(*mtapi_ext_plugin_task_cancel_function_t)(
MTAPI_IN mtapi_task_hndl_t task,
......@@ -70,6 +79,8 @@ typedef void(*mtapi_ext_plugin_task_cancel_function_t)(
* to be finalized.
* This function should return MTAPI_SUCCESS if the action could be deleted and
* the appropriate MTAPI_ERR_* if not.
* \ingroup C_MTAPI_EXT
typedef void(*mtapi_ext_plugin_action_finalize_function_t)(
MTAPI_IN mtapi_action_hndl_t action,
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