Commit b2491a2e by Marcus Winter

base_c: added documentation for spurious wakeups with pthreads

parent 04ead31a
......@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ int embb_condition_notify_all(
* \threadsafe
* \see embb_condition_notify_one(), embb_condition_notify_all(),
* embb_condition_wait_until(), embb_condition_wait_for()
* \note When pthreads is used as the underlying library, this function may issue
* spurious wake ups to a waiting thread. Therefore it is recommended to
* use a loop checking the condition after a wakeup.
int embb_condition_wait(
embb_condition_t* condition_var,
......@@ -131,6 +134,9 @@ int embb_condition_wait(
* \threadsafe
* \see embb_condition_notify_one(), embb_condition_notify_all(),
* embb_condition_wait(), embb_condition_wait_for()
* \note When pthreads is used as the underlying library, this function may issue
* spurious wake ups to a waiting thread. Therefore it is recommended to
* use a loop checking the condition after a wakeup.
int embb_condition_wait_until(
embb_condition_t* condition_var,
......@@ -154,6 +160,9 @@ int embb_condition_wait_until(
* \threadsafe
* \see embb_condition_notify_one(), embb_condition_notify_all(),
* embb_condition_wait(), embb_condition_wait_until()
* \note When pthreads is used as the underlying library, this function may issue
* spurious wake ups to a waiting thread. Therefore it is recommended to
* use a loop checking the condition after a wakeup.
int embb_condition_wait_for(
embb_condition_t* condition_var,
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