Commit a6ccbe9e by Marcus Winter

mtapi_cpp: improved documentation of default values and priorities

parent 52258d99
......@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ namespace mtapi {
* - the affinity of tasks to MTAPI worker threads (not CPU cores) and
* - the priority of the spawned tasks.
* The priority is a number between 0 (denoting the highest priority) to
* max_priorities - 1 as given during initialization using Node::Initialize().
* The default value of max_priorities is 4.
* \ingroup CPP_MTAPI
class ExecutionPolicy{
......@@ -54,7 +54,14 @@ namespace mtapi {
class Node {
* Initializes the runtime singleton using default values.
* Initializes the runtime singleton using default values:
* - all available cores will be used
* - maximum number of tasks is 1024
* - maximum number of groups is 128
* - maximum number of queues is 16
* - maximum queue capacity is 1024
* - maximum number of priorites is 4.
* \notthreadsafe
* \throws ErrorException if the singleton was already initialized or the
* Node could not be initialized.
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