@@ -152,7 +152,11 @@ After everything is done, the action is deleted (\lstinline|mtapi_action_delete(
\section{C++ Interface}
\embb provides C++ wrappers for the MTAPI C interface. The signature of the action function for the C++ interface is the same as in the C interface:
\embb provides C++ wrappers for the MTAPI C interface. The full interface provides functions for all MTAPI releated tasks and supports heterogeneous systems. For ease of use a simpler version for SMP systems is provided.
\subsection{Full Interface}
The signature of the action function for the C++ interface is the same as in the C interface:
The action function does not need to be registered with a job. Instead a preregistered job is used that expects a \lstinline|embb::base::Function<void, embb::mtapi::TaskContext &>| object. Therefore a task can be scheduled directly using only the function above:
The \embb implementation of MTAPI provides an extension to allow for custom actions that are not executed by the scheduler for software actions as detailed in the previous sections.