Commit 952d1de4 by Marcus Winter

documentation: added description of simplified SMP interface of mtapi_cpp

parent 352d69e1
......@@ -152,7 +152,11 @@ After everything is done, the action is deleted (\lstinline|mtapi_action_delete(
\section{C++ Interface}
\embb provides C++ wrappers for the MTAPI C interface. The signature of the action function for the C++ interface is the same as in the C interface:
\embb provides C++ wrappers for the MTAPI C interface. The full interface provides functions for all MTAPI releated tasks and supports heterogeneous systems. For ease of use a simpler version for SMP systems is provided.
\subsection{Full Interface}
The signature of the action function for the C++ interface is the same as in the C interface:
......@@ -193,7 +197,7 @@ After that, the action function needs to be associated to a job. By instancing a
Not that the action is registered and the job is initialized, the root task can be started:
Now that the action is registered and the job is initialized, the root task can be started:
......@@ -203,6 +207,19 @@ The registered action will be unregistered when it goes out of scope.
The runtime needs to be shut down by calling:
\subsection{Simplified Interface for SMP actions}
MTAPI CPP provides a simpler version of the MTAPI interface for SMP actions. The signature of the
action function for the simplified API looks like this:
The action function does not need to be registered with a job. Instead a preregistered job is used that expects a \lstinline|embb::base::Function<void, embb::mtapi::TaskContext &>| object. Therefore a task can be scheduled directly using only the function above:
The \embb implementation of MTAPI provides an extension to allow for custom actions that are not executed by the scheduler for software actions as detailed in the previous sections.
......@@ -171,8 +171,14 @@ class Node {
return task_limit_;
* Starts a new Task.
* \returns The handle to the started Task.
* \threadsafe
Task Start(
SMPFunction const & func
SMPFunction const & func /**< Function to use for the task. */
) {
void * res = NULL;
......@@ -180,9 +186,16 @@ class Node {
job, embb::base::Allocation::New<SMPFunction>(func), res);
* Starts a new Task with a given affinity and priority.
* \returns The handle to the started Task.
* \threadsafe
Task Start(
SMPFunction const & func,
ExecutionPolicy const & policy
SMPFunction const & func, /**< Function to use for the task. */
ExecutionPolicy const & policy /**< Affinity and priority of the
task. */
) {
void * res = NULL;
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