Commit 92213745 by Tobias Fuchs

containers_cpp: added comments on implementation of LlxScx

parent 3cf586b9
......@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::TryLoadLinked(
// Order of initialization matters:
volatile bool marked_1 = data_record->IsMarkedForFinalize();
ScxRecord_t * curr_scx = data_record->ScxInfo().Load();
// Guard active SCX record of this data record using guard 1.
// When calling help with this SCX record, it will be guarded
// using guard 0 again.
// This hazard pointer is validated in the nested if-block below.
hp.GuardPointer(1, curr_scx);
volatile OperationState curr_state = curr_scx->State();
bool marked_2 = data_record->IsMarkedForFinalize();
if (curr_state == OperationState::Aborted ||
......@@ -106,8 +111,11 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::TryLoadLinked(
// read mutable fields into local variable:
UserData user_data_local(data_record->Data());
if (data_record->ScxInfo().Load() == curr_scx) {
// store <r, curr_scx, user_data_local> in
// the thread-specific table:
// Active SCX record of data record did not change.
// Store <r, curr_scx, user_data_local> in
// the thread-specific table.
// LLX results do not need to be guarded as they local to the
// thread.
LlxResult llx_result;
llx_result.data_record = data_record;
llx_result.scx_record = curr_scx;
......@@ -118,16 +126,20 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::TryLoadLinked(
return true;
// Active SCX record of data record has been changed in between
if (marked_1 &&
(curr_scx->State() == OperationState::Comitted ||
(curr_scx->State() == OperationState::InProgress && Help(curr_scx)))) {
// Successfully completed active SCX:
// Successfully completed the data record's active SCX but failed to
// complete the LLX operation because the data record has been finalized:
finalized = true;
return false;
if (data_record->ScxInfo().Load()->State() == OperationState::InProgress) {
// Help active SCX:
// Help active SCX.
// This SCX record has been guarded above.
ScxRecord_t * data_record_scx = data_record->ScxInfo().Load();
return false;
......@@ -157,6 +169,7 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::TryStoreConditional(
// Let info_fields be a table in shared memory containing for each r in V,
// a copy of r's info value in this threads local table of LLX results.
// Will be freed in Help() once the SCX operation has been completed.
// In brief: A list of the SCX record of all linked deps.
scx_op_list_t * info_fields = scx_record_list_pool_.Allocate(max_links_);
if (info_fields == NULL) {
......@@ -173,7 +186,7 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::TryStoreConditional(
llx_result_list::iterator llx_result_it;
llx_result_list::iterator llx_result_end;
llx_result_end = thread_llx_results_[thread_id]->end();
// Find LLX result of r in thread-local LLX results:
// Find LLX result of data_record (r) in thread-local LLX results:
for (llx_result_it = thread_llx_results_[thread_id]->begin();
llx_result_it != llx_result_end &&
llx_result_it->data_record != *it;
......@@ -193,6 +206,9 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::TryStoreConditional(
// Announce SCX operation. Lists linked_deps and finalize_dep are
// guaranteed to remain on the stack until this announced operation
// is completed, so no allocation/pool is necessary.
// The SCX operation description must be allocated from a pool as
// LLX data records might reference it after this operation has been
// completed.
ScxRecord_t new_scx(
......@@ -202,17 +218,21 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::TryStoreConditional(
// old value:
// linked SCX operations:
// list of the SCX record of all linked deps
// initial operation state:
// Allocate from pool as this operation description is global:
ScxRecord_t * scx = scx_record_pool_.Allocate(new_scx);
// Try to complete the operation. It will also be helped in failing
// TryLoadLinked operations.
bool result = Help(scx);
hp.GuardPointer(0, NULL);
hp.GuardPointer(1, NULL);
// Release all load-links this SCX operation depended on
// Release guards, but do not enqueue instance scx for deletion as it
// is still referenced in data records.
hp.GuardPointer(0, NULL);
hp.GuardPointer(1, NULL);;
return result;
......@@ -247,7 +267,9 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::Help(
ScxRecord<DataRecord_t> * rinfo_old = *scx_op_it;
hp.GuardPointer(1, rinfo_old);
// Try to freeze the data record by setting its SCX info field
// to this SCX operation description:
// to this SCX operation description.
// r->ScxInfo() is not an ABA hazard as it is local to instance scx
// which is already guarded.
if (r->ScxInfo().CompareAndSwap(rinfo_old, scx)) {
// Do not try to delete the sentinel scx record:
if (rinfo_old != &DataRecord_t::DummyScx) {
......@@ -279,6 +301,8 @@ bool LlxScx<UserData, ValuePool>::Help(
// update CAS:
cas_t expected_old_value = scx->old_value_;
// scx->old_value_ is not an ABA hazard as it is local to the instance
// scx which is already guarded.
scx->field_->CompareAndSwap(expected_old_value, scx->new_value_);
// Commit step.
// Finalizes all r in data_records within finalize range and
......@@ -63,28 +63,30 @@ void LlxScxTest::ParallelTest() {
int return_val = embb_internal_thread_index(&thread_index);
if (return_val != EMBB_SUCCESS)
EMBB_THROW(embb::base::ErrorException, "Could not get thread id!");
// Threads try to append n nodes to a linked list in parallel
for (char value = 'a'; value <= 'p';) {
// Every thread adds every character from 'a' to 'z' into an ordered
// linked list
for (char value = 'a'; value <= 'z';) {
// Find node to append new element on:
internal::LlxScxRecord<Node> * node = &head_llx;
internal::LlxScxRecord<Node> * next = node->Data().next_;
while (next != 0 && next->Data().value_ < value) {
node = next;
next = next->Data().next_;
internal::LlxScxRecord<Node> * node_rec = &head_llx;
internal::LlxScxRecord<Node> * next_rec = node_rec->Data().next_;
while (next_rec != 0 && next_rec->Data().value_ < value) {
node_rec = next_rec;
next_rec = next_rec->Data().next_;
Node n;
Node node;
bool finalized;
// LLX on node the new element will be appended to:
if (!llxscx_.TryLoadLinked(node, n, finalized)) {
if (!llxscx_.TryLoadLinked(node_rec, node, finalized)) {
if (n.next_ == next) {
PT_ASSERT_MSG(!finalized, "No node should be finalized");
if (node.next_ == next_rec) {
// Pointer still valid after LLX, try to append new node
internal::FixedSizeList<LlxScxRecord<Node> *> linked_deps(1);
internal::FixedSizeList<LlxScxRecord<Node> *> finalize_deps(0);
// Create new node:
Node new_node(static_cast<int>(thread_index), value, next);
Node new_node(static_cast<int>(thread_index), value, next_rec);
internal::LlxScxRecord<Node> * new_node_ptr =
new internal::LlxScxRecord<Node>(new_node);
// Convert node pointer to size_t:
......@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ void LlxScxTest::ParallelTest() {
// Convert target field pointer to size_t*:
embb::base::Atomic<size_t> * field_cas_ptr =
reinterpret_cast< embb::base::Atomic<size_t> * >(
// Call SCX:
bool element_inserted =
......@@ -119,7 +121,9 @@ void LlxScxTest::ParallelTestPost() {
node = next;
next = next->Data().next_;
PT_ASSERT_EQ_MSG(static_cast<size_t>(16 * num_threads_), values.size(),
// Check if every character from 'a' to 'z' has been added to the
// linked list in the correct order
PT_ASSERT_EQ_MSG(static_cast<size_t>(26 * num_threads_), values.size(),
"Unexpected size of result list");
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