Commit 51938714 by Christian Kern

Process code review for Ticket EMBB-520, resolve cpplint issues

parent 2b554f74
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ ReturningTrueIterator::operator!=(const self_type& rhs) {
template<class Type, typename ValuePool, class ObjectAllocator>
bool ObjectPool<Type, ValuePool, ObjectAllocator>::
IsContained(const Type &obj) const {
if ((&obj < &objects_array_[0]) ||
if ((&obj < &objects_array_[0]) ||
(&obj > &objects_array_[value_pool_size_ - 1])) {
return false;
} else {
......@@ -285,8 +285,13 @@ class LockFreeTreeValuePool {
* by it. However, usually one wants to guarantee a minimal capacity. The
* count of elements, that must be given to the pool when to guarantee \c
* capacity elements is computed using this function.
* \return count of indices the pool has to be initialized with
static size_t GetMinimumElementCountForGuaranteedCapacity(size_t capacity);
static size_t GetMinimumElementCountForGuaranteedCapacity(
size_t capacity
/**< [IN] count of indices that shall be guaranteed */);
* Destructs the pool.
......@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ class ObjectPool {
bool IsContained(const Type &obj) const;
int GetIndexOfObject(const Type &obj) const;
Type* AllocateRaw();
* Constructs an object pool with capacity \c capacity.
......@@ -39,12 +39,30 @@ namespace containers {
* \ingroup CPP_CONCEPT
* \{
* \par Description
* A value pool is a fixed-size multiset of elements, where each element has a
* unique index. The elements cannot be modified and are given at construction
* time (by providing first/last iterators). A value pool provides two
* operations: \c Allocate and \c Free. \c Allocate removes an element from the
* pool, and \c Free returns an element to the pool. It is only allowed to
* free elements that have previously been allocated.
* A value pool is a multi-set of elements, where each element has a unique,
* continuous (starting with 0) index. The elements cannot be modified and are
* given at construction time by providing first/last iterators.
* \par
* A value pool provides two primary operations: \c Allocate and \c Free. \c
* Allocate allocates an element/index "pair" (index via return, element via
* reference parameter) from the pool, and \c Free returns an element/index pair
* to the pool. To guarantee linearizability, \c element is not allowed to be
* modified between \c Allocate and \c Free. It is only allowed to free elements
* that have previously been allocated. The \c Allocate function does not
* guarantee an order on which indices are allocated. The count of elements that
* can be allocated with \c Allocate might be smaller than the count of
* elements, the pool is initialized with. This might be because of
* implementation details and respective concurrency effects: for example, if
* indices are managed within a queue, one has to protect queue elements from
* concurrency effects (reuse and access). As long as a thread potentially
* accesses a node (and with that an index), the respective index cannot not be
* given out to the user, even if being logically not part of the pool anymore.
* However, the user might want to guarantee a certain amount of indices to the
* user. Therefore, the static \c GetMinimumElementCountForGuaranteedCapacity
* method is used. The user passes the count of indices to this method, that
* shall be guaranteed by the pool. The method returns the count on indices, the
* pool has to be initialized with in order to guarantee this count on indices.
* \par Requirements
* - Let \c Pool be the pool class
......@@ -54,6 +72,7 @@ namespace containers {
* - Let \c i, j be forward iterators supporting \c std::distance.
* - Let \c c be an object of type \c Type&
* - Let \c e be a value of type \c int
* - Let \c f be a value of type \c int
* \par Valid Expressions
......@@ -72,7 +91,7 @@ namespace containers {
* the bottom element. The bottom element cannot be stored in the pool, it
* is exclusively used to mark empty cells. The pool initially contains
* \c std::distance(i, j) elements which are copied during construction from
* the range \c [i, j). A concrete class satisfying the value pool concept
* the range \c [i, j]. A concrete class satisfying the value pool concept
* might provide additional template parameters for specifying allocators.
* </td>
* </tr>
......@@ -80,9 +99,10 @@ namespace containers {
* <td>\code{.cpp} Allocate(c) \endcode</td>
* <td>\c int</td>
* <td>
* Gets an element from the pool. Returns -1, if no element is available,
* i.e., the pool is empty. Otherwise, returns the index of the element in
* the pool. The value of the pool element is written into reference \c c.
* Allocates an element/index "pair" from the pool. Returns -1, if no
* element is available, i.e., the pool is empty. Otherwise, returns the
* index of the element in the pool. The value of the pool element is
* written into parameter reference \c c.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
......@@ -93,6 +113,15 @@ namespace containers {
* \c Allocate. For each allocated element, \c Free must be called exactly
* once.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\code{.cpp} GetMinimumElementCountForGuaranteedCapacity(f)
* \endcode</td>
* <td>\c void</td>
* <td>Static method, returns the count of indices, the user has to
* initialize the pool with in order to guarantee a count of \c f elements
* (irrespective of concurrency effects).
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \}
......@@ -154,8 +183,12 @@ class WaitFreeArrayValuePool {
* by it. However, usually one wants to guarantee a minimal capacity. The
* count of elements, that must be given to the pool when to guarantee \c
* capacity elements is computed using this function.
* \return count of indices the pool has to be initialized with
static size_t GetMinimumElementCountForGuaranteedCapacity(size_t capacity);
static size_t GetMinimumElementCountForGuaranteedCapacity(
size_t capacity
/**< [IN] count of indices that shall be guaranteed */);
* Destructs the pool.
......@@ -183,7 +216,7 @@ class WaitFreeArrayValuePool {
* Returns an element to the pool.
* \note The element must have been allocated with Allocate().
* \waitfree
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